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After some extraordinary weather in recent weeks, it is a real boost to our mental and physical health to be able to look forward to enjoying some warm sunshine, the blossom blooming and the trees sprouting fresh and vibrant leaves.

Add to this the longer days and we find our mood and mental health is given what can only be described as a welcome tonic.

This got me thinking and realising that we all need activities or pastimes that simply relax and boost our mood, something that absorbs us so that we don’t think about anything else. Exercise is of course right up at the top of the list to help boost our mental health and the key is to find something we love doing.

It was ice-skating that did it for me. When I went for my lessons, I became utterly captivated by the sheer joy of gliding on the ice with my skating partner Mark Hanretty and being able to learn a new skill. I realised that it was only during my skating session that I totally switched off from the world. Nothing else mattered except concentrating on what I was doing. Each lesson was a tonic to my mental and physical health.

After hours of practice, it was in June 2019 that we recorded the routine that we had been working on for months. It was immensely satisfying to see the finished performance on video. Of course, lockdown came along and sadly we had to stop. I never went back on the ice as, by the time the restrictions were lifted and Mark and I were both available to skate together again, I had enjoyed three more birthdays. I realised I had reached an age where I was actually scared of hurting myself – something that hadn’t even occurred to me previously.

It is good for us to challenge ourselves and I was inspired to watch a feature on BBC Breakfast recently when a group of folks of all ages thoroughly enjoyed ‘wild’ swimming. They swam in rivers, lakes or the sea – and for many of them, they continued to swim throughout the year in all weathers! Good for them, I thought, and as one swimmer explained, ‘It’s like turning a computer off and back on again. It restarts you’. Another said ‘I feel refreshed and renewed, mentally and physically’.

Clinical trials were undertaken to test whether such extreme activities could improve our wellness. The evidence proved that such challenges do help to make us more alert and able to concentrate. Apparently, it helps us to make better decisions. And the great advantage to our stress levels is that while we are doing such activities, we are not worrying about anything else.

I know Mary took up piano lessons in her 60s and has excelled in her skill as a pianist. (Mary is much too modest to explain how good she is, having mastered her Grades to the delight of her teacher). Hopefully, she will tell you how she feels when playing such a wonderful instrument.

My early morning walk is my special time to relax and refresh my brain in readiness for the day ahead and I do this by embracing nature, particularly at this time of the year. And whilst sitting at my desk each day I can easily become distracted by the birds in our garden. It all started when a few years ago, I bought Mike (my hubby) a bird table for his birthday and it has proved to be the most enjoyable present I have ever given him. I love it too as it stands in my eye line as I look out of my office window as I write this Newsletter each week. When I pause to ponder my next sentence, I marvel at their interaction with each other and their different characters. We live in the countryside with a wood nearby and the array of our feathered friends is extraordinary. Woodpeckers, dozens of bluetits and sparrows, blackbirds, robins and a few pigeons, to name just a few that are there every day. Mike has to buy bird food in industrial-size bags to keep up with the demand!

One day I noticed a female blackbird who moved slightly differently from the other birds. Tenacious and active, she fed herself with great gusto but then I was shocked to see that she only had one leg! I couldn’t believe it so I took a picture. Amazingly, she manages to balance as she picks up the stray bits of nuts, seeds and fat-balls dropped by the other birds who feed from our squirrel-proof feeders.  She provides a mesmerising sight of determination and survival. I guess we can all learn from her example.

Spring is, without doubt, my favourite time of the year as I love to see and hear nature come to life. It also presents us with a wonderful time to spring-clean our life whether it be by having a wardrobe clear-out or a garden tidy-up. Buying bedding plants or boosting our health and fitness habits – it makes us feel better. No question.

So, this week, let’s make a list of the jobs/areas of our life that need a spring clean. Then number them in order of priority. It’s a good idea to do a small task first, maybe clear out the fridge or freezer. Once we have completed the first one and ticked it off, it will boost our motivation to continue. When we have done them all we will be ready to conquer the world! Clearing through and tidying stuff and then cleaning up afterwards is one of the greatest feelings and gives us a real boost to our mental health as we feel more in control and much happier. So, what’s stopping us?

Click here to see these and other videos on Mental Health

This week we have been giving the website a slight reshuffle. We have created a brand new Weight Loss section so if you are looking for advice on slimming and weight loss we’ve brought together all the information from across the website into one place.

We've also improved the Health section with a new Introduction page listing all the topics and separating out and extending the items that were previously on the "Embarrassing Medical Issues" page.

We hope these changes make it easier to find your way around and, as always, if there is a topic you would like us to feature that we haven't covered, please let us know. 

Recipe of the Week

This recipe was introduced to me by Mary Morris and has become a firm favourite. This highly nutritious soup combines the flavours of sweet potatoes and fresh ginger to warm you up on any chilly day. Because sweet potatoes have a low glycaemic index rating, this soup will keep you feeling fuller for even longer. Ideal for a lunch or as a starter if entertaining.  Suitable for freezing.

Serves 4
Per serving 187 calories, 1g fat
Prep time 10 minutes
Cook time 30 minutes

1 very large or 2 medium sweet potatoes, peeled and chopped
2 large carrots, well washed (or peeled if necessary), chopped
1 large or 2 medium onions, peeled and chopped
5cm or 2in piece of ginger root, peeled or 1 tablespoon Easy Ginger, drained.
500ml vegetable stock using leftover water from cooking vegetables
1 vegetable stock pot.
Rapeseed oil Frylight spray
Freshly ground black pepper

  1. Take a large pan and spray with Frylight rapeseed oil and dry-fry the chopped onion until soft.
  2. Add the stock, the vegetable stock pot and the chopped sweet potatoes and carrots and bring to the boil. Simmer for 20 minutes.
  3. Peel the ginger root if using and grate, or chop in a food processor. When the vegetables are half cooked, add the ginger to the pan and season well with freshly ground black pepper.
  4. When the vegetables are cooked, place in a liquidiser and process until smooth. If too thick, add more stock.
  5. Serve immediately in warmed bowls.
If using a soup-maker, allow enough time for the vegetables to cook thoroughly before liquidising.
For more recipes click here to visit the website

Fun, Facts & Fitness from Mary Morris MSc.

In my opinion, the current focus on our mental health has to be a good thing. Particularly so since Covid and more specifically in relation to our young people and to those men who have historically found it difficult to talk about their emotional well-being.

Occasionally, it feels like it may have gone a bit too far as the media constantly features instances and cases of folks who are suffering mentally. But these things have a habit of finding a middle ground over time and if improved communication and better support is being made available for those struggling, and removing the stigma, then it all has to be very worthwhile.

Let’s be honest, most of us have suffered an emotionally difficult time at some point in our lives which has had an impact on our mental health. Learning more, understanding and empathising with others, surely has to be a good thing for us all.

As I lead such a physical life my go-to for creating calm and releasing tension is playing the piano.  I love the challenge of learning a new piece as it is totally absorbing and, like Rosemary with her ice skating, absolutely nothing else fills my head to distract me. I really loved the recent television programme The Piano. The reality programme on Channel 4 saw Claudia Winkleman inviting talented amateurs to perform on pianos at four UK train stations. The amazing pianists, many with good reason to suffer mental health issues, were transformed by the experience. Danny particularly won my heart because he had had so much to contend with from a very young age and found the piano to be his saviour. I totally get that. The series culminated in a final concert at the Festival Hall which was remarkable and well worth a watch.

So, I do hope that if you are someone who particularly struggles with your mental health that you too find a distraction that works for you. As always it is how you deal with difficult situations that ultimately gets you through and finding what works for you can be a bit of a challenge, but is totally possible if you set out to find one.

There is more and more research coming out that clearly promotes the benefit of exercise as a way of coping with mental health issues, particularly when you exercise with others, ideally of a similar age and who have similar life experiences.  The ‘chatting together’ part of a group and exercising together is much better than medication to my mind and is strongly associated with better mental health. Of course, it goes way beyond boosting our mental health as physically we are doing wonders for our body too! A stronger heart, firm and toned muscles and an overall feeling of wellness. That’s why psychiatrists often prescribe exercise instead of anti-depressants for many of their patients.

That ‘wellness feeling’ comes from the release of endorphins, those 'feel good' hormones that are naturally activated when we do aerobic exercise - particularly serotonin, known to reduce depression, stress and anxiety.  How do we achieve this? By getting slightly out of breath - so that good brisk walk that we recommend every single day is perfect. Also, when we are exercising, we are less likely to be focussed on negative and troublesome thoughts and it helps to boost that wonderful feeling of increased self-esteem too. It really is all good news!

A 2018 study in The Lancet found that exercising for 30 - 60 minutes a day was associated with fewer poor mental health days each month compared with those who were sedentary.  But for those who find 30 minutes of continuous exercise daunting, the study also revealed that 10 - 15 minutes of simply being 'on the move' also showed benefits to mental well-being. 

A good quote I read recently that fits the bill perfectly was... 'every single time you exercise, it's like giving your brain a bubble bath of mood-enhancing neurochemicals'. What a lovely thought!

A few tips to take away...

  • Stress is a fact of life but you can determine how you deal with it. Use slow and controlled breathing techniques to help you. Breathe in for 4 beats through your nose... hold your breath for 6 beats... and breathe out slowly through your mouth for 8 beats.  You will feel how it releases muscle tension, particularly the last 4 beats of the out-breath.
  • Try to find a social group with similar interests who you meet with on a regular basis.
  • Look for a group fitness class at a level appropriate for your age and ability. Most community halls have a regular schedule or consider joining a gym as many have a wide variety of classes from which to choose. Look online to find a fitness class near you.
  • Plan your day ahead and then follow it through. Make sure there is plenty of 'moving around' in there. There is such a feeling of satisfaction when you have covered it all!
Finally, when you go outside try to focus on all that is around you. This is a very beautiful time of year as the new shoots start to come through and Spring truly arrives. If you are fortunate enough to live where there are trees and flowers around, it is so good for our physical and mental health to pause occasionally, relax and just admire them.  It makes us feel glad to be alive - I know I certainly am!

This Week's Fitness Challenge

  1. Take your 30+ minute daily walk. Try to take your walk in an environment that helps you relax and relieve any tension you may be holding inside.
  2. Take at least one long walk at a relaxed pace this week in a local beauty spot and marvel at nature.
  3. Put on some of your favourite lively music and dance around the house to it. It really works to lift the spirits and you are moving!  Alternatively, workout to one of our videos - whether it be Pilates or Ballet or Balance as they require full concentration and with no time to be concerned about anything else!
  4. Try the Advanced Whole Body Strength Programme if you are feeling up for it!  Throughout the week try to achieve three strength workouts - all of the above count or you can find others on our Strength & Toning Exercises page.
Did you know... 

A mental illness or mental health disorder is defined by the NHS as an illness that affects the way people think, feel, behave, or interact with others. There are many types of mental illnesses/ health disorders with different signs and symptoms.

  • Anxiety disorders, including panic disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and phobias.
  • Depression, bipolar disorder, and other mood disorders.
  • Eating disorders.
  • Personality disorders.
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder.
  • Psychotic disorders, including schizophrenia.
Treatments can vary widely from something as simple as taking a walk in the countryside or going to a gym to relieve a mild case of stress to needing to seek professional help.

Further information and advice can be found at

And finally...

Allowing ourselves time to relax and switch off is a fundamental part of managing our mental health and isn’t it interesting that eating healthily and exercising regularly also play such a vital part of the jigsaw of life? If we get it right, hopefully, we can live longer, live healthier and live happier.

Have a great week

With love and best wishes,

Rosemary Conley CBE DL


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