Hello Master <<First Name>>,
"I'll never be successful"
I hear from people on one side.
"I'm not one of those hard workers, dedicated persistent discipline people...
I can't give up on my freedom and flexibility.
maybe I'm spoiled, but I love it too much.
Can't suffer and sacrifice for success."
"I'm exhausted. I'm stressed. I feel trapped.
I'm far from myself, not sure anymore what I really want.
But this wasn't my dream"
I hear from the other side,
from those who look fortunate and successful,
dedicated discipline and high achievers.
"Running on this endless demanding hamster wheel...
but I have to do it, no choice.
I must hold on there because the expectations are going higher all the time.
And if I don't deliver - I'm out of the game.
I'm giving everything but it's hardly appreciated, mostly not reciprocated.
Always this feeling of never good enough
that I should try harder and do better."
Does any of them sound like you?
Both sound tough, for sure.

And there is no guarantee

of reaching success even with all the effort.
and life is short,
and what is even success??
Image by Michal Jarmoluk

Ok, maybe let's see what is even success.
I see success as -
walking the soulful path.
No no, this is not what you think! -
Not just a spiritual woo woo. It's absolutely practical.
There is no certain summit to reach to -
because if there is, then what will come next once it's achieved?
While the sky is infinite,
and you are omnipotent.

So you leave behind

the pursuit of validation, comparison and show,
the fear of judgement and criticism, social standards.
And do what you do from passion and desire,
synchronized with your heart and wants,
know that best results come from peace and lightness.
You conduct your day and duties calm and certain,
in accordance with your natural pace and flow.
Keep centered and present,
and focus on your own job, execution and creation.
It's the entire journey of
being aligned and devoted,
of shedding limitations and shining more and more of your divine light
that bestows the world with your unique individual contribution -
with positive inspiration, improvement, healing and bliss
of any kind.
On this path,
fulfillment and abundance are coming together.
Grace and wealth, happiness and sustainability.
You are one with the universe and its ultimate connection,
so manifestations are seamless,
and the world is effortless and enjoyable.
This is where the magic happens.
And this conscious choiceful walk
of ease and pleasure
that bring delightful prosperity and thriving,

is success.

How far are you from this reality? What do you need to close the gap?
Peace and freedom,
make wonderful magic,

Step Into Your Powers  -
Finally make the breakthrough into yourself and the life you really want

A comprehensive 4 months of deep personal work
to uncover and connect to your real self and powers
and start to create your dream reality
  • Reveal patterns, dissolve blockages
  • Gain deep self understanding, alignment, certainty and confidence
  • Connect to your inner wisdom, qualities and superpowers
  • Learn how to use your uniqueness to create peaceful harmony, cooperation and fulfillment
  • Shift into the best version of yourself, your environment and your life
Check it here Step Into Your Powers

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