
Articles to Guide you

Sometimes you are not actually ill, you just are in need of a chakra balancing

By Fiona van Rensburg (Portal of Alchemy)

A client came to me thinking that she was ill, but that was mistakenly thinking, she actually just needed me to balance her chakra’s for her. To protect her identity for this exercise I’ll call her Sue. Sue came to see me for the first time a few years ago complaining of having an uneasy feeling in her tummy, she was thinking it must be tummy ulcers and problems with her gall bladder as what the Dr’s explained. She had been in and out of hospitals for a number of years, been to many doctors and nothing seemed to help. Then on one of her Doctor visits with a new Doctor who reviewed her file, looked at her and said, I see none of this meds are helping you, maybe you should go see Fiona of the Portal of Alchemy, I follow her on Facebook and I believe she can help.

She phoned and made the appointment to come see me. With constantly being ill she had come to wonder “where’s God in all this” does He not hear her prayers to be healed and to feel better. “Why me? What have I done to deserve this?” Having had to face “the dark night of the soul”, feeling so alone and helpless as nothing seem to work or make her feel better, even thinking death would be a welcome relief.

After the consultation I proceeded with her first chakra balancing session. Her feedback afterwards was that she felt amazing. She could sleep much better than before, a deep sleep and she managed to eat food that she haven’t eaten for years with no attack in tummy, no pain.

She went through a major transformation and got so excited when someone phoned from out of the blue having looked at her CV and asked her to come for a job interview. Telling me that it’s a miracle after so many years of nothing. She told me with a sparkle in her eyes that she even started to receive compliments from strangers and became more conscious and aware of the divine synchronicities that takes place in her life. She’s been eating more and needing less medication.

So what actually happened ? It was a traumatic event that took place a number of years back that threw her off her path, made her feel bad about herself and she just couldn’t stomach what happened and that uneasy feeling didn’t want to go away in her Solar Plexus centre. The centre above her navel below her ribcage. The emotions made her feel ill, and it just didn’t want to go away. In the session with me I helped her release all the negative emotions, to claim back her personal power and feel better about herself. She then was vibrating at a higher frequency and attracted opportunities and complements because she was giving off feelings of self-acceptance and self-love, and the outside world being her mirror of what she felt inside was positive, because she shifted to a positive outlook.

Other illnesses that I have helped clients with was high blood pressure, arthritis, lupus, lameness in legs, cysts, throat issues, to name but just a few.

We need to be the change we seeking in our lives. That is what I help people with. Shift and transform to reach their highest potentials.

So let me explain to you the relation between your chakra’s and good health…

Let’s start off by looking into what chakras are. A chakra is an energy centre in the body, that spins in a cone like fashion either counter-clockwise when it is giving out energy or clockwise when it is receiving energy or not spinning at all when it is blocked. What you want to try and avoid is a chakra being blocked for extended periods of time, because then your body cannot receive the vital life force energy that is needed to maintain the organs, which it is connected to, for optimum health and wellbeing.

The question then is what blocks a chakra, and the answer is one of the major contributors is stress as well as harbouring negative emotions. This causes physical illness and dis-ease in the body. Your emotions play a major part in your optimal wellbeing. When you hold on to negative emotions it drags you down, you recognise it by feeling heavy and you end up become depressed with low energy. When you release the negative emotions and replace it with positive emotions it is lighter and you have energy, are more inspired and naturally more happy and content.

You have a physical body with subtle bodies around you which are your emotional-, mental- and spiritual bodies. They form part of our Aura or morphogenetic field around you. A chakra spins through your physical and subtle bodies. So when you hold on to negative experiences/emotions/beliefs in your mental body it filters through to your emotional body and then blocks up that area in your physical body. The negative emotions are toxic in your body. It’s important to release and let go of the toxic emotions to improve your own wellbeing.

Please note that you have hundreds of chakra’s, but today I will talk about the 7 major chakra’s.

The 1st chakra is your base or root chakra, it is located at the base of your spine. A chakra spins in front of your body as well as at the back of your body. Your base chakra is the one you connect to Mother Earth with, your grounding cord. It’s your root chakra which holds all issues related to your roots, your upbringing and your family. When we feel grounded, safe and secure, with a sense of belonging then the base chakra would be open and spinning. The negative emotions that block your base chakra are anger and fear. So stress, strain, anger, fear and anxiety blocks the flow of energy to your base chakra.

The 2nd chakra is your sacral chakra, located 2 inches below your navel. This centre governs your emotions, sensuality and sexuality and finances. It’s also your creative centre, because females give birth/ creates life from this centre. When you are emotional intelligent and at peace with our own sexuality and financially secure this chakra is spinning and you have a healthy reproductive system. It’s when there was either sexual abuse or where a spouse has made you feel not good enough as a wife or husband with having affairs for instance that you then develop problems in this particular area. In females case it can show up as thrush, bad period pains and heavy bleeding, cysts or as severe as having to undergo a hysterectomy. Being financially unsupported is usually the root cause for lower back pains, especially if you have to carry the load/financial burdens all by yourself. Guilt and rejection are the major emotions that causes the sacral chakra to block. Where you tend to feel isolated, alone, depressed and not good enough.

The 3rd chakra is your solar plexus chakra, located 2 inches above your navel. This is your power centre. You’ll either feel powerful or powerless in this centre. When you stand in your power with no judgement, no condemnation and no expectation the chakra is spinning. Completely accepting of yourselves. The emotions that block the solar plexus are shame, being shamed, feeling not enough, having low self-worth, low self-esteem and poor self-image. It shows up in the body either by feeling tightness or a hollow feeling in that area of the body. Symptoms of that chakra not working properly are IBS or digestive problems. Usually because you cannot stomach what has happened to you, inability to make peace.

The 4th chakra is your heart chakra, located in the centre of your chest. This chakra is one of our most important chakra’s. It is from this chakra which you should operate from in this Golden Age you are living in. It is a very important chakra to have open and spinning. When it is open and spinning you’ll have empathy and compassion and it’s easy for you to love unconditionally. The emotions that block this chakra are unexpressed grief and sadness, unforgiveness and hopelessness. This chakra is most affected by unexpected death of a loved one be it a family member, pet or someone very close to your heart, or even by them leaving you through divorce, a breakup, being betrayed and so forth. Some situations are just so painful for some people to experience, and not ever being taught on how to release the heartache and pain they tend to close off their heart charkra all together in order not to feel the hurt again, but in so doing also don’t feel love again. Most heart and lung conditions are as a result of this.

The 5th chakra is our throat chakra, located at the base of our neck and it governs communication. When you hear and speak the truth, have the ability to put your feelings into words, say what you mean and mean what we say, your throat chakra would be open and spinning. When you get told lies upon lies upon lies, it doesn’t sit nice in our throat and we have difficulty swallowing, or get a lump in our throat. Adversely if there is something that you need to say to someone but are afraid to, then you develop an itchy/scratchy feeling in the throat and tend to cough more than before, because the words sits there and needs to be expressed. People pleasers have throat chakra issues. The emotions that block your throat chakra are lies and fear of speaking your truth.

The 6th chakra is our third eye, located on your forehead between your eyes. When your third eye is open and spinning you are more intuitive, creative, and dream a lot. Veils of illusion and depression as well as not trusting yourselves, especially your own intuition closes the third eye.

And the 7th chakra is our crown chakra, located on top of your head where you connect to our higher light, and Source/God. Our prayers get sent through our crown chakra to above. This is mostly always open. Because when things become difficult for us we tend to start closing off our chakras from the bottom upwards and this would be the last chakra to close down before returning ‘home’. In very rare cases have I ever seen this chakra closed, mostly linked to anger towards the Creator for a lousy life or losing a child due to illness and death, a complete loss of faith and trust.

You have chakra’s in our hands and feet as well as above you and below you.

90% of health issues are caused by negative emotions held caused by trauma, abuse, neglect, fear, betrayal, lies, anger, and grief because of loss.

I am an international intuitive empath emotional energy healer.

Intuitive – I follow my intuition in what a client needs/what the blocks are and how to release them.

Empath – I feel what the client feels, even if they try to suppress it and then I help them release it.

Emotional Energy Healer – I understand emotions/energy, clearing it and working with it, using whatever means I get guided to, be it through sound therapy, crystal therapy, Reiki, Applied Energy healing, Divine Guidance, Emotional Release Technique/tapping technique.

What makes my work effective is that I work towards getting to the root cause emotions. Those are the emotions that causes us to trip up/change and have not so nice experiences. I then help heal the root cause emotions, in order for the client to feel better and have better experiences. Because when it is revealed, understood and released it is healed.

Your body is very wise and tells you when there is a dis-ease. It’s for you to start listening and not ignoring it or just live with it because you think that’s just the way you are, until life gives you a wake-up call. I do a chakra scan before and afterwards to see the progress made. And each client gets to shift and feel much lighter and better afterwards.

Mostly people ask me how often they should have a balancing and it depends from person to person and the stress levels you deal with on a daily basis. People in more stressful jobs or who are very emotionally sensitive should have a clearing and balancing at least once a month. Others as and when they feel out of sorts or not themselves. The more you become in-tune with your body, the more you become aware of what it is that you need, attend to it straight away. That way avoiding any delay to your inner peace and happiness and ultimate wellbeing.

Chakra Balancings are just one of many tools I have in my healer toolbox, that I use in my Alchemy Healing Sessions. And that is why my sessions are 2 hours, as I like to do a thorough job.

Love and light

Fiona van Rensburg

Emotional Healer, Transformational Coach, Intuitive Empath Energy Healer and Metaphysical Teacher

Fiona LIVE on WLC: Chakra imbalances effects on your health

This was a LIVE talk done on the Chakra imbalances effects on your health

I’m based in Pinetown, Durban, KZN for in-person sessions Google Maps link:

Individual sessions on offer:

* Quantum Conversations & Spiritual Guidance

* Couple's Spiritual Counselling

* Alchemy Healing

* Chakra balancings / Reiki

* Past life regression healing

* Hypnotherapy and journey work

* Spiritual Development Program

Group work on offer:

* Monthly On-line Portal date

Meditations via Zoom 1/1 ;2/2; 3/3; 4/4; 5/5; 6/6; 7/7; 8/8; 9/9; 10/10; 11/11; 12/12

Can pay-as-you-go or become a member and receive a powerful meditation activation on a monthly basis. R2,200 p/a or R220 pm

For enquiries



Fiona van Rensburg

#internationalintuitiveempathenergyhealer #spirituallifecoachandadvisor

#transformerofpeopleslives #alchemist #starseed #wayshower

”Energetically helping you release unwanted emotions, so you can live a joyful and fulfilled life"

"Heal your past, live in the NOW and dream your future "

"When you change the way you look at things the things you look at changes" Wayne Dyer

Kindly forward to anyone whom you think can benefit by what I have to offer.

Thanking you in advance

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Client testimonials

Over the years I've helped so many clients, here are some of just a few of the comments my clients had to say.

Visit my website for more information, my services and more testimonials or WhatsApp me on 082 788 1413 for more information or make your booking