
On today's El Boletin: 

🗞Honduran President Xiomara Castro legalizes the free use and commercial distribution of Plan B 

🗞️Tax reform project creates tension between Xiomara Castro's government and Honduras' private sector. 

🚌 The other side of migration: A report from UNICEF estimates an increase in children crossing the Darien Gap.

🏆 In other news: Our Editor-in-Chief, Jennifer Avila, awarded the Gabo Foundations' Award for Excellence 2023 🥳

🎥In other news: Product of the Honduran Diaspora: Alejandra Quiroz's short film, Searching...
Photo: Martin Calix

#8M: President Xiomara Castro legalizes Plan B

On March 8, thousands of Honduran women took to the streets to commemorate 8M and demand a change in Honduras. President Xiomara Castro ended the day by signing an executive decree decriminalizing the use and commercial distribution of the Emergency Contraceptive Pill also known as the morning-after pill or plan B. 

The pill also known in Honduras as PAE (Pastilla Anticonceptiva de Emergencia) was banned back in 2009 right after the coup. The argument surrounding the prohibition of the PAE was initiated after multiple elected officials, including the Health minister, claimed that the PAE was an abortion pill. The bill had previously been introduced but President Manuel Zelaya Rosales vetoed it for going against international health guidelines. However, following the 2009 coup, Congress re-introduced the bill and the PAE was officially banned for free and commercial use. 

The pill was banned for 13 years, and Honduras became the only country in Latin America to ban its use. The PAE is not an abortion pill as it only delays the ovulation cycle to prevent fertilization. Thus, the World Health Organization recommends the implementation of Plan B in family planning services, especially among communities with higher chances of having sex without protection. 

The legalization of the PAE was one of Xiomara Castro’s campaign promises and one of the main goals of feminist groups in the country. Feminist leaders have expressed their content but have made it clear that is just a small step in the fight for equal protection and opportunities for Honduran women.

🌎 Read here to learn more about the three gifts that Xiomara Castro still owes Honduran women

Photo: Fernando Destephen

Tax Reform creates tension between the government and Honduras' private sector 

On March 8, government officials met with representatives of Honduras’ private sector to discuss a tax reform project known as the Tax Fairness Act. The bill would eliminate 10 of the 18 tax exemptions in the Honduran revenue code and would increase efforts to prevent tax evasion. 

The Honduran Council of Private Businesses (COHEP) stated that the bill would drastically impact private investment in the country. But, the Castro administration claims that these changes are necessary in order to prevent Honduras from becoming a “Tax Haven”. 

According to the Castro Administration, the state has lost 60 billion Lempiras  (2 billion USD) in just 2022 from tax exemptions and evasion. In 12 years, it is estimated that Honduras has lost 451 billion Lempiras (18 billion USD) from tax exemptions given to large corporations. 

The administration has launched a public campaign to promote the tax reform project and members of Xiomara Castro’s cabinet have appeared in multiple news outlets explaining its goal. In an interview with the minister of communication, Marlon Ochoa, claimed that the “tax structure inherited from 12 years of governments at the service of the elites is a living memory of dispossession.” The administration is promoting the project as a systematic change that would “reverse Honduras’ privilege system”. 

In the meeting between the government and the private sector, the private sector completely rejected the content of the project. Representatives of the private sector called the reform project “dangerous" and expressed their discontent with the approach of the government. 

In a press conference, the director of COHEP, Armando Urtecho, explained that the Honduran people should be “serious and responsible when considering a tax fairness act that has nothing to do with fairness.” He explained that the approach of the government comes from an ideological standpoint and with a satirical tone called on the government to simply ban private investment. “It would be easier to issue a decree that simply says ‘prohibits private investment in Honduras… just like Nicaragua did” explained Urtecho. 

Members of the private sector also pointed out that tax reform would not help much if there is corruption and mismanagement of funds. The president of COHEP, Mateo Yibrin explained that the private has insisted on the establishment of the International Commission Against Corruption and Impunity in Honduras (CICIH) in order to secure the proper usage of funds. “We are not going to give the government more money, with the argument that we are eliminating injustice, so they can continue wasting it” explained Yibrin. 

In response, the government officials pointed out that the government has not had any accusations of corruption so far and is currently working hard to establish the CICIH.

The debate surrounding Honduras’ tax reform project is currently centered on investment, corruption, and the national budget. 

Economist Rafael Delgado explained that there is a “terrible problem” with the concept of foreign investment in Central America and it would be a mistake to focus solemnly on the impact that tax reform would have on the private sector. Delgado made it clear that tax exemptions do not always reflect better job opportunities and economic growth since companies tend to find ways to limit their economic contribution in the area.

🌎 Read here to learn more about President Xiomara Castro's tax reform proposal (In Spanish) 

The Other Side Of Migration

🚌 UNICEF reported that the number of children crossing the Darien Gap, in Panama could be seven times higher in 2023. An emergency protection specialist at UNICEF claimed that by the end of 2023, more than 300,000 migrants are set to have crossed the jungle, over 60,000 of which could be minors.

🚌 Attempted mass crossing at the border. Last week a number of Venezuelan migrants stormed the El Paso border entry point. The group of migrants tore down concrete barriers and wire to pass to the other side of the border but were stopped by Customs and Border Patrol officers. In the crowd adults with children could be heard chanting “let us in”. The incident left thousands of merchants and regular travelers stranded in both Juarez, Mexico, and El Paso, United States. 

🚌 Stay tuned for the next episode, The Cracks in the System, of our migration podcast, Migration Matters! 

Central America News Roundup 🌎

🇬🇹Guatemala- The prosecutor that took Former Guatemalan dictator Efrain Rios Montt to trial for genocide, Orlando Salvador Lopez, has been arrested for “illegal acts”. According to authorities, Lopez practiced private law while he served for the justice department, something not allowed in Guatemala. Members of the Guatemalan far right have celebrated the arrest, while human rights advocates are alarmed due to the growing prosecution of former anti-corruption figures. 

🇸🇻El Salvador- This past Wednesday, El Salvador moved 2,000 prisoners into his new mega-prison. The prison is supposedly capable of holding 40,000 prisoners and is being referred to as the largest in America. 

🇳🇮Nicaragua- President Ortega suspends diplomatic relations with Vatican City. This came after the President  expelled  multiple religious congregations out of the country and sentenced a priest to 26 years in prison for spreading disinformation and attempting against the state. In an interview for an Argentinian news outlet, Pope Francis described Ortega as an “imbalanced person” and said that Nicaragua is under an “aggressive dictatorship”.

🇧🇿Belize- Last week, the Belizean government removed the pink tax after the efforts of activist Seidi Quetzal’s campaign “Don’t Tax My Femininity”. Prime Minister John Briceño announced that all taxes on sanitary products will be officially removed by April 1, 2023.

🇨🇷Costa Rica- Costa Rican lawmakers have proposed a bill to protect environmental activists and human rights defenders. In the proposed law, people who intimidate or retaliate against these groups will face up to three to five years of prison. 

🇵🇦Panama- Earlier this month, the Panamanian Supreme Court upheld the ban on same-sex marriage. The court rejected the argument that a ban on same-sex marriage was unconstitutional based on the language of Article 26 of Panama’s Family Code. Lawyers and advocates have expressed plans to take the argument to the Inter-American Court of Human Rights.

🇲🇽Mexico - On March 5, Mexican authorities found an abandoned truck with 340 migrants inside in Veracruz, Mexico. Officials reported that the migrants were from Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, and Ecuador. Out of the 340, 103 were unaccompanied children. 

Interested in receiving weekly news about Central America- Check out CentralAmericaNews 

Photo: @Nayibukele Twitter | A tweet from President Nayib Bukele reporting on the translation of 2000 prisoners to a new prison facility that he calls 'the most criticized of the world".  
In other news..

The Gabo Foundation's Award for Excellence 2023 🏆🎉

Our Co-founder and Editor-in-Chief, Jennifer Avila, will receive the Gabo Foundation’s Award for Excellence in 2023. She is the first Honduran to receive this international recognition since 2013. “This recognition gives the strength to continue in all of this, it is a moment of joy and of feeling part of something bigger, a movement for countries to be more democratic,” said Jennifer.

The Gabo Foundation awards journalists in Latin America for their excellence, character, and work. Gabo Foundation emerged with a vision to recognize the efforts of Latin American journalism and continue the legacy of Gabriel Garcia Marquez. 

🌎 Check out the official announcement from Los Premios Gabo here

Searching... A Flim by Alejandra Quiroz 🎥🇭🇳

Alejandra Quiroz is a Filmmaker, Photographer, Host, and Founder of the "Central American Voices Podcast." Born in Tegucigalpa, Honduras, and moved to Los Angeles, California at 14, she graduated from Cal State Northridge with a B.A in Cinema and Television Arts and Central American Studies. Alejandra's work centers around the Central American Diaspora, representation, and inclusion within Media.

This Thursday, March 23, Alejandra Quiroz brings her skills to the screen by showcasing her short film Searching... The film centers on the memories of Sonia, a Honduran migrant living in Los Angeles and it guarantees to make one think about the passage of time and the everyday sacrifices that many migrants make. 

🌎 Check out more about Searching... here

😁 Interested in learning more about the Central American Diaspora experience? Check out the Central American Voices Podcast here

Message from the editor!

Thank you for tuning in and see you all next time! Don't forget to share the newsletter and support independent journalism!! 

Saludos ,

Jorge Paz Reyes 

English Content Editor

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