
Reminder: Deadlines are Approaching for CDMRP

Depending on the funding mechanism, pre-application deadlines range from March 29 to April 19. Winning pre-applications will be invited to submit full proposals.

Overview of the Funding Opportunity

The PRMRP staff prepared a Glitz Fact Sheet that is a great resource to review FY2023 funding mechanisms, topic areas, and deadlines for submission.

PRMRP Glitz Fact Sheet

Thank you for your interest in applying to the FY2023 Peer Reviewed Medical Research Program (PRMRP) at the Congressionally Directed Medical Research Program (CDMRP). During the CDMRP webinar, we discussed the importance of explaining how your research is relevant to military personnel. Please visit the links below to watch the webinar recording and review resources to help identify military relevance in your research.

Watch Webinar Recording
Review Dr. Dupecher’s Presentation Slides

Resources to Identify Military Relevance

Click below for information on The PACT Act that lists what are now presumptive conditions related to the burn pits of Afghanistan and Iraq, Agent Orange, and other toxic substances. You can use the connection between these diseases, lymphatic diseases (LD), and lymphedema (LE) to make your case for why your research is relevant to this program.

The PACT Act

In the CDMRP Breast Cancer Research Program Booklet below, you will only find LE mentioned once and not in terms of any ongoing research. Since up to 30% of breast cancer survivors develop LE, it is potentially another area of interest for PRMRP grants.

CDMRP Breast Cancer Research Program

The following list of research gaps was provided to PRMRP, emphasizing the most urgent need(s) in patient care for LDs.

Gaps in the Field of Lymphatic Research


  • In FY2023, PRMRP is funded with $370M.

  • To be eligible for research funding, diseases must be approved by Congress.

  • For the first time, LE and LDs are eligible for research funding.

  • In FY2023, there are 50 diseases listed as eligible for research funding.

  • There is no set amount allocated to each disease. The best proposals are funded.

  • The PRMRP is committed to supporting research that has the potential to profoundly impact the development and implementation of medical devices, drugs, and clinical guidance that will enhance the precision and efficacy of prevention, diagnosis, and treatment across a wide range of disciplines.

  • Funding is available to all researchers and labs internationally.

  • The program supports research across the full range of science and medicine, with an underlying goal of enhancing the health, care, and well-being of military service members, veterans, retirees, and their family members.

  • Funding extends to research that affects military personnel, veterans, their families, and the public. However, a case must be made for how your research impacts military personnel.

  • CDMRP recruits review committees that are experts in each area receiving significant proposals.

  • A researcher can apply to be on the grant review committees if they are not submitting a grant proposal.

  • If the LE and LD research community does not robustly respond to this request for proposals, either or both categories may be stripped from the list in future years.

I look forward to our research community taking full advantage of this first-ever opportunity for funding under the PRMRP.


William Repicci
President & CEO