
Spring Equinox

Happy Spring Equinox!

The special time that rolls around twice a year: in the spring and in the fall. It seems like a perfect metaphor for where so many of us find ourselves  right now: poised in that place of balance where, north and south, the length of the days and nights are exactly the same. Ready to use the strength gained by adversity to move forward!

In this spirit I wanted to let you know that I will be at this years Spring OOAK Show in Toronto next week. First time back since 2019! I can’t tell you how much I am looking forward to reconnecting with everyone again.

So if you’re in the area, please feel free to stop by and say hi. It would be really wonderful to see you and catch up. 

I have spent some time recently exploring and expanding my Landscape Ring Collections. I love the way that these rings speak of place, and of our connections to it. This is especially true of the Canadian Landscape ring.

It features the landscapes of Canada from coast to coast (fortunately there is an ocean on both sides of the continent!) You can start out looking at Vancouver Island and as you spin the ring around you pass through the Rockies, Prairies, the forests of central Canada and end up back by the ocean in the Maritimes. To celebrate the beauty of Canada’s north, the wavy contour adds an element reminiscent of the Northern lights.

Continuing in the spirit and theme of renewal, perhaps you may have some jewellery pieces or stones that you are not wearing: Now could be the time to think about transforming them into something new.

It is always an honour and a privilege to bring new life to sentimental pieces. Out of the storage box and into the light! Please feel free to ask if you have any questions. I’m always happy to help.


Upcoming Shows

Spring 2023
OOAK Spring Show

March 29- April 2
Toronto, ON

Booth #L-21

Featured Piece

Tundra Ring

14K Rose and Yellow Gold and Diamond Tundra Ring

To View the Complete Landscape Ring Collection
Click Here
Artist Statement

The reward is in the act of observing. Stone colours, textures, the shape of leaves, the ebb and flow of the sea, the changing seasons - all of these things continue to inspire my work. A gesture of thanks and appreciation.

At first it was a technical challenge - to really learn to see the natural world and to develop techniques to capture a sense of it in metal. But as time has passed I am now realizing another purpose: Connection. People connecting to place, places connecting to each other and our shared connection to the world around us.

Almost 20 years ago one of my students said the following to me:

"The moon casts three shadows you know."

I am still thinking about it.

Allyson Simmie

“I am wearing my custom designed ring every day! It is beautiful and
goes beyond what I envisioned. The design elements, craftsmanship and
attention to detail have made my ring a precious remembrance of all that
it means to me.”

Jewelry Designer and Goldsmith, Instructor- Inspired by the Canadian and Arctic Landscapes

I spent years travelling and living across Canada and in Canada’s Arctic, giving workshops, establishing jewellery studios, teaching and encouraging others to pursue a career in the arts.

In 2000 I moved back to Nova Scotia and began work on Seal Rock Studio. My family and I currently live on Nova Scotia’s scenic South Shore. I continue to work as a professional artist, exploring the theme of the Canadian and Arctic landscapes – sharing my experiences both North and South.

To read complete bio click here.
Copyright © *2022 Allyson Simmie Metal Arts. All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:
#228-100 High Street, Bridgewater, NS B4V 1V9

Phone: 902 277 1739


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