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Prepare Every Night

Dear Reader
We are steadily working our way down the 10 energy disciplines, listed in the back of the book The EOS Life by Gino Wickman. Today we come to energy discipline number eight: “Prepare Every Night”. 

Here Gino's speaks about how he prepares every night before he goes to bed, for the next day. What he does, is he takes out a legal pad and he plans his next day. He lists his to-do's, he blocks out the time for his appointments; the meetings he needs to go to, the phone calls he needs to make, etc. During the night, he says, his subconscious helps him work these things out so that he wakes up in the morning full of energy, ready to go, because he can see the success of the day in his mind’s eye. This prepares him fully for that day. He's learned this technique from his mentor Sam Cupp. He says it really works for him.

The alternative is that some people say they love to get up in the morning and take the day as it comes. They want to open their emails and see what's going on, what they need to respond to. The problem with that is, you're not determining your own outcomes. You're not bringing your energy. You’ve become reactive, you’re not pro-active. You're dependent on what others bring to you - they determine what your day is going to be like. 

I really recommend that you follow Geno's example, try this out for yourself. Think about the next day, the night before. Take the time to sketch the day out. See it in your mind's eye when you go to bed so that during the night your mind can work and you can see success. When you get up in the morning, you will be full of energy, you're ready to go. You can't wait to make the day a great one! 

Hopefully this was helpful.  We'll speak again next week.

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Best wishes,
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