Healthy Streets Alexandra

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Would you like to join us?

We are a residents’ group operating in alignment and affiliated with Haringey Living Streets whose purpose is to: 

Advocate for the reduction of traffic, congestion and pollution in Alexandra North, defined as the area bordered by and including Alexandra Park Road, Crescent Road/Rise and Albert/Durnsford Road.

Support Haringey Council with all traffic reduction measures which reduce toxic air pollution and promote public transport and active travel, particularly existing proposals for a Low Traffic Neighbourhood in Alexandra North, making the case as necessary for improvements to existing proposals.

Encourage, inform and inspire confidence in residents across the region, balancing concerns with positive case studies, demonstrating evidence of the health and economic benefits, galvanising increased support across the area. 

What are we campaigning for?
We feel that there are a number of problems in the local area:

  • Antisocial boy racers meeting up and driving at very high speed along Alexandra Palace Way.
  • High levels of traffic in the area, particularly during rush hour, primarily caused by people rat running the A406 along Durnsford Road, Crescent Road, Alexandra Palace Way etc.
  • The free park and ride service that Tottenham Hotspur put on from Alexandra Palace station, combined with free parking in Alexandra Palace car parks, which encourages additional traffic and parking in the area on match days.
  • Pavement parking causing issues for people with mobility scooters and push chairs, as well as causing damage to the pavement.

How you can help
If you would like to join us and get involved, or just want to stay up to date, either submit your email address below or join our WhatsApp group by sending us your phone number below.


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