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Dear LFPPC Family,  

    As you may imagine, the last few weeks have been busy ones for me as I’ve begun my ministry among you. It’s been even harder than usual to set aside time for prayer and meditation, which are important in any season, but gain special emphasis during Lent. Lent is a time to slow down and turn our attention to God; to remember Jesus’ journey to the cross so that we might be ready to celebrate Easter; and to measure our own lives against the faithfulness he demonstrated.  

     I know I’m not alone when it comes to busyness; it seems to characterize the lives of so many of us. Prioritizing the best use of our time is a never-ending challenge. And so, it takes real intention to engage in a Lenten practice, however you define that for yourself, whether it’s giving something up or taking something on, or simply spending time focusing on Christ and his place in your life. If you’ve found that challenging this year, know that it’s not too late. I encourage you, during these final weeks, to carve out some time for Lenten reflection. May it deepen your faith and strengthen your discipleship; and may it prepare you to celebrate Christ’s resurrection with renewed passion and joy.    

Lenten Blessings, 

Pastor Janet  

Sunday 3/26
Practices after Fellowship every Sunday
See Tim for more info-
Offerings will be taken every Sunday through April 2nd
"Surely you know that you are God's temple and that God's Spirit lives in you!"
- 1 Corinthians 3:16
Feeling stressed, weary or burnt out on religion? REST & CONNECT with God through STRETCHING FAITH, led by seasoned yoga instructor and LFPPC elder, Jessie Elenbaas. Enjoy deep breathing, gentle stretching, optional strengthening poses and centering prayer. All abilities welcome (ages 14+) | Donation-based(with goal to support Growing Young initiatives) | Class held in Heritage Hall @LFPPC, Sundays 7-8pm (starting March 5) | Bring a yoga mat or towel, dress in clothes to stretch in and be RENEWED in mind, body & spirit.
PEPITAS, Plus...
PLAYGROUND REFRESH: It’s time to refresh the playground on the west side of our building!
Melissa Robertson, director of Pepitas, will facilitate a design team who will take time to reflect, research, and make a playground refresh proposal to Session using a design thinking process. This project will span from March - June. Team members should plan to attend meetings (via zoom) and participate in research. Everyone is welcome to take part in the design thinking process where we will take time to think carefully about kids, community, nature, and play to make a plan for this space. Please contact Melissa Robertson at for more information or to join the team.
Coming Up
Leaf Blowers and Weed Eaters needed!
Join us April 6th  at 7pm for an introspective Maundy Thursday Service.
  In Person Only. 
An experiential  Good Friday  event will be available in the Sanctuary on Friday April 7th from 2-8pm. 
Docents would be appreciated in 1 hour intervals.  If you are interested in helping please email Jamie
With God's guidance, we are making steady progress developing our Ministry Information Form. The MIF has five questions that tell prospective pastors who we are, what we value and what issues our new leadership must address. We have drafted answers to three of the five. These questions are the most important and time-consuming portion of the MIF to complete, and we are just over halfway through.
Once we have answered all five questions, the rest of the form (details on attendance, local community, etc.) can be finalized quickly. After we have posted our completed MIF, our work will shift to looking through applications and finding the best candidates to interview.

We still have work to do, but I am proud of the dedication and insight of my PNC colleagues, and thankful for the quality and support of our interim leadership. Please keep us in your prayers as we continue our work discerning the next pastor for LFPPC.

Pastor Nominating Committee
Reid Schmadeka (MODERATOR-, Scott Holt, Laura Reed, Bob Doolittle, Chris Bozick, and Mollie Merkley.

Per Capita for 2023 is $47.13 per church member.  If you are a registered Member of LFPPC please consider making a donation to cover your Per Capita costs. This is the amount of money that our church gives directly to Presbytery to help support it's administrative structure. For more info:
Volunteers Wanted
- Palm Sunday Brunch 
  Tim Kalkbrenner has offered to lead a Brunch after        
  worship on Palm Sunday April 2nd. Many Hands make light work- PLEASE CONSIDER VOLUNTEERING TO HELP CLEAN UP- let Tim know if you can help or sign up on the Volunteer sheet during 
coffee hour.

Tech Booth Help- 
We are looking for people willing to learn and give one Sunday a month to help run Audio/Video Tech during Services.  Men, Women, and older kids are all welcome. We will train you and really, really appreciate you! Contact Bob Doolittle if you are willing to service the church in this capacity. (
Love Your Neighbor

Food Pantry
Our Little Food Pantry is getting lots of action. Grab-and-Go items seem to be the most popular such as: granola bars, individual size nuts, pop-top cans, beans etc. Items that require significant preparation are less utilized. Donations can be left in the bin across from Fellowship Hall.

Neighbor-to-Neighbor is our Deacon's sponsored program to support our congregation members with meals or rides as needed. We currently have a larger number of folks willing to provide meals but would appreciate a few more volunteers to provide rides to occasional medical appointments. If you are able to help, please contact Rocky Meredith at 206.310.6399 or

Prayer + Care
Please be in prayer for the following individuals:  Ruth Honour, Garry Arnold, George Dewey, Hannah Tran, Waldher family, Kathryn Heley, Kathleen Tade, Robin Gabbert, Loretta Edwards (for her daughter), Travis Zapalac (home and responding well to treatment). Please contact the church office at 206-364-2712 or your pastors if you have prayer requests.

The Prayer Shawl Ministry is now meeting monthly. If you would like to be part of this ministry and knit or crochet or if you know of someone going through a hard time that would enjoy receiving a Prayer Shawl, contact Anne Gowing at 206-910-8505.
Office Hours
The Church Office is open Monday-Thursday 9 to 1pm and by appointment. 
Rev. Janet Sonnanburg, Bridge Senior Pastor ( 
Tim Cromeenes, Director of Worship (
Kim Herbert, Director of Youth Ministries (
Melissa Robertson, Director of Pepitas Preschool (
Jamie Henning, Office Administrator (

Session Elders: Stacie Johnson (Finance), Jessie Elenbass (Personnel/Presbytery), Carol Lyons (Nominations/Growing Young), Reid Schmadeka (Personnel/PNC), Bob Henning (Buildings + Grounds), Sheri Holt (Children/Youth), Gina Walton (Personnel)
Clerk of Session: Lois Linzy
Interim Deacon Moderators: Randy Routh + Angela Templin
You can find our current calendar here:
LFPPC Facebook
LFPPC Website
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