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Apr. 14, 9 am. Support historic housing funding in Favor of LD226 - $200 Million - Testimony
  • If you're going to testify for one bill this session, this is it: LD 226, by Rep. Rebecca Millett that puts $200 million over 2 years toward increasing the affordable housing stock.
  • MAHC is looking for strong attendance to share that these funds are needed, but more importantly, that the affordable housing development and construction community has the PIPELINE and CAPACITY to build.
  • Funding is the primary barrier to addressing our housing crisis, and we need to share examples of projects ready to go, and over time, to meet demand.
  • MAHC testimony to use for talking points here.
  • Submit testimony or sign up for Zoom testimony here or attend in person. Its helpful to bring 20 copies of your testimony.

MAHC Member Meeting on 4/4 A Great Success. Want to Sponsor a Member Meeting?
Member meetings are held every month coming up on June 6, August 1, October 3, and December 5. Sponsorships of $500 includes an opportunity to briefly present to the group or display your organization's information, host the meeting if you have space, and have your organization promoted in MAHC emails and on our website. Sponsorship covers the cost of space and food for the event. Contact MAHC for more information.

MAHC Testified

In Opposition to LD214, LD665 and LD1134 that limited or delayed LD2003
Testimony Overall, the testimony leaned in opposition of LD214 that limited LD2003 to towns larger than 10,000 people (just 4% of towns). LD665 that delayed LD2003 by two years did have more support, but potentially for 1 year rather than 2 years as proposed.

In Favor of LD654 to Pilot Below Market Financing for ADUs through FAME
Testimony  The testimony went well and highlighted that last summer, MAHC engaged with FAME, Maine Housing, and community banks to determine the best approach for incentivizing ADU development through financing. Banks also testified in favor. FAME presented neither for nor against, but has concerns because they don't do housing loans. The administration spoke in support and noted that as a part of the multi-layered solution to our housing crisis, ADUs were important and that reducing financing barriers for development were needed. Other channels for implementation will be discussed at the work session.

Public Hearings & MAHC Legislative Tracking - Apr. 21, 9:00 am
LD1540 - "An Act to Create the Stable Home Fund Program" presented by Rep. Millet
LD1609 - "An Act to Prevent Student Homelessness" presented by Sen. Rafferty

MAHC Legislative Update Reports are here and here.

Genesis Fund Receives Additional $1.49 Million from U.S. Treasury
This brings the total awarded by the department to Genesis in 2023 to $2.55 million. The new funds from the Equitable Recovery Program will be deployed to census tracts identified as having experienced disproportionate economic impacts from the COVID-19 pandemic. Eligible census tracts in Maine are located across the state, including areas in Belfast, Biddeford, Caribou, Eastport, Ellsworth, Ft. Fairfield, Houlton, Lewiston-Auburn, Lubec, Millinocket, Norway, Old Orchard Beach, Presque Isle, Saco, Sanford, and Waldoboro, among others. Read more.
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April 17 Webinar: NLIHC, NAEH, and CBPP - Homelessness and Housing First. 2:30-4:00 pm

Advocates nationwide invite to register for the fifth webinar in our series on homelessness and Housing First. “Housing First Supports Income Security,” will examine the ways Housing First supports income security, including cash assistance and employment. The speakers will share strategies for leveraging community resources to increase program participants’ incomes in ways that are tailored to each individual’s goals. Register at:

JOIN MAHC Today - Click here.
Find a New MAHC Member? Get a Gift. 

We are launching a new MAHC membership promotion. If you help MAHC recruit a new member in 2023, you can get a free MAHC water bottle, and the sincerest thanks from the MAHC Board, and the thousands of Maine people that need a home.
Check out our membership list here and reach out to let us know who is missing that might be interested in a MAHC membership.
You can invite them to try out membership by attending a MAHC member event with you. Simply let MAHC know who you will be bringing here.
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