APRIL 2023 |
MESSAGE FROM THE CBMG DEI COMMITTEE CO-CHAIRSThe cherry trees have bloomed, spring is here, and the end of the academic year is nearly upon us. Looking back, the Department has had an active year in diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI), receiving much appreciated help from enthusiastic volunteers. DEI activities have included this newsletter, which advances inclusion and departmental communication. We had excellent educational and social observations of Juneteenth, Dia de los Muertos, and the Lunar New Year, and we enjoyed the welcome back, holiday, and World Cup events. This year, CBMG sent representatives to both ABRCMS and SACNAS, which were in person for the first time since the start of the pandemic. The CBMG DEI Seminar is currently underway, and we expect that it will become a regular departmental activity. Coming up is a workshop on creating opportunities and inclusion for people with disabilities in the biological sciences, and Juneteenth 2023 is just around the corner. While some parts of the national dialog have questioned the value of DEI, we have celebrated and explored its value while not shying away from acknowledging the costs and challenges of promoting it. Our objective is to create an environment where everyone, regardless of who they are, can achieve to the very best of their abilities, and do so in a safe, warm, and welcoming environment.
The DEI committee asks for your help to identify people (students, faculty, staff), who have gone above and beyond to help advance this vision of DEI, and who should be recognized with a Departmental DEI Award (nominations for DEI awards can be made HERE). As we begin to think about next academic year, we would also like to ask for volunteers, who would be interested in serving on the committee next year, in writing content for this newsletter, or helping with one or more of the DEI events (you can volunteer to get involved HERE). We will have a new DEI seminar in the fall, and everyone can participate with or without registering for it as a class.
We wish the best of luck to our graduating students as they prepare to move on to their next adventure, and we hope everyone has a wonderful summer. Rest and recharge, and we will look forward to seeing you in the fall! Charles Delwiche and Caren Chang | CBMG DEI Committee Co-Chairs |
The CBMG Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion committee has formed this newsletter with the goal of bringing DEI issues, events, and perspectives to the forefront, where they rightly belong. We would like to use this space as an opportunity to highlight the strength of the diversity within our department. In each newsletter, we hope to publish feature articles, interviews, perspectives, or recorded oral histories from people in the department, alumni, and people associated with the department. This is one small step we can take to break down barriers and see one another as humans with different experiences and perspectives rather than as stereotypes. LEARN MORE >> READ ALL PERSONAL STORIES>> |
 | Lindsey Markowitz (Graduate Student)Lindsey Markowitz is a BISI BEES graduate student with a joint appointment in the labs of Dr. Jay Evans and Dr. David Hawthorne. Read her account of the history and culture of the places that fostered her love of science: South Philadelphia and the New Jersey Pine Barrens! READ MORE >> |
|  | Swarna Mohan (Lecturer)Dr. Swarna Mohan has been a lecturer at UMD since 2019, and she joined the CBMG department in 2022. Read about her previous teaching journey and her introduction to the department here! READ MORE >> |
 | Najib El-Sayed (CBMG Professor)Dr. Najib El-Sayed is a Professor in CBMG with a joint appointment in IBBR. He also directs the Intergrated Life Sciences honors program and the BBI-Advanced Genomic Technologies Core at UMD. Read about his experiences studying in war-torn Lebanon before coming to the United States to pursue a scientific career! READ MORE >> |
|  | Lanny Ling (CBMG Assistant Professor)Dr. Lanny Ling joined the CBMG department as an Assistant Professor in 2018 and was promoted to Associate Professor in 2019. Read about his academic journey from China to Maryland (by way of Ohio and Texas)! READ MORE >> |
| Super Sleuthing to Save CitrusDr. Anne Simon and her startup Silvec Biologics are on a mission to stop a lethal plant disease threatening citrus trees worldwide. Read More >> |
| From Serbia and China to College ParkAlums’ Gift to Maryland Promise Program Honors Their UMD Mentor, Distinguished Professor Emerita Elisabeth Gantt. Read More >> |
| Dr. Norma Allwell named 2023 ASBMB ScholarDr. Allwell is one of two members that have been named fellows of the scientific society. Read More >> |
| $3M NIH Grant Supports Genomic Approach to Curing ‘Neglected’ DiseaseThe funding from NIAID allows Dr. Najib El-Sayed and partners in South America to use powerful sequencing tools to combat the Leishmania parasite. Read More >> |
| Congratulations to CBMG Grand Challenges Award Winners!Congratulations to Dr. Meg Scull (Team Project Grant), Dr. Louisa Wu (Team Project Grant) and Dr. Brantley Hall (Impact Award). Read More >> |
| Congratulations to 2023 CBMG Graduating Honors Students!Congratulations to Sophia Guan, Clarissa Halpern, Sasvi Kulasinghe, Grant Yang and Garmani Thein! Read More>> |
| CBMG Spring 2023 Seminar SeriesSpeaker: Dr. Natalia Korotkova, University of Kentucky College of Medicine Host: Dr. Kevin McIver Title: “Decoding sweet decor on the surface of streptococci” Location: BRB 1103 at 12pm (Noon)
| CBMG Spring 2023 Seminar SeriesSpeaker: Dr. Matt Parsek, University of Washington Host: Dr. Vincent Lee Title: “Antiviral natural product and traditional medicine leads against HIV and SARS-CoV-2” Location: BRB 1103 at 12pm (Noon)
| CBMG Spring 2023 Seminar SeriesSpeaker: Dr. Norberto Gonzalez-Juarbe, JCVI Host: Dr. Vincent Lee Title: “Inflammatory cell death at the intersection of infectious disease pathogenesis and novel immunogenic therapeutics” Location: BRB 1103 at 12pm (Noon)
| CBMG Spring 2023 Seminar Series |
| CBMG Spring 2023 Seminar Series |
The following bias incident was reported to the Office of Diversity and Inclusion Bias Incident Support Services (BISS) since the last newsletter: None |
You can monitor the campus climate for yourself at BISS Dashboard. To learn more about BISS visit their webpage or watch their introductory video. Remember, to report a bias incident, you may email biassupport@umd.edu or submit a report online. You may make a report anonymously, or if you prefer you can ask any member of the DEI committee (or any other member of the campus community) to make the report on your behalf. If you see a graffito, it is best not to try to remove it yourself, but to cover it up and contact BISS. If you are comfortable doing so, you can upload a photo of the graffito as a part of the report. |
We are also interested in hearing about YOUR DEI activities. If you have supported, led, or hosted an event, program, or research that promotes diversity, equity, and/or inclusion within science, our classrooms, or the community, please complete this form so that the DEI Committee can be informed of your efforts! |
We are grateful to alumni and friends whose generosity supports current and future students. To learn more about how you can make a difference, please visit go.umd.edu/cbmggiving. |
The CBMG Diversity Newsletter is prepared by Priyanka Vengataraman; the Personal Stories feature is developed and edited by Erin Tran. Current DEI Committee members: Caren Chang (co-chair), Chuck Delwiche (co-chair), Grace Igbinosun, Edgar Moctezuma, Aurelie Niyongabo, Errica Philpott, Teresa Thompson |