
Hey Parents!!

Wow, March was an amazing month for Harvest Youth!! We’ve had so much fun the past few weeks, and are excited for everything we have planned! Below you’ll see some of our favorite moments from March, and upcoming events to put on your calendar! As always, we hope this newsletter helps you stay in the loop with all of our upcoming events.

District Fine Arts 2023 was AMAZING!! We were in awe as we watched our Harvest Youth Students use their talents and gifts to glorify God! We are so proud of each student that participated and can’t wait to see how God continues to use them! Thank you for encouraging and supporting your students as they participated in Fine Arts!

A reminder that we are having a Youth Easter Service this week!! This will take place during our typical service time on Sunday, April 9th! We’re really excited to see how God moves through this service! We hope you encourage your student to attend, as we’ll be having a worship and communion focused service!

Youth Camp 2023 is right around the corner!! Our officially camp dates are June 12th-June16th! Registration officially opens this Sunday, so you’ll want to register as soon as you can!! We encourage you to make sure your students gets to camp this year! Lives are forever changed, and we are so excited and expectant!

We’re so thankful for you! If you have any questions or need anything, please let us know!

-Pastor Andrew & Madison