Biggest week in Augusta for housing this year.
Apr. 11, 1 pm. Defend Last Year's LD2003 Zoning Wins by Opposing LD214, LD665 and LD1134 in one testimony
- Last year, LD2003 moved forward a well researched set of legislative recommendations to allow for accessory dwelling units and duplexes in single family zones; and fourplexes in town growth zones. This bill is vital to address Maine's housing crisis.
- LD2003 was pared down from the original version after significant negotiation and compromise, and passed with bipartisan support.
- Now, before its even implemented, efforts are underway to limit and delay it.
- Keep the momentum going and with one testimony, oppose all three bills:
- LD214 that would prevent LD2003 from being implemented in most of Maine (towns with less than 10,000 people).
- LD665 that would delay LD2003 implementation from July 2023 to July 2025
- LD1154 that would make LD2003 ADUs allowed, but not required in zoning.
- MAHC testimony to use for talking points here.
- Submit testimony or sign up for Zoom testimony here or attend in person. Its helpful to bring 20 copies of your testimony.
Apr. 14, 9 am. Support historic housing funding in Favor of LD226 - $200 Million - Testimony
- If you're going to testify for one bill this session, this is it: LD 226, by Rep. Rebecca Millett that puts $200 million over 2 years toward increasing the affordable housing stock.
- MAHC is looking for strong attendance to share that these funds are needed, but more importantly, that the affordable housing development and construction community has the PIPELINE and CAPACITY to build.
- Funding is the primary barrier to addressing our housing crisis, and we need to share examples of projects ready to go, and over time, to meet demand.
- MAHC testimony to use for talking points here.
- Submit testimony or sign up for Zoom testimony here or attend in person. Its helpful to bring 20 copies of your testimony.
FYI - Other Public Hearings
Apr. 11, 1:30 pm
LD 214 An Act to Amend the Laws Regarding Zoning and Land Use Restrictions to Limit Certain Requirements to Municipalities with a Population of More than 10,000 - Rep. Dick Campbell of Orrington This bill limits LD2003 to municipalities greater than 10,000 residents. This encompasses the vast majority of Maine's landscape. Recommended position: Oppose - MAHC will be presenting testimony in opposition.
LD654 - Resolve, Directing the Finance Authority of Maine to Establish a Pilot Program to Encourage the Development of Accessory Dwelling Units. Priority Bill - Sen. Matthew Pouliot of Kennebec This resolve directs the Finance Authority of Maine to establish a 2-year pilot program to encourage the development of accessory dwelling units in the State. The program must buy down interest rates to levels below market rates for up to 100 community bank loans for accessory dwelling units until the program ends. The authority must submit annual reports to the joint standing committee of the Legislature having jurisdiction over housing matters regarding the usage of the program, the first such report to be made no later then. Recommended position: Support - MAHC will be presenting testimony in support.
LD665 - An Act to Extend the Date by Which Compliance is Required for Affordable Housing Development, Increased Numbers of Dwelling Units and Accessory Dwelling Units: Rep. Allison Hepler of Woolwich This bill amends, from July 1, 2023 to July 1, 2025, the date by which laws must be implemented regarding affordable housing development, increased numbers of dwelling units and accessory dwelling units enacted by Public Law 2021, chapter 672. (LD2003) Recommended position: Oppose - MAHC will be presenting testimony in opposition.
LD1154 - An Act Regarding Accessory Dwelling Units and Municipal Zoning Ordinances: Rep. David Woodsome of Waterboro This bill allows instead of requires municipal zoning ordinances to provide for accessory dwelling units under certain conditions. Recommended position: Oppose - MAHC will be sharing testimony in opposition.
LD1358 - An Act to Clarify Density Requirements for Affordable Housing Developments: Rep. Amy Kuhn of Falmouth This bill changes the definition of "affordable housing development" in the laws governing affordable housing density to provide that an affordable housing development is a development in which a household whose income does not exceed certain levels can afford a majority of the units in the development without spending more than 30% of the household's monthly income on housing costs. Recommended position: Support - MAHC will be presenting testimony.
Apr. 14, 9:00 am
LD 462 An Act to Assist Persons Experiencing Homelessness in Areas of High Rent by Seeking a Waiver from the Federal Government - Rep. Madigan of Waterville
LD 470 An Act to Support Lead Abatement in Older Residential Properties - Rep. Cloutier of Lewiston
LD724 - An Act to Expand Workforce Housing in Rural Maine by Funding the Maine State Housing Authority's Rural Affordable Rental Housing Program: - Sen. Cameron Reny of Lincoln
This bill provides 10m in one-time funds in fiscal year 2023-24 and fiscal year 2024-25 only to the Rural Affordable Rental Housing Program within the Maine State Housing Authority for the development of smaller affordable rental housing projects. Recommended position: Support - MAHC will be submitting testimony similar to LD 226 supporting funding for housing production.
LD1310 - An Act to Establish a State Emergency Rental Assistance Program: Rep. Sophia Warren of Scarborough This bill establishes the Emergency Rental Assistance Program to supplement or create emergency rental assistance in order to mitigate the end of the federally funded emergency rental assistance programs established by Section 501 of Division N of the federal Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021, Public Law 116-260 and Section 3201(a) of the federal American Rescue Plan Act of 2021, Public Law 117-2. (Will update with recommended position next week.)
PRIORITY LD226 - An Act to Address Maine's Affordable Housing Crisis - Priority Bill. Rep. Rebecca Millett of Cape Elizabeth This bill provides $100,000,000 in one-time funds in fiscal year 2023-24 and fiscal year 2024-25 only to increase affordable housing stock in the State. Recommended position: Support - MAHC will be testifying in support. See talking points above.
LD 1422 An Act to End Homelessness and Assist Students Who Are Homeless by Establishing a Housing Voucher Program and Providing Site-based Housing Services - Rep. Michael Brennan of Portland
MAHC Testified in Opposition to LD1193:
Pets in Low-Income Housing Testimony here. |
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