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March 2023


Declare your city or region a safe place for women!

PES Women and the PES Group in the Committee of the Regions launch a joint campaign for International Women's Day
To mark International Women’s Day (March 8) 2023, PES Women teamed up with the PES Group in the Committee of the Regions to launch our joint campaign #SafePlace4Women! The aim of this campaign is to raise awareness about gender-based violence that women face across Europe and encourage European localities to take action in combating violence against women by adopting our 12-point resolution. Seven cities and regions have committed to the campaign so far with more to come by May! Read how Breman is a front-runner in combating gender-based violence here.
So join our call to make every place a #safeplace4women!
To find out more read the op-ed and press release or watch our video.

PES Women Executive call for more justice for women's rights violations

03 February 2023
EU leaders and politicians globally must step up the fight for safeguarding women’s rights, the PES Women Executive demanded as it met online for its first meeting of 2023. Joined by S&D ME, Evin Incer, PES Women Executive exchanged on the proposed EU Directive to combat violence against women.

Read about the discussion here

One year on, PES Women continue to stand with women in Ukraine

24 February 2023
PES Women marked one year since the escalation of the Russian aggression war on Ukraine. Conflict affects everybody. However, women are disproportionately impacted before, during, and after conflict. Conflict exacerbates pre-existing systemic inequalities, further affecting peace and security for women.

PES Women reiterated their support for women in Ukraine.

PES Women join European and National Parliamentarians at a political family meeting

1 March 2023
Ahead of International Women's Day 2023, PES Women joined S&D MEPs and progressive National parliamentarians for a political family meeting ahead of the FEMM inter-parliamentary committee meeting on gender aspects of energy poverty. Prior to the ICM, the progressive family discussed gender equality and gender budgeting in the ongoing energy crisis and called for greater mainstreaming of gender issues in discussing energy. 

PES Women Statutory Members meet for the first time in 2023

02 March 2023
PES Women Statutory Members met for the first time in 2023 on 2 March in Valencia to discuss gender equality developments in 2022 and challenges ahead. Additionally, members supported the S&D Group road map for the adoption of an EU Women’s Rights Charter. 

Members also discussed ongoing developments on combating gender-based violence in their cities and regions. Find the press release here

PES Women attend the #ProgressivesSpeakUp School in Valencia

02-03 March 2023
The 2023 #ProgressivesSpeakUp School was held in Valencia. Here, PES Women co-hosted a lab on women's participation in politics and decision-making with Young European Socialists. PES Women President, Zita Gurmai, emphasised that we must continue to fight for equal participation for women in decision-making space and to enable young generations to contribute meaningfully to political spaces. 

PES Women President, Zita Gurmai, spoke alongside PES Executive Vice-President, Katarina Barley, YES President Alicia Homs Ginel, COR President, Vasco Cordeiro, YES Secretary-General, Ana Pirtskhalava, and YES Feminist Co-ordinator, Tina Bhartwas.

PES Women at CSW67 –
Ensuring Gender Equality in Digitalisation

10 March 2023
How can the digital age perpetuate existing inequalities? In March 2023, PES Women attended the 67th Commission on the Status of Women where the topic focused on how digital transformation and technological change impacts gender equality. While in NYC, PES Women teamed up with FEPSFondation Jean-Jaurès, and UN Women Germany to host a CSW parallel event: Automating Inequality

Read the full press release about PES Women's activities at CSW67 here

PES Women supports Polish Human Rights Activist Justyna Wydrzyńska 

14 March 2023
PES Women continues to stand with Lewica Kobiet in solidarity with Polish Human Rights Activist Justyna Wydrzyńska who was sentenced for providing abortion pills to another woman in need. 

PES Women welcome progression in gender equality at the EU level

Click on the picture to read our statements and communications

PES Women mark international days

Click on the pictures to read our statements and communications

PES Women Members & Affiliates

To read more about what our members and affiliates have been up to, click on the pictures.
FEPS magazine Progressive Post considers feminism and foreign policy 
Spring 2023

Elly Schlein elected as the first woman and youngest ever leader of the Partito Democratico
27 February 2023

Irish Labour Women asks members to "Sign up a Sister" for International women's Day
8 March 2023
Georgian Dream's Women's Organisation members in the Gender Equality Council meet with NATO Sec-Gen on WPS
2 March 2023
Lewica Kobiet MPs invite Polish Human Rights Activist Justyna Wydrzyńska to the Sejm after the court's verdict
15 March 2023

What's coming up?

Labour Day
1 May

PES Women Executive Meeting
12 May

PES Women Statutory Meeting
9 June
Copyright © *2020* *PES Women*, All rights reserved.

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