Hi <<First Name>>
When we moved to Valencia, Spain, last September, we didn’t really know anything about the city and it’s specific culture. Which means we didn’t know anything about Fallas, the festival held in mid-March to celebrate the coming of spring. We got a crash course in it this year, and lemme tell you, it’s a SCENE. I wrote a longer blog post about it, but sufficed to say I’d add it to your bucket list if you can, provided you aren’t terrified of crowds or (constant) loud noises.
The festival reminded me of why we moved here in the first place - there’s so much about the world we don’t know, and the only way to truly learn about it is to experience it. Each new adventure adds to what you’ve taken in before, and your lens opens just a little bit wider. You may not understand everything (or anything) about what you’re experiencing, but it makes you curious, and curiosity is the key to avoiding stagnation.
As I am writing this, we are coming up on the third anniversary of Who Knows One?, which is truly unbelievable to me. I spent a lot of time in my adult life thinking about what it would be like to actually take an idea and run with it, and for 20 years that lingered as a constant talking point in my brain. Why don’t you do this? Why don’t you follow through on things? A lot of negative thoughts, often assuming failure before I even tried, and so I kept not trying. So this time of year is always a great reminder to me that the trying is the thing. The outcome is the outcome, maybe it goes well maybe it doesn’t, but trying in the first place is already success. If I hadn’t tried the show, I don’t think I’d be sitting here writing this to you from Valencia.
Anyway, tune in on April 19th for our third anniversary show. Without giving too much away, let’s just say we’re gonna do something different and I think it’s gonna be really fun.
On with the newsletter! Chag sameach!