Bethe residents sitting around a table at the first House dinner, smiling.

Bethe Connections: 4/7 - 4/15

Your one stop shop for things happening in Bethe and
beyond this coming week!

Bethe Engagements

Cornell Dining

Beyond Bethe

Please click on each image to learn more about the event.

Important Reminders

GRF On Call: 607-327-1729

The GRF On-Call phone is only turned on when the House Office is CLOSED (after hours and over the weekend).

Reasons to call the GRF On-Call: lockouts after hours, neighbors are being noisy during quiet hours (sounds like a party), the electricity went out in your room, and other similar concerns that cannot wait until the House Office is open again.

Do not call the GRF On-Call to pick up a package from the House Office, to let your friend(s) into the building, or for anything that can wait until the House Office is open.


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