
GIT Tips for Effective Discipline

Effective discipline is NOT about punishment! Discipline is simply a way to guide and manage a child’s behavior so the entire family stops feeling your child’s fury. Here are my top GIT Tips to guide your child’s behavior in a stress-free way. 
GIT Tip #1

This form of proactive communication is the most effective form of discipline and when used all day long you’ll never need to discipline your child, I promise! 

If you’ve worked with me you know this is my favorite tool to get every child to do what you want them to do. 

Here’s how 5-2-1 works:

Five minutes before you need your kid to stop doing what they’re doing say, “In five minutes we are leaving. Wait three minutes, and then say “In two minutes we are leaving.” Then, say it again in one minute.

This really works because your child is overly warned his activity is going to end in a specific amount of time and will feel respected because you’re giving him time to finish up, versus yanking him from his fun. Being proactive prevents most arguments and negotiating, allowing you to spend more quality time with your child... instead of putting out fires all day long.

Bonus GIT Tip: You can also set a timer for children aged 2+ because they love watching the clock countdown, and it teaches them the concept of time.

GIT Tip #2
Effective discipline is about positive reinforcement

Effective praise is specific to a child’s actions. I try to avoid saying “good job” all the time because the biggest problem with “good job” is that when the words are constantly said they no longer have importance. Try to be specific about the action or observed good behavior by using descriptive "good jobs," such as…

“You put that puzzle together so quickly!”
“You used really bright colors in your picture.”
“I noticed that you focused a long time on that project.”
“It made me happy when you started your laundry.”
“I have more fun when you and your brother get along.”

Bonus GIT Tip: The most effective positive discipline is to catch a child being good before they’re looking for or expecting your praise. So look up from your phone to experience your child in a wondrous act of kindness and say something about it.

GIT Tip #3
Effective discipline is about modeling the right behavior

Be aware of what you say and how you say it — not just when you are talking to your child, but when dealing with others as well, because our mini monsters are watching our every move, so Keep It Together! 
GIT Tip #4
Effective discipline is about providing the right guidance

When you guide your kids, always be direct. Give reasons and explanations for rules. For example, “It’s late and you have practice in the morning. You should get to bed in 15 minutes so you won’t be too tired. Last weekend you were late because you overslept.”
GIT Tip #5

This kind of “discipline” is what will preserve your sanity.  Why would I tell my baby to stay off the stairs a million times a day when I can install a safety gate? Or go grocery shopping with your toddler during a time he normally naps? Create a predictable schedule so your child knows what to expect and when.
Love, Eirene
P.S. Have you grabbed your copy of my book yet? Being a GIT Mom is a mindset and this book is your manual. Grab your copy on Amazon.

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