A new CEO
Following an extensive process, the Board of Christian Brethren Community Care [aka Temcare] is excited to announce the appointment of the new CEO. His name is Craig Manners and he will be commencing in the role on Monday 24 April. Here is a brief message from Craig.

"As I look forward to my new role with Temcare I am amazed at how God has brought this about, excited about the current programs and future possibilities of the Temcare ministry, and grateful as I realize God has given me such a privilege to join a professionally staffed organization purposefully focused on doing good to many people in the name of Jesus.
I look forward to getting to know you and working together in this very exciting ministry.
God bless,
News from our recent MATES camp

The MATES camp occurred over the weekend from 17-19 March. There were 34 adolescents, 27 mentors and 5 staff who attended the camp. In addition to a full program of exciting activities, an invitation was given on Saturday evening for the young people to follow Jesus. There were between 8-10 who responded, all of whom will be followed up by staff. In addition, several New Living Translation New Testaments [donated by one of our faithful mentors] were given to those young people who were interested in receiving them.
The camp was well supported by various Christian businesses that provided their services free of charge, including a Christian surfing instructor from Phillip Island and a company called, ‘The Linen Press’. The latter supplied printed T-Shirts for the young people at no cost. Members of 'Surf Church' [a church affiliated with Christian Community Churches of Victoria and Tasmania] also provided the music program on Saturday night and a speaker used by Christian Youth Camps [CYC] for its own camps gave an inspiring message.
Several testimonies were given during the weekend that proved to be very impactful on the campers. Feedback from those adolescents finishing the MATES mentoring program were also very moving. One adolescent spoke glowingly of the positive impact that his mentor had had on his life. He stated that he would not be the person he is today without the support he had received from his mentor.
One of the mentors shared the following thoughts about the camp:
“Hi Naomi, thanks so much to you and the team for organising the camp, I felt so encouraged by your and everyone's testimony and it was SO good to be back at camp after so long!!
I wanted to feedback that I felt compared to the previous camps I went to, I felt the sharing of the gospel was so clear and consistent across all the testimonies, the speaker's message and the panel. I don't know whether it was due to the theme or maybe it was intentional on your part, but it was absolutely amazing, and I hope it’s like this every year!!
I also had a couple of good chats with S over the weekend. ... She also expressed interest in going to church and youth group ... It really seemed like she was wanting to start living as a Christian and has already been praying a lot.”
Our upcoming Family Camp
Temcare will be running its annual Family Camp for mums and their children over the weekend, 5-7 May. Please pray that our Heavenly Father touches the lives of those who attend. Also, please pray for the Temcare team [Klaudia, Rachel, King-Wei and Brendan] and their group of dedicated volunteers as they prepare for and lead the camp.
Building God's Kingdom together

As most of you know, Temcare does not receive government funding and is therefore reliant upon the generosity of those who identify with Temcare's welfare and Christian mission to people in need. As we approach the end of the financial year, we have an opportunity to financially assist Temcare whilst also obtaining the benefit of a tax deduction.
If you would like to financially support Temcare's ministry, you can make a donation in one of the ways noted below.
- online from our website, www.temcare.org.au. See the link on the website.
- forwarding a cheque to Temcare, c/o P.O. BOX 2624, Ringwood North, 3134, or
- making a direct deposit to Temcare's gift account:
- BSB: 013328
- ACC: 484168802
Please remember that all donations over $2 are tax deductible and will be issued with a receipt unless otherwise advised. In addition, our primary funder has agreed to co-match donations made to Temcare during this financial year. This will in effect double your donation.
Your financial support will enable us to help some of the most vulnerable members of our community. These are people who appreciate the practical and spiritual support given to them, as evidenced by the recent comment made to one of our social workers.
"Im so grateful to have met you Rachel. Thank you for being there and guiding me especially in my understanding of God and the Bible. Just want you to know i appreciate everything you do for us. Thank you"
Another way of supporting Temcare in its work is to become a volunteer respite carer or volunteer mentor. Visit our website, www.temcare.org.au to find out more about what volunteering with Temcare involves.

A personal note
On a personal note, I would like to thank you, our wonderful supporters for your prayer and practical support for Temcare and for myself over the past 7 years. As many of you will already know, I have decided to finish up with Temcare. My last physical day will be Friday 28 April, after which I will be on annual and long service leave until approximately late July.
I feel blessed to have been part of a welfare agency that has met the needs of vulnerable people within the Victorian community in a manner that reflects our Heavenly Father's grace and care for them. My prayer is that people will come to know Jesus as their Saviour and Lord because of what is done in His name through Temcare.
As you can see from the photo below, I will be engaged in fruitful activities after I finish at Temcare on 28 April.
Thank you again, and God bless.

Neville Evans