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April  2023    –    Vol. 1 No. 3b
An update for parishes and parishioners on Partners in the Gospel

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Jesus Gomez Sanchez, parishioner from of St. Joseph Parish in Vancouver, shares his perspective about Partners in the Gospel.

Watch in English or with Spanish subtitles.

The Partners in the Gospel consultative process for parish family configurations has officially begun. 

PartnersEdge, consultants who have worked with several other dioceses, delivered “Draft Zero” of potential parish family configurations based on their data analysis. Specifically, PartnersEdge reviewed parish annual report data as well as priest numbers, parish locations and map data to develop this draft.

“Draft Zero” was then reviewed by the Partners Oversight Committee and the Presbyteral Council to provide input that reflects “on the ground” realities in addition to the data. This process was grounded in prayer and much discernment as the groups examined the potential configurations, reviewed historical relationships, identified multicultural communities, discussed travel and commuting challenges and much more. This additional input was collected to refine the potential parish family configurations with the understanding that the input was not for the final draft, but instead to develop “Draft One” for the next phase of consultation with all the priests in the archdiocese. 

Priests will have two different opportunities
(May 3 and June 21) to review and provide feedback
before the next draft is developed for feedback and input by parish and school staff and all Catholics later this fall.   

Q: Who is leading this effort?  

A: There are many different groups involved in the research, planning and execution of this strategic pastoral planning effort:   

  • Presbyteral Council is made up of priests elected by each of the 10 deaneries who advise and consult with Archbishop Etienne.  

  • PartnersEdge is a research consulting firm that has helped other dioceses work through similar planning efforts.  

  • Parish family liaisons, who will be hired and trained by the Archdiocese of Seattle, will support parish families in the process of becoming one parish.  

  • You — we are asking for feedback and input from all Catholics in the Archdiocese of Seattle in Fall 2023. We are also asking for everyone’s prayers for this effort.  

  • Partners in the Gospel Core Team is comprised of co-leads Caitlin Moulding, chief operations officer and Father Gary Lazzeroni, Vicar General and 10 other lay leaders.  

  • Oversight Committee is a diverse group of lay leaders, priests, a religious sister, a deacon and our superintendent of Catholic Schools.  

Click here more question & answers.
Click here to read the entire Prayer for Partners in the Gospel in English, Spanish and Vietnamese.
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