The Church LOVE Grows by
Putting faith into action - Enjoying friendship with Christ - Connecting with communities

This week's news:
  • Board & Facilities Team Update
  • Churchwide birthday party
  • UMM Yard Sale
  • Staff Updates
  • Spiritual Gifts Workshop
Our kitchen has served a lot of meals and been well loved and used for the past 40 years, but it’s time for an update so it will function better, be cleaner and safer, and make a better first impression.  The Facilities Team presented a proposal for a kitchen update to the Board on April 12th, and we’re thrilled to announce that the Board has approved the update!  We’ll be replacing the residential appliances with commercial appliances, installing a commercial three compartment sink, painting the cabinets & walls, replacing the countertops, installing new flooring, and more!  Most of the work will be done by church member volunteers, but we plan to hire professionals for the cabinet painting and flooring.  The time frame is to be determined, but it will not be until after our summer activities end so late summer or fall.  Thank you to those who generously gave to the Building Remodel fund in the past so that we can fund this project.

The Board also approved purchasing new pew cushions as soon as we can raise the money for them.  Ours are faded, stained, torn, missing buttons, and don’t have much “cush” left in the “cushion”!  We’ll have sample fabrics on display so you can see how much it will improve the first impression of our beautiful sanctuary, plus you can vote for your favorite fabric!  Many of you will be happy to know that the purchase will include a cushion for the kneeling rail as well.

How can you help?  
1.    Give above & beyond your tithe to the Building Remodel Fund.  We only need $8000 for the pew cushions, and we’ll have a progress chart so we can all see how close we are to our goal.  Just mark your donation for Building Remodel, and we’ll get it to the right place!
2.    Think about how you can help with the kitchen remodel, whether that’s with time, skills, prayers, work crew support, or additional funds to grow the Building Remodel Fund as its depleted and for on-going remodel goals. Also, please prepare to be patient while our kitchen is undergoing remodeling later this year.

Our next project will be to replace the carpet from the fellowship hall to the sanctuary, including all the rooms off of the hallway.  Hopefully we can do that in 2024, but it could be sooner if funds are available.

Thank you for making all of this possible, and we encourage you to give generously to the Building Remodel Fund!


A letter from the board:

There have been some questions about our financial status, so I would like to share some information with you.  The LUMC board passed a balanced budget for 2023 of $361,100.  Our 1Q23 actuals are $84,194 income and $85,168 expenses.

Operation and Programming expenses are currently dependent on allocations from some of our reserve and designated gifts rather than being fully covered by tithes and offerings of the congregation. 

We also assumed $17,400 in fundraising including the Birthday Bash, Pumpkin Patch and Chili Chowdown & Auction.  The Birthday Bash on April 30th will be our first fundraiser of the year which is critical to our ongoing operational expenses.  While we are asking for a suggested donation of $1 for every year of life at the birthday bash, we understand that those on fixed incomes or in difficult financial circumstances may not be able to do this.  Everyone is welcome to attend and celebrate God’s love and generosity.


Changing the World, Apportionments & Other Missional Giving:

Jan-March:  $3027          Food4Kids / Itty Bitty Food Pantry

February:     $473            Crop Walk

March:         $332            Drive a Senior

1Q               $9172          Rio Texas Conference Apportionments (100% YTD)

Total:           $13,003       CTW, Apportionments & Other Mission Gifts


The remolding projects that have been submitted by the Facilities Team are partially covered by designated gifts in our Building Remodel Fund and future funds to be raised during the next year.


Thank you for giving mightily!

Grace & Peace,

Jeri Hilsabeck

LUMC Board Chair



Summer Reading Buddies Needed.
Come to our Open House and learn what it is all about!

Celebrate good times, come on! Mark your calendars for April 30. We're having a birthday party and you're invited! We'll have cake and lunch, and as a fundraiser for the church, we'll be collecting an optional donation of $1 for every year God has blessed you with!

At the party, we'll also share plans to remodel the kitchen and start raising funds for new pew cushions and replacing carpet (likely 2024 unless we raise enough this year).

God has given each and every one of us a spiritual gift of one kind or another. Join us on Wednesdays at 7pm from May 17 to June 21 in diving deeper into this part of your spirituality.
This past week, our HTP Preschool Director resigned and Vanessa Foskey has step into the role of Interim Director while we look for a new Preschool Director.   The HTP staff is busy tending to all the wonderful children and families that we serve.   Registration for the new school year has begun and you can find information at

Also, we are still in the process of searching and selecting a new Director of Music Ministries.   Please keep those important leadership roles in your prayers as we seek for God’s gifted servants.

Leander United Methodist Church
107 S West Drive
Leander, TX 78646

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