4-Nov-2022 | Lantz Family | Open in web browser
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Launching Site #10

A new site is opening this month in Culiacan, Mexico, the capital of Sinaloa!! Not only will we serve more orphaned and vulnerable children, but we also will expand our reach by training social workers, educators, and others who will take trauma-informed, holistic care principles with them throughout the state to other organizations. Pray for my friends, Ramon and Irasema, as they move to lead this new site.


So far this year I've traveled to our sites in India, Monterrey, and Linares to do leadership training and strategic development. From Cincinnati this week we are training over 30 new staff online through our Core Training series. People are our greatest resource, and it is a joy to have more partners in the gospel, bringing us now to 384 staff members!

THANK YOU for your partnership in this work! We will continue until every child is known and loved.

Jeremy, Caitlin, and Kids

Personal updates

It's been a difficult season in which Caitlin and I both lost a grandparent, sickness has been going through the family, unexpected expenses have hit, and my travel has left Caitlin managing things at home on her own at times. On the other hand, we've celebrated successes in soccer, enjoyed the girls' musical theater performances, and all of our kids are having birthdays. We continue to find joy in each other and in the Lord. Nothing seems to slow down, and the show must go on!

Prayer Requests

  • Wisdom and strength for Ramon and Irasema as they lead our new site in Culiacan
  • Growth in our staff team as we continue to develop leaders and teams
  • Opportunities for meaningful family time.
What prayer requests do you have? What testimonies can you share? Please email us at to let us know so we can pray and rejoice with you!
Thank you for your prayer and partnership!
Jeremy & Caitlin Lantz | 513-498-5223 |
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