Where are we on our Faithful Journey?
Beloved of God,

As we continually listen for the still, small voice of God and attempt to follow His call, sometimes we need to pause and take stock of what we are carrying. It is something we still need for our journey together? Is it something we are eager to put down? Is it something we can't bear to part with yet?

On Sunday, April 30, after worship, we are gathering as part of the Faithful Journey to examine and mourn what we miss that once was part of our life at TLC. What do we wish were still the case? What are we happy enough to see go?  We will lament what we have lost, and give our laments to God. This is all part of putting aside things that no longer serve us, before we meet again in June to take up some new dreams for our community in Christ.

So, join us this Sunday, April 30, after worship, upstairs in the P.L.C., for a nibble, some self-examination and lamenting. We will incorporate our laments in worship during the weeks between now and our June 4 meeting.

This is an important step. We can't begin anew while still holding on to what we once were. I promise to get you out in time to catch the baseball game at Drew.

Yours in Christ,

Pastor Fred
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