Wednesday 19 April 2023 |  View in your browser
What happens when children are on holidays?

In the
first Australian study of its kind, University of South Australia researchers found that when primary school children are on holidays, they’re less active, more likely to be on screens, and tend to have a worse diet than during the school term. Senior researcher Prof Carol Maher says ”So, when research shows us that even one extra hour of screen time a day corresponds with a 13 per cent increased risk of obesity, it is time to rethink computer time”. UniSA media release here.
Independent Sharkie calls for ban on gambling ads

Federal government Independent member for Mayo, Rebekha Sharkie, strongly opposes gambling ads on TV, film and radio. Her adviser has put
this petition on the APH site with closing date on 10 May. 
Minister Rowland releases online safety review

The Australian Government’s response to the House of Representatives Inquiry into Social Media and Online Safety has been tabled by the Minister for Communications. 
The response comprehensively outlines the Government’s holistic online safety agenda and three immediate priorities.
CMA: Making loot box games M not strong enough!

Children and Media Australia finds the recent government push to assign an M classification to games with loot boxes will not protect children.  Read this
recent editorial in small screen, written .by researchers at the Experimental Gambling Research Laboratory, CQUniversity.

New NSW Premier to ban phones in schools

NSW public secondary school students will be banned from
using mobile phones at school from term 4 2023, as the Minns Government delivers on an election commitment to improve students’ learning and social development. The Govt says “A blanket ban in high schools will create a level playing field, reduce distractions in classrooms, help address cyberbullying issues and improve student learning outcomes”.

UK 5Rights Foundation showcases Child Rights by Design

Baroness Beeban Kidron and 5Rights Foundation are to host an international webinar showcasing the Digital Futures Commission’s final work, with a live panel discussion on the topic of Child Rights by Design chaired by Professor Sonia Livingstone, LSE. This webinar will explore how innovators, policymakers and NGOs can advance children’s best interests in a digital world, recognising international developments and challenges.

ACCAN to host Communications Consumer Congress

The Australian Communications Consumer Action Network will hold a
Communications Consumer Congress on 12-13 September 2023.  The Congress will be held at Aerial UTS Function Center in Sydney. ACCAN’s vision is “communications services that are trusted, inclusive, accessible, and available for all”. 

NZ wants stronger food ads rules

A leading food and nutrition policy researcher, Fiona Sing (Research Fellow at University of Auckland)
says “Newly drafted rules about advertising to children should apply to all under 18-year-olds, rather than under 16-year-olds”. (NZ’s Advertising Standards Authority plans to stop brands associated with junk food from showing logos on sponsored prizes, promotional give-away merchandise, and children’s' sports teams uniforms as part of its new children's code.)  Ms Sing said “Teenage children do need to be protected just as much as younger children because they are - have proven to be - vulnerable, their cognitive abilities have been shown to be still developing."

Early Childhood submissions open until 30 April 2023

The Australian Government is developing an Early Years Strategy, in recognition of the vital importance of the first five years of every child's life.
They want input to help reflect the priorities of Australians for the Strategy, and to hear from parents, families, carers and caregivers, educators, early childhood professionals and other experts about a national approach that would benefit children and families in Australia.

Impact of screen based media

Young children and screen-based media: the impact on cognitive and socioemotional development and the importance of parental mediation by Edyta Swider-Cios et al in
Cognitive Development vol 66 April–June 2023. The research found that excessive screen use, fast-paced content, and unsupervised screen exposure are disruptive to a child’s development. It is advised that programs aimed at young children should be adapted to the child's cognitive abilities and encourage parent-child co-use and that screen use recommendations for young children should address unique family dynamics, needs, and daily life characteristics.

Preschool children and screen time

Patterns of preschool children's screen time, parent-child interactions, and cognitive development in early childhood: a pilot study by J Raj et al in Pilot and Feasibility Studies vol 9 (1) 14 March 2023. This study explored the feasibility of a virtual study protocol for a future longitudinal study which it concluded appeared feasible. And its secondary objective which examined preliminary hypotheses of associations found that it may be important to go beyond total duration and consider type, content, and context when examining the association between screen time and cognitive development. 
CMA: Family Friendly Films

Looking for a good movie to watch with your family? Finding it too time consuming to select what will suit your children's ages? Look
Screen time and sleep

Raising Children Network:
Screen time and digital technology use: how it affects child and teenage sleep
Screen time and early childhood

Here is really good link for people to read further about screens in early childhood, by Canadian Paediatric Society.

Hachiko (PG) shines a light on the cultural practice of eating dogs. Viewers will fall in love with Batong, will be inspired by his steadfast devotion and humbled by his patience. The message of adopting and caring for dogs instead of eating them clearly shines through. Due to the subtitles and themes, this film is ideally suited to teen and older audiences.

Argonuts (G) is an animated adventure that contains some crude humour featuring Cyclops bottoms, snot and vomit. The main messages from this movie are to never give up on your dreams or on anything you set out to achieve; to believe in yourself even if others don’t; and that by working together you can achieve the impossible. Not suitable for children under 3.

The Portable Door (PG) is a fantasy adventure with a fairly predictable plot. Its main messages are that there is no such thing as coincidence; but also that if each person can truly believe in themselves and in their potential, they will yield tremendous power and can effect incredible change. The film is best suited to tween and older audiences.

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