All Around the World with Heart House ๐ŸŒ๐Ÿ 
D'Andre (bottom center) and some of our K-2nd grade students with their Maasai necklaces
Last month, our teachers and students began their Around the World unit! In this unit, students studied countries all across the globe and completed fun crafts and projects. This unit was all about experiencing and understanding the history, traditions, and ways of life in other lands. 
Our students kicked off the Around the World unit by learning about art in different countries.
Maasai necklaces are disc shaped necklaces made and worn by the Maasai people of Kenya & Tanzania. Our students made their own Maasai necklace by decorating Styrofoam plates! Students used their knowledge of the Maasai people along with their own creativity to make their own unique necklace.
โœˆ๏ธ Class Passports โœˆ๏ธ
In Ms. Divina's 3rd - 5th grade class, each student received their own Heart House Passport! Each day, the students completed different lessons about different countries and then earned a passport stamp for that country.
Students earned their stamp for Tanzania through their Maasai necklaces. To earn a stamp for Thailand, students worked with their classmates to cook fresh spring rolls.

Our kids loved cooking with their teacher, almost as much as they loved eating their handmade cuisine!

On another lesson day, students learned about weaving techniques of indigenous peoples in North and South America. 

Throughout this unit, Heart House students learned so much and had a blast too!
Volunteer this year!

Did you know that if you have at least three hours, one day a week, you could volunteer at Heart House? You must pass a Dallas Independent School Districtโ€™s background check and commit to at least one month of service.

For more information about becoming a Heart House volunteer, please click the button below or contact our volunteer coordinator at
Learn more about Volunteering here!
Looking for Community Partnerships

We are always looking for groups to share new and exciting project-based learning activities with our students! 

If your group is interested in
helping plan an activity with Heart House students, please reach out to Manju Warrier at
Thank you again to our friends at Communities Foundation of Texas for their support โค๏ธ
Are you a member of a Giving Circle? 

If the answer is yes, we hope you will consider nominating Heart House! We would be so grateful to have the support of your giving circle--whether that support is financial or through your time.

If you are not a current member of a Giving Circle, we encourage you to join one and nominate Heart House in the future!
Please click the button below to donate to Heart House.
Thank you for being a major part of the โค๏ธ in Heart House!
Click here to Donate!
Thanks for reading!


Asia Rodgers

Interim Executive Director
(214) 750-7637 / Amartin@hearthousedallas.org
Copyright ยฉ 2023 Heart House, All rights reserved.

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