Welcome to the April 2023 edition of the Deep Peace newsletter!  For those of you who are new to this mailing list, we try to send out a newsletter on a regular basis, exploring a different topic in depth, with the hopes that it will help you to live in a more empowered and abundant way.
Today's newsletter is written and compiled by Nancy Murray's son George, a writer based out of Washington State.

It's natural to think of yourself as kind. Most people mean well, aren't actively cruel, and have a basic understanding of right and wrong, and so when you meet that basic requirement for kindness it is easy to go about your life without making any additional effort to show compassion to the world around you. But kindness is more than just a passive trait, it's an active choice.  As you go about your day, think about what you can do to be more kind, whether it be in something small, like tipping more than usual, or in something bigger, like going out of your way to cheer up a friend.  The world will be a better place because of it!  In the final analysis, wouldn't you prefer to be remembered as a kind person than really anything else?
Featured Blog Post - John
This is a blog post from July 2020 that reflects on the impact of everyday kindness. 
Read the Blog
Feed Some Ducks
There are few things more kind and calming than feeding a wild animal food (within limits; do not try this with a bear). Head to your local park and leave some feed for the ducks! Try to avoid bread, ducks will get more nutrients out of food like oats, birdseed, or sliced grapes.
Loving kindness

Loving-Kindness practice is an excellent way to help you achieve a kinder version of yourself by making you more mindful of the people around you,  your surroundings and your effect on them.  It also helps to foster self kindness.

Click on this link or the picture to listen to Tara Brach, a leading meditation teacher, guide a beautiful a loving-kindness meditation.

Highlighted Media

The first Magic Mike is a melancholy, contemplative film about our relationship to work in the post-recession era. Its standalone sequel Magic Mike XXL is one of the best comedies of the 2010s, and is comprised of 2 plotless hours of Magic Mike and his buddies being actively, radically kind to each other. Check it out on HBO Max!
(Note from Nancy - I love having George's take on different topics.  This movie will likely be outside of the genres you usually watch!)
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