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Catalysts of Change: Congrats, Class of 2023!

Collage of 5 photos of students at graduation.

In the words of UR Medicine Chief Digital Health Officer Michael Hasselberg, '07N (MS), '13N (PhD), School of Nursing graduates are positioned to push the boundaries of what is possible. "Be bold, dream big, and let your passion be the catalyst of change," he told more than 240 graduates at the Spring 2023 graduation ceremony.

Relive the best moments of Commencement Weekend by watching the broadcast 
here and checking out the photo gallery.

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Assistant Professor Chen Zhang, PhD, MPH, is the recipient of a University Research Award. The funding will support the study "Developing an evidence-based guide for capturing and evaluating structural racism against Black/African American populations affected by HIV in the United States." Members of the research team include Yu Liu, PhD, MPH; Kevin Fiscella, MD, MPH; and Mitchell Wharton, PhD, RN, FNP-BC, CNS.
Recent graduate Dillon Dzikowicz ’17N, ’21N (MS), ’23N (PhD), PCCN, CMC, CSC, presented “T-wave Amplitude on Presenting 12-Lead ECG is Associated with Coronary Occlusion in NSTEMI” at the International Society for Computerized Electrocardiology's (ISCE) annual conference. He received the ISCE's Best Poster Award. Dzikowicz will join the School of Nursing as an assistant professor in July.
PhD student Yu-Ching (Katie) Yang, MS, RN, has been named a recipient of the highly competitive Heilbrunn Family Nurse Scholar Award, from the Rockefeller University's Heilbrunn Family Center for Research Nursing. The $25,000 grant will support her study, "Nurses' Clinical Intuition: An Implicit Memory Activation in Clinical Practice."

In the Media

  • UR Nursing Dean Lisa Kitko, PhD, RN, FAHA, FAAN, spoke to Rochester Business Journal about the national nursing shortage. She discussed retention efforts at the Medical Center, and scholarships and tuition coverage opportunities at the School, including the new UR Nursing Scholars Program.
  • Stephen Romas '20N was one of 21 male nurses to speak to Becker's Hospital Review about ways to recruit more men into the profession. Romas is an ICU nurse at Strong Memorial Hospital who is currently pursuing his master's to become an adult-gerontology nurse practitioner.
  • In Good Health, Rochester's health care newspaper, interviewed several members of the UR Nursing community for a series of stories about Nurses Week. Dean Viggiano '22N was featured in a story about recent graduates starting their first nursing jobs. Julie Berkhof '01N, '03N (MS), director of the Wilmot Cancer Institute Regional Nursing Practice, spoke about her 25-year anniversary as a nurse, and how the field has changed since she first started. 

Events Calendar

School of Nursing Open House (All Programs)
Thursday, June 8 | 5 p.m. | Helen Wood Hall
Join us for an in-person, all-school open house to learn more about nursing program pathways, including accelerated, bachelor's, master's, doctoral, and certificate programs. Register today.

Rochester Pride Parade: March with UR
Saturday, July 15 | 11:30 a.m. | Line up at Alexander St. & Park Ave.

Celebrate the LGBTQ+ community at Rochester's annual Pride Parade. All faculty, staff, students, and alumni are invited to march with the University. Learn more.

Research Publications

Callahan, K., Van Scoy, L.J., Kitko, L., Acharya, Y., Hardy, M.A., Hollenbeak, C.S. (2023). Cost-Savings of Do Not Resuscitate Orders Among Elderly Patients With Heart Failure in the United States. American Journal of Medical Quality.

Leblanc, N.M., Mitchell, J.W., Bond, K.T., Juarez Cuellar, A., Vil, N.M.S., McMahon, J. (2022). Perspectives on a Couples-Based, e-Health HIV Prevention Toolkit Intervention: A Qualitative Dyadic Study with Black, Heterosexual Couples in New York State. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 51(5):2625-2640.

Wang, J., Cheng, Z., Kim, Y., Yu, F., Heffner, K. L., Quiñones, M. M., & Li, Y. (2022). Pain and dementia in community-dwelling older U.S. adults: A nationally representative study journal of pain and symptom management. Journal of Pain & Symptom Management, 63, 654-64.

These studies are selected from a larger collection of recent research publications. 

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