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How many times do we hear of an elderly friend or relative having been admitted to hospital with a broken hip or pelvis because they have had a fall? I am sure you will agree - too often!

The problem is, many older folks live very sedentary lives with the consequence that they lose their ability to balance so they can’t ‘catch’ themselves when they stumble.

Because their bones have become more brittle through age and lack of activity, they are far more likely to suffer a break. But the good news is that there is a great deal we can do to help keep ourselves away from harm’s way, and it’s never too late to start.

So, here we are with yet another reason for us to make exercise a vital part of our life and the ability to balance plays a key role in our safety and well-being. Because our ability to balance reduces with age, it is vital that we make the effort to practise! It only takes a few moments to enhance our ability to balance by standing on one foot, (making sure there is a chair or worktop nearby to grab if need be) for just 30 seconds at a time. Practise makes perfect!

We can also help to keep our bones strong by exercising regularly, and understanding that it is our muscles that send strengthening messages to our bones to keep them stronger. It really is a win:win situation.

Of course, we can eat calcium-rich foods too to help our teeth and bones to be stronger, but it is activity and exercise that make the massive difference. HRT (hormone replacement therapy) also helps to strengthen bones as it causes our oestrogen levels to increase. This can help to prevent bone loss and reduce our risk of developing osteoporosis resulting, thankfully,  in fewer broken bones. If you already have osteoporosis or are at high risk of breaking bones, HRT can help to strengthen your bones and make fractures less likely. Personally, I am a massive fan of HRT and I have been taking it for 25 years and intend to continue to do so for the rest of my life.

Osteoporosis Workout

Mary demonstrates this gentle workout designed for those living with osteopenia or osteoporosis. Listen to your body and exercise at the level suitable for you.

So, what causes us to fall? Sometimes we trip over something or our knee might just give way and we are unable to stop ourselves. Of course, if the surface we are walking on is slippery we are at particular risk and we can also fall just because we find ourselves off-balance. The problem is, as we become older, we don’t bounce like we used to, and getting straight up again, dusting ourselves off and carrying on isn’t quite as easy as it used to be either. I know, because I’ve been there.

There are occasions though when a fall is of our own making! I can think of three occasions when I have slipped, stumbled and tripped and I can only blame myself. The first occasion was when I was carrying lots of Christmas baubles, balancing them on a tray. I misplaced my footing and fell down two stairs hurting my foot badly. The second was carrying a tray of tea upstairs with a jumper squeezed under my arm to save me from having to go upstairs again. I tripped up the stairs, spilt tea all over the carpet, broke two mugs and seriously bashed my leg.  The third time was only last week when, having put my car in the garage after a shopping trip, I was balancing my small handbag, gloves, phone, a folder and two lots of keys in my hands, trying carefully to navigate the steps to the back door without dropping anything. I tripped and fell up three steps, bashing my shin, thigh, hip and arm! No bones broken, thankfully, but there could easily have been.

The one common denominator in all of these falls was that I was carrying something that required extra concentration with the result that my brain wasn’t giving all my attention to where I was placing my feet. This wasn’t helped by the fact that I couldn’t see where my feet were stepping because the ‘things’ I was carrying prevented me from doing so. My natural sense of balance was compromised with painful consequences. I really hope I have learned a valuable lesson and will now act accordingly – and make more journeys up the steps rather than trying to do it all in one go!

Depending on our level of strength and mobility, the outcome from losing our balance can vary enormously, from breaking a hip with potentially serious life-changing consequences to just getting a bruised bottom but the one thing we can do to help ourselves is to improve our sense of balance. This is a trainable skill and I will hand over to Mary to explain more in her section.

Recipe of the Week

This recipe comes from my Fat Attack Booster Diet published in 2013. It makes a lovely hot lunch or can be chilled and eaten cold on a warm Spring day.

Serves 4
Per serving: 280 calories, 3% fat
Prep time: 20 minutes
Cook time: 30 minutes

200g rigatoni pasta tubes
1 vegetable stock cube
200g frozen baby broad beans
1 tbsp chopped fresh mint
100g extra light soft cheese with chives
2 tbsp 2% fat Greek yogurt
1 tbsp chopped fresh parsley
2 tsp capers

  1. Cook the pasta in a pan of boiling water containing the stock cube. Drain when cooked.
  2. Meanwhile, in a separate saucepan, boil the beans until soft. Drain and mash with a potato masher.
  3. Add the remaining ingredients to the mashed beans and mix well.
  4. Spoon the drained pasta onto warm serving plates and top with the bean mixture.
  5. For a special treat, sprinkle with a little grated parmesan cheese and serve with a large salad.
For more recipes click here to visit the website
In response to the many requests we have received, you can now download and print a copy of our recipes. Just scroll to the bottom of the recipe page and click on the download button. This is available on all new recipes and is gradually being added to all the existing recipes on the site.

Fun, Facts & Fitness from Mary Morris MSc.

As we get older the risk of falling massively increases and surveys show us that it is one of the main concerns for older people. Too many of us know someone who has fallen resulting in dire circumstances that can be life-threatening.  A broken hip results in you being off your feet for a long time which, when we are older, can result in a rapid decline in muscle strength and vital blood circulation.

Rosemary has shown that even though she is well-exercised we can still fall and so it is all about reducing the risk. That means being very aware of what we are doing and asking ourselves if we are putting ourselves in potential danger of having a fall. 

None of us, at whatever age, should fall into the trap of carrying too much at once, particularly up the stairs. When we walk on uneven terrain we must take extra care too. A friend of mine fell on a coastal path whilst on a walking holiday. It was just a small trip on an uneven surface which resulted in a broken femur (thigh bone) and a helicopter rescue off the cliff top!  She has recovered brilliantly because she has worked hard to get her fitness back but on a recent walk together, I had to point out how her posture had changed as she is constantly looking at the ground, terrified of falling again. This is a very common problem with anyone who has suffered a fall and an inevitable loss of confidence.

I take my youngest grandson to Tumbletots once a week and they have a whole section in the circuit devoted to balance training for toddlers, showing how important it is for them to learn to control their balance. I am proud to say that he is now reaching the point where he shouts out 'No Grandma, don't hold my hand now!'  Bless!

Young adults have virtually no problem with their balance as they have plenty of functional awareness and a quick reaction time, which sadly we lose as we get older. We find it harder to make the necessary adjustments to prevent a fall as our balance mechanisms have naturally become less efficient as we age.

So, all this comes down to how much we work on training our balance to reduce our risk of falling.  Yes... our balance can be improved with specific exercises designed to target all those elements that improve balance. Honestly, balance needs to be high on the list of must-do exercises for older people!

Our brain normally uses a combination of faculties around our body to help us to balance. Our eyes, our sensory receptors in our inner ear (our vestibular system) and our proprioceptors in our muscles, joints, tendons, and even our skin works in unison to keep us upright. Proprioception is a remarkable sensory system that we never even think about. Our proprioceptors allow us to reach for objects without needing to look at them, change gear when driving a car without looking down, and put food in our mouths without needing to constantly watch our hands. They allow us to walk and go upstairs without the need to look at our feet. So how does it all work?

There are 3 strategies that our brain uses to keep us upright:

The Ankle Strategy.  We use our ankles to keep our balance when we stand on firm ground where we might have only a slight disruption to balance. A sway occurs around the ankles, flexing the muscles to keep us balanced, for instance when we are standing in a queue.

  • Exercise:  Postural Sway.  We can keep this strategy working well for us by practising the postural sway. Simply stand with your feet parallel and hip-width apart and transfer all your weight to the front of your feet, then to the right side, then to the back and then out to the left side. Go to the furthest point without losing your balance and without any part of your foot leaving the floor. Do this rotation three times then reverse the direction for three rotations. (An ideal exercise to practise whilst waiting for the kettle to boil!)

The Hip Strategy.  More considerable balance challenges need the hip strategy in which we generate most muscles around the hip and trunk to stop us falling over. Imagine walking up a rugged footpath with rocks around or walking over any uneven surface. Such an action will force this reaction. 

  • Exercise:  Standing on one leg.  Standing on one leg is valuable practise for walking on an uneven surface. Try to build up to 30 seconds balancing on each leg. Standing on a 'balance cushion’ regularly will significantly simulate and improve your sense of balance. Try cleaning your teeth whilst standing on it with both feet!

The Step Strategy.  If balance mechanisms become too difficult for each of the strategies above then the body's last resort to regain balance is to take a step in the direction of the potential fall. The problem is that whilst this response works well for younger people, older adults have often lost the reflex, mobility and leg strength needed to do this leaving us at greater risk.

  • Exercise:  Directional Stepping.  With hands on hips take a big step forward with the right leg and then step swiftly back again, then step out to the side and back in, and finally behind you and back in, before changing to the other leg. Do alternate circuits x 4.

Whilst this can all sound a bit depressing, remember, we have an enormous capacity for re-wiring our brains at any age and physically adapting our ability to balance better and reduce our risk of falling.


Strength training

You have heard me mention many times about the importance of doing strength exercises. Well, here is another reason:

If our muscles are weak, we are more vulnerable to falling. The loss of muscle strength as we age (called Sarcopenia) is when the muscle fibres have not only reduced in number but also in size (making them weaker). If we suddenly lose our balance, even from something as simple as stepping on or off a kerb, we may not have enough quick and powerful muscle response to 'catch' ourselves. 

Every week we recommend you do strength training and approach it with the whole body in mind.  Upper body strength is vital for example, in that if we were to fall, we definitely need the strength in our chest, arms and shoulder muscles to be able to get up again. It just makes complete sense, so if you have lapsed a bit with your strength sessions try to pick them up again knowing what you have now learned!

This Week's Fitness Challenge

  1. Go to the Balance Exercises video on our website and do it 3 times this week.  Or do the exercises suggested above, every day for a week. You will notice the difference.
  2. On your daily 30+ minute walks try to add an uneven surface. Go more slowly over it and ‘feel’ how your proprioceptors are helping you stay balanced.
  3. Choose a Strength workout and do the same one 3 times this week as this will make each exercise become even more effective. the Advanced Whole Body Strength Programme is ideal.
Did you know... 

On this day in history, on 21st April 1926, the Duke of York, the second son of King George V, had his first child, Elizabeth Alexandra Mary. She went on to become the longest-serving monarch in British history.

The Queen's birthday was usually kept as a private, family event with the Sovereign's "official" birthday being held later in the year. This dates back to Edward VII, who reigned from 1901 to 1910 and whose birthday was on 9th November. He moved his official birthday to summer, in the hope of better weather for the celebrations. Queen Elizabeth II's official birthday was usually held on the second Saturday in June.

This year, King Charles III's official birthday will take place on the third Saturday, (17th June) giving an extra week to allow for the preparations for The Trooping of the Colour (also known as The King's Birthday Parade) just six weeks after his Coronation.

And finally...

Investing in our health is the wisest choice we will ever make and it need not cost us a penny. In a moment we can lose our balance and change our life so isn’t it worth spending a few minutes every day practising our balance exercises, going for a walk and keeping our muscles strong? I think so.

Have a great week

With love and best wishes,

Rosemary Conley CBE DL


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