Dateline: Papara, Tahiti
Dear Praying Friends,
Yesterday a new opportunity developed for our women's teaching team from Village Ministries.  The president of the battered women's association invited them to teach today on biblical solutions for their difficult situations.  The team will be sharing the Gospel and some basic doctrines to about a dozen women on Moorea, our neighboring island.  Please pray for compassion and effective communication from the team, and for the Holy Spirit to work powerfully among those in attendance.

A full report is forthcoming next week!

Mark and Rene'
Please check out our updated website!  It has pictures, videos of worship, and literary quotes about the islands where we serve!  There will be regular updates as the Lord unfolds our work here, as well as videos of teaching and ministry events, and interviews with the islanders we work with.
Our Local Mailing Address:
BP 121403
98712 Papara
Polynesie Francaise
As always we are grateful for our amazing support organization, Village Ministries International.  If you want to support us beyond prayer, click below:

 FPolynesia - Village Ministries International

Likewise, we have a private charitable foundation to support education for Tahitians.  You can give to that fund at
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