
Information About Our Meal:

Please sign up for your meal online or

call the office and come dine with us!!

Frozen Dinners:

4 (9x13) Lasagna

2 (4x13) Lasagna

1 (9x13) Beef Casserole

1 (4x13) Beef Casserole

3 (9x13) Meatloaf


$6.00 Sr Adults or Children

$7.00 Youth or Adults

Frozen Dinner: $25 (9x13) or $15 (8x8)

To reserve your supper

click here,

go to,

or call 601-856-9581

WNL Programing Options

Youth (7th-12th Grade)

Youth meets upstairs in their SS room.

Children’s Choir and Activities/Bible Story:

· 2 years and under in Nursery

· 3-5 years old in RM 108/9

· Grades K-6 will be in choir practice

  together getting ready for they Children’s

  Program on May 10th

Adult class options:

1. Soul Sisters meets in the Parlor and is led by Shelby Trusty.

2. New! Health and Wellness Committee classes in Hart Hall Gym!

3. Rev Andy Stoddard is leading a study of the Bible in the Sanctuary

Are you interested in leading a study on Wednesday Nights?

Or being involved with children or youth?

Let us know in the office! We want to hear from you!

We can't wait to worship with you this weekend!

8:30 a.m. - Sanctuary Worship Service

9:45 a.m. - Sunday School for all ages

11:00 a.m. - Sanctuary Worship Service

11:00 a.m. - INTERSECTION Worship Service

St. Matthew’s Church Staff

Andy Stoddard
Lead Pastor

Brian Johnston
Associate Pastor

Beth Feisel
Associate Pastor

Tim Rigby
Minister of Music

Kate Gibbs
Children’s Ministry Director

Laura Rivera
Children’s Ministry Assistant

Jason Anding
Director of Student Ministries

Jennifer Landress
Finance Administrator

Peggy Phillips

Meredith May
Director of Communications

Kaye Herring
Administry Assistant

Frank Laney

Allen Hart

Anse Rigby

Dot Bell
Kitchen/Nursery Coordinator

Michael Bouldin
Building Superintendent

Tina Wells
WNL Chef