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Suicide Prevention Newsletter 
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June 2023 

Welcome to the June 2023 Suicide Prevention Newsletter for Bath and North East Somerset (B&NES). 

This newsletter has been created to keep you informed of suicide prevention work that is happening in B&NES and update you  on forthcoming events and training opportunities. A theme will be introduced for each newsletter and the focus of this edition is relationship breakdowns. 

Please cascade within your networks and wider for shared awareness. To subscribe for future newsletters or access archived newsletters press the 'subscribe' button above.

If you would like more information about the content of this newsletter or if you would like to contribute to future editions, please get in touch by emailing 

Disclaimer: If you find any of this content upsetting or distressing please call Samaritans 116 123 for free or talk to a professional or a person you trust.

In This Newsletter:
1. B&NES Suicide Prevention Stakeholder Event 
2. Latest News

3. Thrive at Work 
4. Relationship Breakdowns 
5. Training 

6. Tools

SAVE THE DATE- 11th October- B&NES Suicide Prevention Stakeholder Event 
Join us for our annual suicide prevention stakeholder event. This is for professionals and volunteers working in suicide prevention in B&NES.

This is an opportunity to reflect on what has been achieved this last year as well as contributing to influence the local B&NES Suicide prevention strategy and action plan to achieve the overall aim of reducing suicides in our locality.

Read more and register your space

Latest News

Bath Mind Service Brochure Spring- Summer 23- Take a look at Bath Mind's guide of Mental Health and Wellbeing Services in Bath and North East Somerset.
People with lived experience should be involved in suicide prevention activity at all levels. NSPA’s Lived Experience Network can help you do this in a number of ways:  

1. NSPA’s Lived Experience Influencers are a group of people who have been recruited, trained, and are supported to influence and inform suicide prevention work in a whole range of ways. This can be from being part of groups that steer or advise strategy and planning, advising on or co-producing projects, working on campaigns, or speaking at events, or co-facilitating webinars, workshops, or training.   

2. NSPA’s Lived Experience Panel includes over 400 people who all have lived experience related to suicide. Panel members are invited to share their views and experiences in several ways, including surveys, focus groups, and polls to inform decision making or gain insights from diverse lived experience perspectives.   
To find out more, please contact:

The Suicide Bereavement Conference 2023 takes place throughout September this year to mark World Suicide Prevention Day. There will be 8 short online webinars spread over every Tuesday and Thursday 10-11am. Tickets are £65.00 and can be purchased through the link.

9th NCISH conference, April 2023- Data slides and presentations   - The findings and recommendations from NCISH’s 2023 Annual Report and recent research findings from the Centre for Mental Health and Safety were presented at the 9th NCISH conference in April 2023. Click the link to view.

The Thrive Social Therapeutic Horticulture Training For Mental Health -15th-16th June takes place at Bath City Farm (£150pp). The 2 day course demonstrates how social and therapeutic horticulture helps people with mental health support needs. 

Money & Pensions Service presentation- Money Helper offers tools and resources to support health and care professionals to support the financial wellbeing of patients and service users. This touches on mental health and the money toolkit and may be useful to view for your line of work. 
The Samaritans have produced a new report: Insights from experience: economic disadvantage, suicide and self harmTogether with people with lived experience, they have developed recommendations that focus on creating a more human and person-centred whole system approach and explore the relationship between economic disadvantage, suicide risk and self-harm in people's own words. 

Dorset have produced a  Suicide Prevention Language and Terminology  document to assist with addressing a suicide in a safe sensitive manner. It talks through the Do's and Don'ts's alongside terminology definitions. 
Alcohol and suicide: insights from LGBTQ+ communities' experiences Report has been created by the Suicide Prevention Consortium, which explored the relationship between alcohol and suicide for LGBTQ+ people in England. 
University students are facing immense levels of stress and pressure, with suicide rates standing at 3 in 100,000 students. Student Space offers mental health support hub available to students. 

To find out more about what the Department for England is doing to support university students with their mental health, you can read more here.

Despite B&NES having low to none armed forces personnel deaths by suicide. It important to highlight that the ministry of defence has released the new Armed forces suicide prevention strategy and action plan . It refers to postvention (care of those bereaved by suicide) in their strategy.
This year, fathers' mental health awareness day falls on 21st June. 1 in 10 men will experience mental health difficulties after becoming a father and many more will support partners with perinatal mental illness.  

Bluebell Care's Dads in Mind service supports dads in need through 1:1 peer support, either face to face, online or by phone. They help dads to manage their own mental health and wellbeing and to better understand perinatal mental health so they can best support their partner. To access the service, please complete their online referral form. 
Suicide awareness training - taxi driver edition- Taxi drivers could be the last person a person who is going to travel to a destination to take their lives may speak to. So, it’s important to train drivers for these scenarios to recognise signs of suicidal behaviour and allow them to have the correct conversations with someone you may be worried about
In partnership with zero suicide alliance, we have created a free 10 minute training module for taxi drivers to complete and it is available now. It covers:
  • Better understanding suicide
  • Spotting the signs that a passenger may be struggling with suicidal thoughts
  • Recognising the importance of being direct when asking someone how they are feeling
  • How to talk to someone they are concerned about
  • Signposting passengers to organisations that can support them.
B&NES public health are planning to roll this out to B&NES based taxi drivers this summer.
Wellbeing College’s wellbeing courses is a one stop shop for FREE community courses. Their website has online and face to face courses for Bath & North East Somerset residents over the age of 16. To browse courses and book through their calendar you can follow this link here.

Thrive at Work
FREE mental health support for workplaces in B&NES
Thrive at Work West of England  is a free mental health support programme for private and third sector workplaces in B&NES. It offers a variety of easy to access tools and resources to help leaders and managers support their team’s long-term mental health and wellbeing.

What’s on offer?
  • E-learning for managers to boost confidence and skills in having supportive conversations with staff about mental health and wellbeing
  • Templates and guides shared by local employers, including a framework for a health and wellbeing policy and examples of interventions that employers in our region have found to be helpful in supporting mental health in the workplace.
  • Wellness Action Plans for your teams to use to help them look after their own mental health
  • Practical advice and tips on how to start a conversation about mental health and show your appreciation for your staff
  • Toolkits to help you assess your organisations approach, measure your impact and improve workplace culture.
To access these free resources visit West of England Thrive at Work Offer

Bath Mind's opening hours

Advice and resources available for relationship breakdowns

Did you know that relationship breakdown can have a significant impact on mental health? It may increase the chances that someone is experiencing suicidal thoughts.

If someone you know is experiencing:

  • family conflict 
  • loss including loss of access to children 
  • isolation 
  • domestic abuse
  • or a combination of these experiences 
It may be essential to ask directly about suicide. Whether that’s a family member, colleague, neighbour or stranger. Watch the following video recommendations to support a loved one: 
Stop Suicide's ASK Guidance to save a life

There are organisations that offer advice and support on dealing with the practical and financial issues of a break-up or separation, such as Citizen's Advice Bureau
A new contract has been awarded to Southside Family project. The service aims to reduce the risk of harm to survivors and their children of domestic violence and abuse. You can read more here.  
You can also visit the NHS: Getting help for domestic violence and abuse page for more support if you are affected or are worried about someone that might be affected.  
Relate Avon is available to offer an Initial Assessment and counselling (if assessment suggests counselling with Relate is indicated) to people facing relationship difficulties.  They might be seeking help either together or individually to cope with emotional challenge and distress. 

Their services are provided both face to face at our Bath premises, and online.  They can offer assessments if the relationship difficulties are with a couple relationship, family members or with friends. 

They don't take referrals and are not able to offer immediate crisis intervention.  Their work is helpful if people contact them when troubled with the quality and experience of relationships and are wanting to make changes.   

Relate Avon, 21 Milsom Street, Bath BA1 1DE.  Tel: 01225 465593



Kooth & Qwell: Mental Health Support for Diverse Identities 28th June, 4-5pm (free)

Kooth & Qwell: Maternal Mental Health - 12th July, 4-5pm or 18th July, 10-11am (free)

 PASS delivers evidence-based training and CPD on the safe and responsible use of Social Media in the Aftermath of a Suicide. Available as workshops in Hull- Tuesday 20th June, Thursday 20th July (£120pp), interactive online workshops- Tuesday 11th July (£60pp) or 60 minute webinars- Wednesday 28th June (£15pp)

Zero Suicide Alliance – Suicide Awareness Training Join ZSA’s 20-minute suicide awareness training where you will gain the skills and confidence to help someone who may be considering suicide (free).

Bath Mind Mental Health First Aid training- June 2023  Become a Mental Health First Aider and attend Bath minds online course. The online MHFA is broken down into 4 live sessions with independent learning. New dates have been added for June. (£325pp)

Bath Mind- Mental Health First Aid refresh course- Tuesday 13th June 2023 - This course is suitable for anyone who has become MHFA qualified 2-3 years ago and requires a refresher. (£150pp)

Keep an eye out on Bath Mind's page for upcoming Suicide First Aid online courses this Autumn. The course focuses on teaching the theory and practice of suicide intervention skills that can be applied in any professional or personal setting.


  1. Cool2talk NHS website for young people aged between 12 and 25 years old. a safe, confidential space for young people to ask about anything that might be worrying them.

  2. Switchboard LGBTQ+ helpline A one-stop listening service for LGBTIQ+ people.

  3. R;pple Effect Newsletter. R;pple is an interceptive tool designed to present a visual prompt when a person searches for harmful keywords or phrases relating to the topic of self-harm or suicide. The online tool aims to reduce exposure to potentially harmful online content. Get updates all things R;pple by signing up to the monthly newsletter.

  4. Zero Suicide Alliance. The Zero Suicide Alliance (ZSA) Resources website supports individuals, communities and organisations to meet people’s mental health needs before, during and after experiencing crisis – to ultimately prevent suicide in UK and beyond. Sign up to receive ZSA resources here.

  5.  Boys in Mind (Girls Mind Too) is a  B&NES based movement, set up as an outcome from the previous B&NES Suicide Prevention Strategy.  Now run by young people themselves, Boys in Mind work hard to support the mental health and wellbeing of boys and young men including through the development of films, work in schools, blogs and podcasts.

  6. The Stay Alive app is a pocket suicide prevention resource for the UK, packed full of useful information to help you stay safe. You can use it if you are having thoughts of suicide or if you are concerned about someone else who may be considering suicide.

  7. Making suicide part of the everyday conversation, HOPECAST is a podcast from UK charity, PAPYRUS Prevention of Young Suicide. By talking openly and honestly with a range of guests about suicide, mental health and emotional wellbeing, HOPECAST is smashing the stigma around suicide one conversation at a time.

  8. Bath Mind Breathing Space offers a calm, non-clinical service, supporting individuals experiencing or at risk of a mental health crisis.  Email: or call: 0808 175 1369. Lines are open 365 days a year between 5:30pm – 11:00pm.
  9. The Beside Project provides emotional and practical support to any individual living in B&NES who has recently may have a lost a family member or next of kin to suicide. Email or call 0117 909 6630

  10. Survivors Of Bereavement by Suicide (SOBS) have self-help support groups across the UK, where you can meet with other people who have been bereaved by suicide.  They provide an opportunity to listen, to share, to ask questions and to connect with others. To join the Bath SOBS group email: Website:

  11. HarmLESS. – an Online information site about self-harm for B&NES professionals working with young people 11 -18 Includes an online assessment tool. Provided by B&NES CAMHS Service
  12. Shout - UK's 24/7 Crisis test service for mental health support. Text 'Shout' to 85258.
  13. Hopeline UK offers a safe space for those aged 35 and under to talk through anything happening in your life that could be impacting on your or anyone else’s ability to stay safe. 
Best Mental Health Apps of 2023
If you have anything you would like to share in the quarterly suicide prevention newsletter, or would like to contribute to future newsletters, please get in touch using our email address below.

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Find out more about the B&NES action plan and where you can access suicide prevention and bereavement resources, support, and training (including free online training by visiting: 

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B&NES Suicide Prevention Partnership · Keynsham Civic Centre · Market Walk, Keynsham · Bristol, Avon BS31 1FS · United Kingdom

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