
The MAGA GOP Doesn’t Support Veterans

The MAGA GOP House passed a bill to raise the debt limit conditioned on cuts to America’s social safety net that includes a 22% cut to VA. House Republicans voted down Democratic amendments that would have explicitly exempted veterans.

The MAGA GOP talks support for veterans. When they vote, they vote against veterans.

DeSantis Kills Woke, Shafts Floridians

CS/CS/HB 125 that the GOP legislature passed is part of a national push by corporations to privatize water utilities. Despite the “Fair Market Value” title, this legislation is anything but a win/win for consumers. This bill, slated to be signed by Governor DeSantis, will allow water utility owners to receive a higher price when selling the water utility, which in turn passes that cost on to customers, usually resulting in monthly bills that are much higher.

A tip of the hat to Florida Conservation Voters for this info

Liz Cheney's AD Showing MAGA Leader As a Risk To Democracy

Liz Cheney

Florida's MAGA Senators Are An Embarrassment

The leader of the MAGA movement has now been found liable by a jury of his peers for sexual assault. 

As is typical of MAGA politicians, they deny or rationalize facts found by a jury in support of their leader. Such MAGA politicians live in an alternate reality where truth doesn't matter. 

Florida's two senators are some of the worst. Florida deserves better than this: “That jury’s a joke. The whole case is a joke,” Sen. Marco Rubio told reporters on Tuesday.

 “He said he didn’t do it,” Sen. Rick Scott said. Asked if he could support someone found liable for sexual battery, the senator said, “I don’t know the facts. It’s a New York jury, too."

Do either of these guys have a backbone to stand up to their leader, or respect for the American legal system?  


Take Action
As a group we need to increase our impact. We provide plenty of ammunition to drop truth bombs on MAGA, but we are missing the target too often. Every member and supporter can help us zero in.  Here's how you can help: Make a list of five to ten friends, or family members, who are not FLVCS members or supporters. 

When you see information in our FLVCS notices, or posted to our website, or our social media accounts that may help persuade those on your list, make sure they get the info. Email it to them or post it to Facebook etc. Talk to them. Ask them to join with us. 

Our job is to rebut the many MAGA myths, propaganda, and the misinformation that it continuously spews.  As an  example, it's an accepted myth that MAGA supports veterans. It doesn't. When it's time to vote, MAGA votes against us almost always as evidenced by the headline we provided in this notice.

Let's get to work! 

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