
2023 • Vol. 3 • Issue 2

Most Venerable
Grand Master

W. Berry Rigdon


Congratulations to W. Berry Rigdon on taking the lead of the Grand Council of Allied Masonic Degrees, USA!

A look back at some Miscellanea

Ven. Robert Mullis
Publications Committee Chair

Greetings from the Publications Committee.  Today our Committee finds itself pressed for time.  Many of our fellow Companions of the Allied Masonic Degrees hurry to and from our professional commitments, our family commitments, our Lodge, Masonic and appendant body commitments to a late bed at night.   The Publications Committee wishes to remind you of that Masonic working tool to which you were first introduced.  
The 24-inch gauge, which in my jurisdiction is used to divide my time, reminds us that we must keep a schedule, keep busy, and most importantly devote time to God, and time to ourselves.  Take time to care for yourself, your own study, and your devotions to your Creator.   With that we humbly submit the following Miscellanea printed in the year 1942 for your reading pleasure.   
Miscellanea 1942 Volume IV – Part 1

MISC Volume IV - Part1 January_1942.pdf
Of particular interest is an article about the Masonic home for children “Oxford Orphanage” in North Carolina.  Here is the article:

The home celebrates its 150th anniversary this year.  The Grand lodge of NC will be hosting a celebration in Oxford through several events this year. You can read about that here.

MHCO is 150! - Masonic Home For Children at Oxford (
Remember that the Publications Committee is on the lookout for publishable material for the Miscellanea.  If your Council has a particularly well written and original article, please ensure it is properly cited and have your Secretary send it in Word format to  While we cannot print all papers, we want to ensure that our Grand Council is keeping record of the transactions taking place and publishing quality and original work.  As a recommendation, please refer to the “Quarry Project” for a style guide while writing papers:

Please ensure you include the following information in the title on the paper:  (i) your name, (ii) your Council, and (iii) the date presented.  In order to allow time to compile, format and print, the cutoff date for the 2023 issue of the Miscellanea is July 31st.
Freestate Council No. 308 Installation

Christian J. Miele
Sovereign Master

The newly installed officers of Freestate Council No. 308. The installation took place this past Saturday, April 1, 2023, at Glen Burnie Lodge in Glen Burnie, Maryland.

The new officers are as follows:

Sovereign Master - Christian J. Miele
Senior Warden - Gordon A. Munholland
Junior Warden - Dennis W. Ewing
Secretary/Treasurer - Robert B. Lumbert, PSM
Senior Deacon - Darryl J. Smith
Junior Deacon - L. Keith Slemp, Jr.
Chaplain - John H. Austin, PSM

Note: Senior Warden-elect Munholland was unable to attend the meeting on April 1, 2023. He will be installed at the Council's next meeting.

Grand Council Office moves from OKC to HBG

Following the retirement of Rt. Ven. Bro. Clyde Schoolfield from the office of Grand Secretary, and the change of officers at Masonic Week, it became necessary to move the Grand Council offices to the location of our new Grand Secretary, Rt. Ven. Bro. Seth Anthony. This meant that all of the files, regalia, office supplies, and historical documentation needed to move from Oklahoma City, OK, where Clyde resided, to Harrisburg, Pennsylvania - a trip of more than 1,300 miles.

Starting immediately after Masonic Week, Clyde and Seth began working on the logistics of the move, setting a date of April 21, 2023, to make it happen. For the last several years, Clyde worked out of his home while keeping all of the Grand Council materials in a storage unit. While looking for options, Seth was able to secure an office location with the Valley of Harrisburg, AASR, to act as a storage facility and working space for the Grand Council. With the final location determined, it was time to bring the office East.

On Thursday, April 21, 2023, Seth took an early flight to Oklahoma City. Clyde met him at the airport and the two took in a quick view of the world famous Scottish Rite building in Guthrie, OK. After lunch, the pair picked up the UHaul truck and made their way to the storage facility. The truck was loaded by late afternoon and Seth spent the night locally.

Seth got an early 4:30 AM start on Friday, April 22. With an iPhone full of podcasts and music, he piloted the UHaul solo across Oklahoma, Missouri, Illinois, and part of Indiana. Twelve hours and many hundreds of miles later, he spent the night outside of Indianapolis. He was back on the road by 7:30 AM on Saturday, April 22. Nine hours and three more states later, Seth arrived at his home in Harrisburg, completing the journey. The drive was very smooth (even if the truck lacked cruise control.) The only minor issue was torrential rain during the last two hours of the drive. This caused backsplash from the wheels, which seeped into the truck, wetting the bottoms of some of the cardboard boxes materials were stored in. Seth quickly shuffled boxes around to ensure that no important materials received damage. Thankfully, all items seemed safe.

Sunday, April 23, was the big day when the office was moved in. Seth stopped off at Target to pick up storage shelving for the items, and then drove the truck to the Valley of Harrisburg. Assisted by Ven. Bro. Jack Harley (Cincinnatus Council No. 559), Bro. Tom Labagh (Constans Council No. 239 and Active for the Scottish Rite, NMJ in PA) and Doug Hitz, a local Master Mason, the truck was unpacked and the Brothers got everything into the office space. Over the next several weeks, Seth, with assistance from other local members, will get the office arranged and ready for work. A big thank you to these Brothers for volunteering their time to assist.

Special thanks and warm wishes go out to Rt. Ven. Bro. Schoolfield for his years of dedicated service to this Grand Council. Clyde is an incredible asset to our team of Grand Officers, especially in his new role of Grand Treasuer. Without his guidance and assistance, our Grand Council would not be in the excellent condition it is today. Please be sure to thank him the next time you see him!

For those wishing to correspond with the new Grand Secretary, he may be contacted at:

Address: P.O. Box 6207, Harrisburg, PA 17112-0207
Phone: (717) 745-8017

If you ever find yourself in the Harrisburg, PA area, feel free to reach out to him for a quick view of the new space!

Photos: Guthrie Scottish Rite, Packed Truck, Truck arrives at the Valley of Harrisburg, AASR.
2023 New York State Allied Masonic Degrees Council to Council
Thursday, April 20, 2023

James William Gregg
Sovereign Master

Moses Blatchley Council No.567

The 2023 Allied Masonic Degree Council to Council Event with Half Moon Council No. 2, Jose Marti Council No. 512, and Moses Blatchley Council No. 567 was an outstanding success. This Council to Council Event was sponsored by three Councils and saw six Councils in attendance at Spolini’s Italian Restaurant in Kew Gardens Queens, New York, on Thursday April 20, 2023. The Grand Junior Deacon of the Grand Council of Allied Masonic Degrees, USA, the R:.V:. E. Oscar Alleyne was in attendance.  

The evening saw two candidates for Moses Blatchley Council obligated, a lecture on initiation by Bro. Victor Escorbores of Jose Marti Council, and a lecture on Sainthood by the Sovereign Master of Half Moon Council V:. Michael Alexander Chaplin, MD. A very packed evening, but a truly rich, thoughtful evening of light and fellowship was had by all. Over 20 AMD members attended and enjoyed toasts, conversation, and Brotherhood.

We toasted absent Brethren, those foundational Brothers who have now passed to the Great Beyond, as well as a toast to Stuyvesant Council No. 525. The evening ended with the Grand Junior Deacon of the Grand Council of Allied Masonic Degrees, USA, the R:.V:. E. Oscar Alleyne sharing deep, inspiring words to all present.

Growth for the Grand Council AMD!

We are excited to announce that the following new Councils have been approved for formation:

Breathitt No. 586 - Kentucky
Darius No. 587 - Michigan
Logos No. TBD - Florida
Mastodon No. TBD - Michigan
Ars Mystica No. TBD - Florida
North Texas No. TBD - Texas

Congratulations to all and best wishes for successful consecrations!

Ohio AMD Ingathering

The Ohio AMD Association will be hosting its Ohio AMD Ingathering 7/29/23 at the Dayton Masonic Center. The day will include the following:

1. Conferral of two degrees
2. Guest Speaker Peter Koronios
3. Luncheon (tentatively soup and sandwiches)
4. Conferral of Red Branch of Eri Degrees

There will be updates to come. If you have any questions please contact me at or text 740.629.7274.
Thank you
Justin F. Elliott
Ohio AMD Association

MW Bro Pierre Meste installed as the SGM of France

Installation on Friday April 28th of MW Bro Pierre Meste as Sovereign Grand Master of Grand Council of AMD of France for the 4 next years! Congratulations from all of the Companions of the Grand Council USA!
MVB∴  W. Berry Rigdon
Sovereign Grand Master

Grand Council of the
Allied Master Degrees
of the United States of America
Right Venerable Brother
Seth C. Anthony
Grand Secretary
Venerable Brother
J. Robert Mullis

Publications Committee Chair
Adam L. Buffington

Allied Times is the electronic newsletter of the Grand Council of Allied Masonic Degrees of the United States of America. Copyright © 2023. All rights reserved. Articles published in Allied Times articulate the understandings only of their writers, and not the Grand Council or any other organized Masonic body. The writers are free to publish their own articles elsewhere, but attribution, identifying Allied Times as the original publisher, is requested. Having work published in Allied Times in no way bestows or promises membership in the AMD or in any other Masonic body. Submit copy and art to the editor here. Receipt of submissions by the editor is not a guarantee of publication, and submissions are edited for length, style, and content.
Copyright © 2023
Grand Council of the Allied Masonic Degrees of the U.S.A.
All rights reserved.



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