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Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Krasman Centre's Anti-Racism Anti-Oppression Change Committee (ARAOCC) presents "Imagine Everybody”, a Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital presentation, on ableism and how stigma related to various intersectional identities have also impacted people with disabilities. This virtual event will feature guest panelists Suruthi Jeyakumar (she/her), Nathan Gaba, and Jordan Cullum (of Holland Bloorview), who will be discussing (including but not limited to) forms of ableism, barriers that they’ve faced, and both positive and negative forms of language used to describe disability. 

Suruthi Jeyakumar (she/her) is a student, public speaker and advocate for disability education and inclusion. Living with an undiagnosed disability and chronic pain since childhood, she believes that the first step to ending ableism is sharing the stories and perspectives of those living with disabilities to people of all ages. Currently, Suruthi is working as an Outreach Facilitator at Holland Bloorview for the Imagine Everybody campaign.
Born with cerebral palsy, Nathan has been apart of the Holland Bloorview Kids Rehab community since he was an infant. Throughout his childhood, Nathan volunteered in many studies and worked for Holland Bloorview as outreach facilitator in early adulthood which lead to his passion towards supporting the futures of children living with disabilities. In May of 2022, Nathan joined the Holland Bloorview Foundation as Senior Coordinator, where he works to foster meaningful connections as well as supporting signature events and corporate volunteering.
Jordan was born with Spina Bifida, a disability that affects the way that he walks and the strength in his lower back and legs. He is ambulatory but requires the use of leg braces to walk. Growing up, Jordan was a client of Holland Bloorview from the ages of 4 – 18 and credits a great amount of his development to the hospital. If it weren’t for the world-class people, programs and services that were offered to him, he wouldn’t be the person he is today. He believes in the mantra “disability is opportunity.” Throughout his life, he gives credit to his disability and dedication for the opportunities he’s been able to experience. Whether that was getting to play Sledge Hockey for Team Canada, to his many speaking engagements that focused on disability, sport and inclusion or even coaching younger children how to play baseball, while also teaching them invaluable life skills along the way.
If you have any questions about this event or to register via phone, please contact Linda Elwin, Equity, Anti-Racism, Anti-Oppression Coordinator at or call 905- 251- 3275.
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