
News and Updates

Congratulations to Our Students!

Congratulations to all of our students on a great year with an extra big congratulations to our graduates! 

Rutgers Earns AASHE STARS Silver Rating

We encourage you to explore our report, which is now publicly available and helps make our sustainability data more transparent and accessible. To learn more about STARS and the importance of sustainability metrics, check out this month’s Climate 101 article.  

We couldn’t have completed this report without the help of students, staff, and faculty across the university. Special thanks to:

Laura Berman, Assistant Vice President and Assistant University Architect, IP&O 

Justin Cairns, undergraduate student, SEBS; OCA research intern 

Stella Campbell, undergraduate student, SEBS; OCA research intern 

Sarah Chang, undergraduate student, SEBS; OCA research intern 

Joseph Charette, Executive Director, Dining Services, Rutgers – New Brunswick 

Brian Clemson, University Landscape Architect, IP&O 

Wes Coleman, Associate Director, Supplier Diversity & Sustainability, Procurement Services 

Thomas Cunningham, Operations Area Manager, Environmental Services, IP&O 

Emily DeHart, undergraduate student, SEBS; OCA research intern 

Lauren Errickson, Director of Rutgers Gardens and Campus Stewardship, SEBS 

Anne Gutsick, Associate Director – University Travel and Card Program, Procurement Services 

William Jones, Executive Director, Career Exploration and Success 

Mike Kornitas, Director of Sustainability and Energy, IP&O 

Emily Lescano, undergraduate student, SEBS; OCA research intern 

Thomas Lott, Assistant Food Buyer, Dining Services, Rutgers – New Brunswick 

Jason MacDonald, Chief Investment Officer, UFA 

Eduardo Molina, Vice President for Institutional Research and Decision Support, UAA 

William O’Brien, Assistant Vice President, Business Services, IP&O 

Shai Patel, Senior Director, Project Services, IP&O 

Seth Richter, Project Manager, Planning, Development, and Design, IP&O 

Alex Ruiz, University Safety Officer, Rutgers Environmental Health and Safety, IP&O 

Sukrut Sonty, graduate student, RWJMS; OCA Student Advisory Board member 

Joey Velke, undergraduate student, SEBS; OCA research intern 

Jordan Warner, undergraduate student, SASN; OCA research intern; OCA Student Advisory Board member 

Frank Wong, Assistant Vice President, University Planning and Development, Institutional Planning and Operations 

Julia Zappi, Senior Data Analyst, Research Analytics and Systems, UAA 

Join the Office of Climate Action!

Are you looking to get involved in climate action at Rutgers? We are looking for students to join our office!

Time to Moveout, Reuse, and Recycle

Rutgers Day 2023

The rain didn’t get us down this Rutgers Day! OCA staff and Student Advisory Board members taught visitors how to make native wildflower seed balls to help NJ pollinators and shared about climate action at Rutgers.  

OCA Students in the News

Read More About Sustainability at Rutgers

Spotlight - 67 Penn St. Community Garden

Black/Latinx urban growers in the city of Camden have increased community gardening at a rate that surpasses most, if not all, cities in the United States(1). According to Camden growers, this growth is one of many strategies they’ve adopted to improve health and food accessibility for themselves, their families, and their neighbors(1). Historically speaking, the city has resisted and endured complex ecocide from numerous industrial sites, including waste incinerators, landfills, and chemical plants(2). It has, since the early 2010’s, been declared a “low access” food area by the USDA (United States Department of Agriculture) and today it is home to one supermarket.Residents have mobilized urban growing projects as a direct response to years of neglect and environmental violence(3).

The garden hosted its first service day during this year’s Earth Week. Led by Dr. Leeann Westman, the Rutgers Camden Honors students worked to clean and prep the community garden for spring planting. The garden was completely transformed by the work and presence of the Rutgers Camden Honors students. Students left feeling accomplished and eager to continue making a difference in our Rutgers-Camden community.  In the following days,students in Dr. Elizabeth Demaray’s Bio-design course took soil samples from the garden to ensure the quality of the soil. These students were interested in studying soil microbes and figuring out how to best support quality soils as part of their coursework. Together, both student groups have worked tirelessly to get the community garden ready for summer programming.


Events Around RU

Climate 101

Sustainability Data Tracking and Reporting at Rutgers Using AASHE STARS

By Naina Waghray, OCA Student Newsletter Editor, Undergraduate Student, Rutgers—New Brunswick

The Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education (AASHE) is an association that was formed to strengthen sustainability efforts on college campuses. The association is well known for its rating system, The Sustainability Tracking, Assessment, and Rating System, better known as STARS. It was created to qualify what an institution is doing to promote sustainability across all sectors, and assign them a corresponding rating. This system is designed for and used by many universities across North America, and especially by those in the US. Continue reading... 

Answer Today’s Climate 101 Poll Question!

What are you looking forward to this summer? Share in our Mentimeter poll and we’ll share a word cloud in our special summer issue.

Submit Response

March Poll Results

Rutgers’ first AASHE Sustainability Tracking, Assessment, and Rating System (STARS) report will be announced this April. What do you think Rutgers’ STARS Rating will be?

  • Platinum

  • Gold

  • Silver

  • Bronze

  • Reporting