Fear Not - A Christian Attitude about Spiritual Powers
We have extended the registration deadline for the NEW course "Fear Not - a Christian Attitude about Spiritual Powers" hosted by TLT at Calvin Seminary May 24-25.
We would be delighted to have you join us! We are also offering Manuals 1 (Caring for God's People), 2 (Christian Stewardship) and 5 (Teaching the Christian Faith) during the week. You're welcome to any of these.
Please make sure to register here by May 17.
Have you ever wondered about the existence of demons? Or the power of witchcraft? The Bible tells us that "our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but ... against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms" (Eph. 6).
How have you experienced this struggle in your setting?
Are you part of a church or missions team that hears reports from other parts of the world and wonders?
Timothy Leadership Training recently produced a 2-day course, "Fear Not - a Christian Attitude about Spiritual Powers." The writing team was diverse, with members from Mali, Bolivia, the Netherlands, Cambodia, Zambia, and the US. This interactive-learning course will be offered May 24-25 at Calvin Seminary.
Find out more and register Here Please direct any questions about the course or registration to TLT Program Manager Albert Strydhorst; SMS at 616-401-4341