
Who Knows One? Newsletter: May 2023

Hi <<First Name>>

Hello from the road! Right now I am on my way to Hartford, CT, for the third of seven shows on the Who Knows One? Spring Tour. This is the biggest tour I’ve done so far, with seven shows in six states spread over 11 days. I’m really learning what it’s like to live life on the road, albeit for only a couple weeks. I’ve already had that thing where you forget what hotel room number you’re staying in because you’ve been in so many in quick succession. Good times!

Though I miss being away from my family when I’m touring, I do have to say that as a person who’s Whole Thing is about community and connection, I love that I get to see so many people I care about when I travel. Just yesterday I got to:

  • Catch up for a long, leisurely lunch with a great friend from college who I hadn’t seen in 20 years

  • See a friend from summer camp I hadn’t seen in 13 years

  • Say hello to an extended family member (my brother-in-law’s mom) who came to see the show

  • Meet a SuperConnector in person for the first time

I could add so many things to that list, all that happened just yesterday. Each interaction in its own way filled my bucket and made me feel alive and appreciated, and I hope it did the same for them. 

It’s so easy to let the time go by and stay wrapped up in all the chores and obligations and goals we have instead of staying in touch with whoever (sorry, whomever), wherever. Honestly, I’m no better at it than anyone else, I just happen to have a job that presents more opportunities to stay connected. But I leave most of those interactions feeling like my battery has been recharged, and looking forward to the next time our paths cross again. Which if I keep being able to create tours like this one (he said, wishing it into existence), I’ll happily get to do again and again.

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Great Jewish Geography Stories

One of my favorite parts of Who Knows One? is the JG stories I hear. I delight in each and every one (okay maybe not quite that much - but most of them!). If you have a great story, reach out to us and share it. We may just feature you in an upcoming newsletter and add it to our burgeoning collection of stories on YouTube!

This month’s Great Jewish Geography Story comes to us from friend of the show Jamie Beth Cohen, who shares an amazing and powerful story about having a bad day that eventually got flipped on it’s head by the appearance of, of all things, a (seemingly) unwanted visitor. I call it “Paul Cohen, Copier Salesman”:

Great Jewish Geography Stories: Paul Cohen, Copier Salesman
Share your story!

Who Knows One? Mysteries

We famously solved the mystery of the acoustic Humpty Dance (RIP Humpty Hump), and by we, I mean the Who Knows One? detectives out there who did a little digging with the determination of ants building a colony. Each newsletter we’ll try to put things right in the universe - reconnect long-lost friends, return a kiddush cup to its rightful owner, figure out a solution to (almost!) anything that’s been weighing on you. Let us know and we’ll put our sleuths on the hunt.

I’m not going to lie, this one excites me. It’s definitely got some Humpty Dance vibes. Sent in by Hannah Elkin Zollman from New York City, she writes in about attending International USY Convention as a teen in Toronto in 2003, where 1000+ teens sang (or maybe recorded?) a song directed towards a sick child named Selena Hawkins. From an article in the Jewish Independent at the time: 

“Keeping with the theme of helping those less fortunate, convention participants were introduced to John Beltzer, the founder and CEO of the Songs of Love Foundation, which writes and produces more than 30 songs a month for sick children. The original songs offer a sense of hope and inspiration for the children, or just bring a much-needed smile to their faces.

Beltzer brought his recording equipment and staff to the convention and had the USYers sing the chorus of a new song written for a sick young girl.”

Years later everyone wants to try to see if they can find Selena, and well, we sure would love to help. If you have some leads, please let Hannah know!

Catching Up With…
Nico Juber

From time to time we’ll hear people mention participants (contestants, connectors, Chosen Ones) from previous shows and wonder what they are up to, so every now and then we’ll reach out to them and see what’s what. This month we reached out to Nico Juber, who was a Chosen One for contestants Emily Halpern and Seth Finkle back on November 21, 2020. 

What are you working on these days? 

Right now, I’m in NYC in rehearsals for the Off-Broadway debut of my musical Millennials Are Killing Musicals! We start previews next week on May 9th and run through May 28th. I also have a reading of another show I’m working on called Winner during the day while the other show is running at night. It’s a lot going on, but really exciting and personally fulfilling. 

What’s one thing you learned from the pandemic?

During the pandemic, I think we all took a step back to think about how we’re spending our time and what we’re willing to put up with from work, especially. I learned to focus on the things that were going to actually make me happy - literally quitting a stable corporate job in high-tech to pursue my passions as a writer and composer. Wild, right? But I know I’m not the only one with a story like this. #pandemicpivot

Jewish Geography question - where's the most random place you've run into someone you know?

OMG! I can’t think of anything anymore because I just didn’t run into anyone at all for years during the pandemic! Especially in LA with our car culture! But in NYC, I run into people on the street that I know all the time randomly. It sort of feels like a college town here (especially in theater).

(We'll get in trouble if we don't ask this) What's your dad up to?

My dad is back to playing shows around the country! He’s got one here in NYC while I’ve got my show running. He and my mom also just went on an epic travel tour of New Zealand and Australia:

What's the best way for people to check out your stuff?

People can follow me at or instagram: @stuffnicolikes @millennialsarekillingmusicals

Is there a person from the show’s past you want to hear from? Let us know and we’ll reach out!

Who Knows One? Job Connections

Each month we’ll try to highlight a job posting, either from an organization we love or for a role that seems like a cool, unique opportunity. Have a job you want to recommend? Email us and we may feature it in an upcoming newsletter.

This month’s recommendation is the Chief Development Officer for Sharsheret. Here’s a little info about the gig, which I highlight mostly because it’s a great organization creating community for people affected by breast and ovarian cancer, but also because you can work remotely (at least within the NY-NJ area). This is a C-suite gig, which means you’ll really be able to make an impact on the incredible work they do.

Interested in learning more? Apply here.

Who Knows One? Spots For Late Summer/Fall

We’ve got a couple spots left in late August for back-to-school shows. If you’re in a backward Southern state like mine and start school in the goddamn middle of summer, reach out, this can at least be a good thing to come from that!

We’ve got some shape to our November tour now, starting in the NY/PA area in early November before moving to the Midwest, but we’ve still got a couple spots open there as well.

Want to do something for Chanukah or for a December gala/fundraiser? We’re booking dates for the first two weeks of December if you want to bring us in!

How can we help build your community? Reach out to us today to inquire about dates.

Inquire about live show dates

Odds and Ends

Speaking of shows, if you’re a part of these communities, come out and see us this next week! Or, if you’re in the area and want to see it for yourself so you can work to bring it to your own organization, let me know and I’ll put in a word:

April 30 - Temple Beth Israel, Natick, MA

May 3 - Temple Beth Am, Miami, FL

May 4 - Jewish Federation of Hartford, CT (tonight!)

May 5 - Temple Beth El, Norwalk, CT

May 7 - Temple Bet Shalom, Minneapolis, MN

May 9 - Temple Israel, Omaha, NE

May 10 - Chizuk Amuno Congregation, Baltimore, MD

May 13 - Larchmont Temple, Larchmont, NY

Give Us All Your Chosen Ones!

As always, we're on the lookout for new and more diverse Chosen Ones! If you are interested or know someone else who would be sign up today!