How are you, really? 

May is Mental Health Awareness Month. It is also, more specifically, Maternal Mental Health Awareness Month. 

It has long been recognized that mothers, caregivers, and/or the primary nurturing figure of the family are often overworked, undervalued and generally stressed.  Recently, a term for this has been introduced: mental load. It has also been referred to as "worry work" or "cognitive labor". The mental load is about not just the abundance and execution of physical tasks, but rather the overseeing of those tasks. It's being the one in charge of having the never-ending list of to-do items constantly running in your head, remembering what needs to get done and when, delegating all the tasks to respective family and/or team members, and making sure they actually get done.

This work generally falls upon women's shoulders. But regardless of gender, there is typically one person assigned as the designated "worrier", and that person is most often also the "go-to", or executer. The stress, pressure and unseen toll of that work can wreak havoc on a person's psyche and overall well-being. 
It's no wonder so many struggle with burnout, overwhelm and anxiety. Caregivers, leaders, teachers, managers are all doing more with less. So, we ask you, honestly, how are you, really?

The awareness this month brings to mental well-being is important. The next step is taking action. Once you've checked in with yourself and the caregiving figures in your life, show up. Share the load. Whether that means asking for help yourself, taking a break or taking initiative to relieve someone else of the mental load, SuNu can help.
Mental Health Services at SuNu
SuNu has partnered with Wise Womxn Wellness. Their mission is to Honor the mind, body, and spirit through womxn-centered therapy, birth support, and ceremony. They Empower womxn to reclaim their innate wisdom in order to thrive throughout every season of life.
Kari is one of the Founders of WWW and a Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist offering in-person appointments at SuNu Minnetonka. She is a seasoned relationship therapist specializing in pregnancy, birth, and postpartum care. While she specializes in working with womxn and parents-to-be, she has extensive experience working with folks from all backgrounds and walks of life. Click here to learn more about working with Kari at SuNu. 
SuNu has so many services to provide profound care, relaxation, release and healing. Often we hear that simply being given the opportunity to be held unconditionally provides the most therapeutic healing. To receive healing touch and physical connection within a safe and inclusive space is precisely what SuNu provides.
Click the location links to schedule your own services, schedule for the caregiver in your life, or to connect with either office to purchase a gift certificate for SuNu services in Linden Hills and Minnetonka
Mother's Day Promotion
FREE Neck Wrap With Gift Card Purchase!
This promotion is running now through May 11th.  When you purchase a SuNu gift card valued at $150 or more, you will receive a FREE neck wrap.

If you've been to SuNu, you have been offered a warm neck wrap and a cup of tea upon arrival. Some clients come early just to take a moment to themselves and enjoy the comfort of this intentional care. We love that!

Our neck wraps are made in the USA with organic fabric and ingredients. The comforting weight and soothing scent of lavender can bring comfort to any moment whether at the office, unwinding before bedtime, or just relaxing in front of the t.v. 

Connect with the Minnetonka or Linden Hills office by clicking the location to order your gift card and neck wrap. 
Compassionate Care for Caregivers
Service Spotlights
Because mental wellness and maternal mental health are so important, throughout the month, we are featuring some of the services we find to be the most therapeutic, healing and beneficial for release, recovery, trauma, burnout, and more. Often, the opportunity, invitation or permission to simply be held is the most effective and significant way to feel embodied, nourished and whole. 
Rachael is a Reiki Master and offers Usui Reiki services at both SuNu locations. Her passion for this energetic work and the openness she brings to each session allows for every experience to be exactly what it is meant to be. Reiki is collaborative work, and while it can be restful, gentle, passive, it can also be transformative, revolutionary, and clarifying. 
For anyone who is looking to discover or uncover anything within themselves, reconnect to their mind/body, or move through stress, transition, stagnation, etc., we emphatically recommend Reiki. Rachael is eager and able to partner with you throughout your journey. 

Rachael invites conversation, offers FREE consultations, and even mini 30 minute sessions. Click here to view the schedule at either location, and here to connect with Rachael.
Craniosacral Therapy
Many SuNu Providers are trained in Craniosacral Therapy. CST is a gentle, light-touch treatment that works with balancing the natural rhythm and structure of the cranium and sacrum. The cranium and sacrum move in conjunction with one another to circulate cerebrospinal fluid along the entire length of the spinal cord. Cerebrospinal fluid is the nourishment for the brain and spinal cord and needs to be circulated properly.
Alex, offers Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy which is similar, but, perhaps a bit more intuitive. Alex uses light holds to stimulate and/or support the body. Through witnessing and acknowledging tension, compression, or pain, combined with an appreciation of potency and vitality, bodies are capable of shifting, reorganizing, and releasing tension and trauma.
Craniosacral Therapy and BCST help to calm down the nervous system which has many benefits, including helping with ADD/ADHD, sleeping problems, and infants with latching problems. It can help alleviate tension created by teeth clenching or grinding. Overall, it is a great way of decreasing stress in the body.

Along with Alex, most of SuNu's Doctors offer Craniosacral services. So does Adrienne, one of SuNu's Acupuncturists. To learn more about CST, please click here to schedule a FREE consult or speak to someone on our team. 
East/West Extended Service
Adrienne offers acupuncture services at both SuNu locations. She is a licensed Acupuncturist, trained Doula, certified in craniosacral therapy, cupping, Gua Sha and more. With that diversity and depth of knowledge, Adrienne is a sensational resource. She is able to generate healing and offer tools and experience that few other providers can. 
The East/West Extended Service was intentionally designed to incorporate all of the training and wisdom Adrienne can provide to clients. It is a 90 minute session which is individually and intuitively customized to the client's specific needs. Within the session, clients may experience cupping, acupuncture, craniosacral, or more. It is a wonderful way to be introduced to different methods of care. If you are someone who is uncomfortable with needles or traditional acupuncture, this is a tremendous option. It is soothing, relaxing, nourishing and also very results-driven and effective. 

Click here to view the schedule at both locations and contact your desired office to reserve your next appointment. 
Scheduling Update
Closed for Training
Our offices will be closed Friday, May 12th and Saturday, May 13th for our annual team development workshop. We work hard to provide the best care and experience to all. In order to do that, we invest in our team by prioritizing continuing education, fostering connection and offering opportunities for professional and personal growth.
We appreciate your patience during this brief closure. Should you need to contact the office(s) to communicate scheduling changes, please leave a voicemail or email, and we will assist you on Monday, May15th. 
Perhaps this is your opportunity to slow down and prioritize your health and well-being. SuNu means New Beginnings, and we are committed to how we can best care for each other, our bodies, our community, and the earth.
Please email or call if we can be of service. 

Warmth and light,
Dr. Susan and Dr. Liz
Copyright © 2020 SuNu Wellness, All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:
12455 Ridgedale Drive Suite 203
Minnetonka, MN 55305

2822 W 43rd St Suite 100
Minneapolis, MN 55410


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