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Words from Father Ed
Blessings to all who are reading the Grapevine! Beginning last week the Grapevine is being sent to the other congregations in the Russian River Deanery and we will receive their newsletters, too. We will share whatever news we receive that helps to bond us together as sister congregations of the Diocese of Northern California.

May God Bless us all,
Father Ed


Hello Everyone,
At the March Vestry meeting the vestry approved nine committees, some very much the same as several recent very effective committees, some new and some combinations of what we actually do.

The titles do not tell the whole story, however. So, here are the nine committees by name with the many ministries which fall in that category. This may seem like a long list, but every one of these details are the normal and regular ministries of an Episcopal Church, including St. Patrick's.   You, the members, are actually doing all these things!

Notice that two traditional ministries do not have a committee- Stewardship and Evangelism.
Stewardship isn't only the pledge drive, it really means taking care of all our resources, our worship, our identity as an Episcopal Church, how we care for each other, what we study, etc., etc. We are called to "steward" every aspect of our parish. 

Evangelism is the sum total of all our efforts to share the Good News, in worship and teaching & reaching out to the rest of the world. Every ministry needs to remember our purpose which is to spread the Good News in our words and in our actions.

We may soon initiate some special actions in this regard, advertising, welcoming newcomers, helping them to be part of our parish. You may remember an initiative called "Invite, Welcome, Connect", which is one program for doing evangelism. Look for something along those lines in the future, but in more depth. 

All our ministries should focus on sharing and living the Good News of the gift of eternal life that God has given us through our Savior Jesus Christ. That is how the church began and that is the only way it will survive. 

So, here are our ministries, categorized by committee titles. Which ministry are you called to? Which are you already doing?

We will be asking each committee to address some specific needs and tasks of St. Patrick’s. There are plenty of things to do, and we can do them.
Click HERE to read the MINISTRY LIST

St. Patrick's Attracts Visitors!
In light of last Sunday's gospel about the Good Shepherd we have changed what these friendly visitors might be saying... 


St Patrick's 
Upcoming Worship Service

In Person & Zoom
If you are unable to join in person, click here for the Zoom invite.

Click here to download the Sunday service bulletin.

Contact Information:

The Very Rev. Ed, Priest-In-Charge
Phone/text: 707-292-8033

Our Happenings at St Patrick's Church!

May 4- Choir Rehearsal at 6:30PM

May 7- Holy Eucharist 10AM

May 8-  Art & Exploring Class 11AM

May 8-  Food Distribution 5PM

May 10-  Midweek Worship followed by Bible Study 10AM

May 10-  *Al Anon Meeting- 6PM
               *AA Meeting- 7:30PM

Please click on the link below for upcoming calendar events!



Ministries of the parish that we cannot directly accomplish, except by our hospitable welcome to these fellowships and healing work include the following: 

 * AA Group, weekly on Wednesdays at 7:30PM, meets in  the Parish Hall.
 * Al Anon Group weekly on Wednesdays at 6PM, meets in the Common Room.
* PEO, once a month on the first Thursday at 10AM and sometimes on the first Saturday at 8:45AM, meets in the Parish Hall.

Our Gatherings On Zoom!

    St Patrick's Weekly Calendar

Sundays:  Holy Eucharist  
Join us in person for Sunday Eucharist! 10 a.m. 
Also available online by Zoom. Click here for the invite.

Tuesdays:  Morning Coffee Hour  
Let's meet over coffee! 10:00 a.m. Contact Rich Randolph for your Zoom Invitation.
Rich Randolph:

Thursdays:  Compline  
Compline on ZOOM! 4:00 p.m. Hosted by Minerva Haddad. Contact Minerva for your Zoom invite.
Minerva Haddad:

Fridays: The Men's Bible Study:
Grow in your faith & walk with God! 8:30 a.m.
Send a note to Rich Randolph and he will ensure you receive a Zoom invitation.
Rich Randolph:

St. Patrick's Hosted Nomadic Shelter
April 29, 2023
  Saturday, April 29, was our last Nomadic Shelter for this season.  We had 15 guests, 2 early staff and 2 late staff.  Twelve volunteers shopped, cooked and served the meal.  The expenses came to $74.50.
  The menu was very popular with our guests.  They enjoyed cheese and crackers as appetizers, followed by ham, mixed vegetables, roasted potatoes, ambrosia, and homemade cookies.  There was so much ham left over that we packaged it in baggies for our guests to take with them the next morning.
  Diana Estabrook provided some goodies for the guests, along with toiletries collected by Daughters of the King, which volunteers packed in lunch bags.  We all enjoyed listening to Jackie Senter play ragtime on the piano while we ate dinner.  Then Karen Borgfeldt provided hot towels for everyone to relax with after dinner.  All these extra treats were appreciated by everyone.
  Thank you to each of our volunteers who gave so much of their time for this Grand Finale for our Shelter season:  Karen and Brian Borgfeldt, Eleanor Albon, Bernadette Gibb, Merle Holtzen, Anne Phillips, Ron Keith, Laurie Boone-Hogen, Jackie Senter, Wendy Wood, Sarah Phillips, Rich Randolph.  Bernadette provided the cheese and crackers and Merle added a lot of cookies to the 3 dozen or so that Anne made.  Ron made the ambrosia.  Those cookies flew off the plates and there was no ambrosia left.  Some guests asked for second helpings of the meal.  Thanks to Bryan for slicing ham!
  Everyone did multiple jobs, from setting tables to washing dishes.  What a great crew!  
  If you haven’t had a chance to serve at the Nomadic Shelter you can watch for its return in October, with sign-ups starting in September.  It’s a wonderful ministry that shows St. Patrick’s at its best.

Art & Exploring Our Own Creative Expression with
Kate Rogers

Art Classes are continuing!!
Join Kate Rogers at St. Patrick’s Episcopal Church in Kenwood on Mondays, beginning May 8th at 11:00 to 12:30. Everyone is welcome to join this delightful opportunity to focus on the creative process.  NO experience is necessary, just a willingness to explore, have fun and let art happen!!
All materials are supplied.  To help defray costs, a donation of $5 per class is suggested.  A renewable 5 – session class card for $25 simplifies this process.  We plan to schedule more than 5 sessions.  The exact number to be determined. Cash or checks made out to St. Patrick’s Episcopal Church work fine. 
To sign up, please contact Bobbiejo at or call 707-833-4228.  For questions, contact Laurie Boone Hogen at St. Patrick’s Episcopal Church is located at 9000 Sonoma Highway in Kenwood.

Centering Prayer
Easter Service at Green Acres!
Kiwanis International is sponsoring a fund raiser to strengthen their youth scholarship fund and other youth programs.
They are asking people to buy tickets to a preview showing of the play "Something Rotten" at the 6th Street Playhouse on Wednesday evening, May 31st. You can buy tickets ($30) from any Kiwanis member, that is Eleanor Albon, or you can email

Easter Service at Green Acres!
We had a fun celebration at Green Acres earlier this month!
Father Ed and Senior Warden, Jackie Senter, gave prayers and communion to the people of Green Acres. We were especially happy to talk with Connie Van Loben Sels who is the eldest of our congregation!
We love you Connie!!


The Meaning of Baptism
Featured ImageAre you interested in reflecting on the meaning of your baptism for the questions, challenges, and opportunities you face in daily life? During Easter Season (also known as the Great Fifty Days), Phina Borgeson and Paul Mallatt will be offering an online, Zoom-based course called “Living Sacramentally.” All in our Russian River Deanery are invited to explore what it means to live into our baptisms, and meet the questions, challenges and opportunities to live faithfully in our daily lives. Five sessions will each be focused on a sign of baptism: water, oil, name, new clothes, light. A short reflection from one of the facilitators and a key text from scripture or the Book of Common Prayer will lead into open dialogue among those who participate. Newly baptized adults and older teens, as well as parents and godparents of newly baptized children and infants, are especially encouraged to participate, but all are welcome. Eastertide is a traditional time for Christians to reflect on living sacramentally; as part of the catechumenal process it is called “mystagogy.”
Meetings will be Tuesday evenings at 6:30 p.m. Pacific, beginning April 18 for five weeks. Paul Mallatt ( and Phina Borgeson ( will be facilitating. Contact either of them with questions or to receive the Zoom link.

Food Donations Needed
F.I.S.H. of Santa Rosa
Spread the LOVE!

Our friends at F.I.S.H. of Santa Rosa would like our help with peanut butter donations!  If you would like to bring in jars of peanut butter to help fulfill their needs to keep serving those in need. You can also bring canned soup and other food non-perishable items. Peanut butter is their greatest need at the moment.
Drop off your donations in the basket located in the Narthex. 
We thank you for all your help!

Donation basket, located in the Narthex


Please Support Saint Patrick’s Episcopal Church Ministry

Please remember that if you choose to mail your gift, our mailing address is P.O. Box 247, Kenwood CA 95452.

Thank you!!!


If you choose to mail in your gift, please consider to send checks only. This is for your security.





Contact Information:

The Very Rev. Ed Howell, Priest-In-Charge
Phone/text: 707-292-8033
9000 Sonoma Highway
PO Box 247
Kenwood, CA 95452
2023  St. Patrick's Episcopal Church, All rights reserved.

Our Mailing Address: 

PO Box 247, Kenwood, CA 95452

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