Webinar - Mon, 5/8, 2 pm. Have you ever asked: "Where is the subsidized affordable housing in Maine?" or "What types of housing can households in my county afford?"
Topic: Housing in Maine - Intro to Open-Sourced Data Visualization Tool - 5/8, 2 pm
These and other questions can now be answered through an interactive data visualization tool.
Sarah Sturtevant and Jacob Curtis (Shaw Innovation Fellowship research team and USM graduate/undergraduate students) have built an application based on MaineHousing.org consolidated data, census, NAR and HUD data - and utilizing Microsoft's Power BI technology.
For an introduction to this tool, how to access it and how to use it, please tune in to a zoom webinar (details below) on Monday May 8th at 2:00pm. Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 286 274 7038 Passcode: 9aX9YF