
GIT Tips for Raising Grateful Kids

Teaching children to appreciate the world around them and to express their gratitude is not an easy task. Lucky for you, you have GIT Mom to give you some tips! 
GIT Tip #1
Do as I do

I feel the most important factor in teaching gratitude is to walk the talk. 

➡️ When someone hands you something do you say thank you? 

➡️ Do you thank the waiter for bringing your meal? 

➡️ Do you thank the person who holds open the door?

If you want your children to be thankful for the things they receive in life, then you need to be thankful, too. And they need to hear you say it. 

GIT Tip #2
Don’t be afraid to be that parent

When our children forget to say thank you, give them a moment and then, if necessary, remind them to ahem… say thank you!

GIT Tip #3
Appreciate your world every day:

Remember that we have so much to be thankful for and that we teach our kids to do the same. Make gratitude a part of your everyday life. Involve your kids so that it becomes second nature to them. 

➡️ When I’m driving Wells to school I comment on how beautiful the trees are. 

➡️ When I’m cooking food I say how fortunate we are to have a stocked refrigerator.

➡️ When I turn on the faucet and clean running water runs out I explain how this isn’t a guarantee in many countries.
GIT Tip #4
Write thank you notes

After the holidays and birthdays have your kids write a note of appreciation for every single gift they received. My routine is I get the boys' stationery out, put it on the dining table and they write the cards while eating. For toddlers, sit together and talk about what they received, from whom and why they like it. Have your kids watch you write out the card and help them sign their name. For extra credit “write” their names with dots they can connect to be a part of the gratitude game. With enough consistency you’ll barely be involved in the process and have grateful children.
Love, Eirene
P.S. Have you grabbed your copy of my book yet? Being a GIT Mom is a mindset and this book is your manual. Grab your copy on Amazon.

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