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A Memorable
Spring Break

We wanted to highlight one of our teammates in the US who designed all the promotional and printed materials for the Panama City Beach spring break trip that happened in March. One of the great things of working with other designers is to be inspired by their work and help give feedback. Here are some stats and stories from PCB23.

1,373 spiritual conversations, 304 Gospel presentations, 67 decisions for Christ

At least half of the students who attended had never shared their faith before. There was even a student who wasn't a Christian that attended and they prayed to receive Christ on the trip. Students flooded the prayer room every evening session praying for people they met on the beach who didn't know Christ. One student shared with two guys who were tripping on acid and said they wanted to pray to receive Christ once they were done tripping.

Prayer & Updates

Our intern, Kate, arrives on May 23rd. We’re looking forward to our 5 weeks with her. Pray that she will have a good experience and learn more about her craft and the opportunities in ministry.

Andrew’s parents visited us this month. We had a wonderful time celebrating his dad’s birthday and visiting a couple of new cities in France. We’re looking forward to our summer here, but we’re planning a trip to the US this autumn to see family, friends, and visit a few churches. Thank you for all your prayers and support.


Andrew & Ann Lang

Design & Photography
Paris, France

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