Opt in to receive emails

We aim to send news by email approximately 4 times a year. We may also share occasional notices about special events or opportunities.

What kind of messages do we send?
You can view previous mailings in our archive, to see the type of message you are opting in to receive. You can also choose whether to receive messages with formatted text and pictures (HTML) or as plain text. 

What happens next?
After you submit this form, an automatic email will be sent to the email address you provide. To complete the opt in process, you must confirm your decision by opening that email and clicking on the relevant link. If you cannot find the email, please check your junk or spam folder. To avoid messages being identified as spam, we recommend you add our email address to your contact list (team@interfaith.cam.ac.uk).

What happens to the data?
The Cambridge Interfaith newsletter is powered by Mailchimp. Subscriber information, such as your email address and format preferences, is held on MailChimp's servers for the purpose of distributing the news.

Outgoing messages are managed by our Communications and Programme Manager, who has access to MailChimp records for the purpose of communicating with those on the mailing list. We won
t use the data you provide below for any other purpose. Nor will we share it with others.

You can opt out at any time. A link to opt out (unsubscribe) or change your preferences is included at the bottom of every message we send.

Cambridge Interfaith Programme is part of the University of Cambridge and complies with the University's privacy policy, which you can find here: https://www.cam.ac.uk/about-this-site/privacy-policy

(* indicates required)

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Email Marketing Powered by Mailchimp