

Good afternoon,

The following prayer requests were received from Connection Cards on Sunday, April 30th:

Happy 53rd Wedding Anniversary to Bill and Diana Field (May 2nd)

"Thank you for the special lullaby, choir" -Erin and Corey Otis

"Praises for my daughter and my three grandkids, as we celebrate three years of being a complete family” - Jim Rutherford

“Praise for the baptism of Henry Elijah Otis”

“Praise for the heavenly rains that makes everything grow!”

Prayer Requests
Please include the following in your prayers:
Marjorie Shooter (sister of Priscilla Shelters) - recently moved to assisted living - please pray for this adjustment in her new life

Parents of Jim Rutherford - prayers needed

Coworker of Donna Wines - within the last year and a half she lost mother to Alzheimer’s, lost husband and now her son needs a miracle
Micky Glassel and family
Lee Lehman and family

Cancer patients

For a great week to all

Our church, as we ready ourselves for change

There are also many unspoken prayers needed for our church family… health concerns, falls, life changes, big decisions… please continue to keep your fellow friends and family in your prayers.

Jamie Rouster

May your heart and mind be open enough to receive the blessings of the new month.