Fun, Facts & Fitness from Mary Morris MSc.

I have always admired those who 'walk the talk', or, put another way, 'practice what they preach'. Rosemary is one of those people, and it is something I have always admired in her and, more importantly for me, makes her easy to work with. We are both of the same mind on this subject, in that we spend our working lives encouraging others to be as fit and healthy as possible and it's important that we follow all those guidelines ourselves, therefore setting a good example.
Our aim is to stay as fit as possible into older age and we know that requires effort, as it certainly does not happen on its own! And from media reports it appears that our new King and Queen Consort feel that way too, as I have been delving into how they keep themselves fit and in good shape.
Knowing the enormous pressure that their roles must place upon them, it is vital that they have the physical strength and stamina to be able to fulfil the incredible number of royal engagements necessary to do the job.
It seems that many a VIP has gone out for a stroll with the then Prince Charles and have fallen by the wayside as he romps all over the moors at Balmoral. This is music to my ears as it immediately demonstrates to me that he walks with purpose and intensity (which we regularly urge you to do!). It is also no surprise to me that, apparently, he likes the Canadian Air Force exercise regime from the 1960s – of which my own father was an advocate. This programme of exercises involves a set of strength exercises that ensures the rest of the major muscles of the body are strong. They include press-ups, abdominal curls and back extensions.
Apparently, Camilla is no exception either as she too follows a regime of exercise totally appropriate to her age. She is a lover of Pilates and Yoga as she likes the fact it keeps her both strong and supple – perfect for a mature body. But what Rosemary will be pleased to hear is that during the pandemic she did a daily 20-minute session of ballet moves. You can do the same by following Rosemary's ballet lessons on our website. It is SO good for our posture and maintaining the strength in our legs – those important muscles that help us live independently for as long as possible.
It is quite clear to me that those in the public eye have plenty of reasons as well as the motivation, to keep fit and healthy but what about you? Assuming most of you reading this have not been invited to the Coronation or a Royal Garden Party (well done Heather - extremely well deserved!), what is likely to get you motivated to do more to get you into good shape as the summer approaches?
I am just about to swap my main wardrobe from winter to summer clothes and that is enough motivation for me personally. Those lighter clothes mean the body is more exposed after all the winter 'cover-up' of jumpers and jeans, so I find I am highly motivated to do more toning work!
Here are some key areas that may soon be left uncovered:
This is such a worthwhile area to tone up as you will see real results quite quickly. Do this as an exercise 'snack' by sitting on a sturdy chair that has arms. With hands on the chair-arms simply push your bottom off the seat taking your body weight in your arms to do it. Keep your feet on the floor but use your arm strength to lift yourself up quite quickly then slowly lower yourself down again. Start with 5 x 2 sets then progress to 2 sets of 10.
Hips and Thighs
For best results start from sitting in the same chair but with arms crossed on the chest. Lean forward slightly and stand up swiftly, then lift the right leg out to the side then lower it again before lowering yourself slowly back into the seat. Repeat but this time lift the left leg out to the side and in when standing before slowly lowering yourself back onto the chair. Repeat 6 times for each leg.
Waist and Tummy
Nothing beats doing abdominal curls and twisted curls from the floor. Lie on your back, knees bent, with hands behind the head. Pull tummy in and lift head and shoulders off the floor, hold for 2 seconds and lower again slowly. Do 10 straight lift-ups then try twisted curls by doing another 10 lifts taking opposite shoulders toward your opposite thighs. Repeat another set of each.
If you find lying on the floor difficult, lie on a firm bed as an option. However, do look at our way of Getting Safely On and Off the Floor on our website.
Motivation is such a personal thing. What works for one may not suit another, but it is the driver behind everything we do. We all need a strong reason to pursue a goal, so search out the best one for you. For most of us it is a well-deserved holiday where we want to go away looking our best. Work hard before you go – relax when you get there - and get back-on-track when you return. It is a formula that works.