One of the most intimidating scriptures for lay readers to tackle comes on Pentecost Sunday (May 28). This is Acts 2:1-13. The intimidating verses are 8-11. Now I have a confession to make: I have fun reading these verses—though, mind you, I’ve had 40+ years of practice.
“These people are all from Galilee, and yet we hear them speaking in our own native languages! Here we are—Parthians, Medes, Elamite’s, people from Mesopotamia, Judaea, Cappadocia, Pontus, and the province of Asia, Phrygia, Pamphylia, Egypt, and the areas of Libya around Cyrene, visitors from Rome (both Jews and converts to Judaism, Cretans and Arabs. And we all hear these people speaking in our own languages about the wonderful things God has done.”
People from all over the Roman Empire and beyond were in Jerusalem and most importantly they heard the gospel of Jesus Christ and the love of God proclaimed to them. The disciples didn’t have to leave the city to reach the nations. The nations came to them.
Let’s rephrase this for us today in Canada (with the top ten nations of origin of immigrants. “These people are all from Canada and yet we hear them speaking in our own native languages. Here we are—-Indians, Chinese, and Afghans. People from Nigeria, the Philippines, and France, and Pakistan, Iran, the USA, and Syria.’ We all hear them speaking about the wonderful things God has done!”
The two main church festivals in May, Ascension and Pentecost, celebrate and describe the source of power, of our mandate to go to the nations. And just as in the first century, the nations are coming to us (even from some of the same countries).
Find ways to reach out in your community!
Pastor Jim
St Andrew's Lutheran Church (ALC) is in the Thompson Valley at the junction of the Thompson River‘s north and south branches. While surrounded by mountains, the area is part of the northern tip of Canada’s only desert climate along with sagebrush, prickly pear cactus and rattlesnakes. Located in south-central B.C. on the trans-Canada highway, the city is the hub for all merchandise moving from Vancouver to the rest of Canada. Incorporated in 1893, Kamloops is known as the Tournament Capital of Canada.
The demographic’s of ALC has changed over the last half-decade as the congregation has adapted to changes caused by urban restructuring. ALC is a chronologically young congregation established in 1961 by the Canadian Missions of the American Lutheran Church in Canada (ALCC). Reverend L.E. McFarlane served as mission pastor from 1961 to 1971. The first service was held in the basement of the parsonage in June 1961. The initial seventy-two people in attendance were Lutheran.
ALC became a member of the Evangelical Lutheran Church (ELCC) in 1967. Rev. M.G. Kornfeld served from 1971 to 1978. With his emphasis on the importance of the Christian’s spiritual walk, Rev. I.A. Dexel became the shepherd of ALC from 1978 to 1988. The celebration stain glass windows were designed, built, and added to the building during the twentieth anniversary. ALC grew in numbers during the 1980s, having an active Sunday School, adult bible Study, and Vacation Bible School. ALC became a member of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada (ELCIC) after the national merger of 1986.
The source of music at ALC was the organ until the acoustic guitar was used in conjunction with an overhead mylar projector in the 1990s. Rev. V.A. Roste (1990-94) guided the congregations during the formation of the new church body. A congregational vote on March 15, 1991 resulted in the confirmation that ALC was being led by the Spirit to leave the ELCIC over the issue of the interpretation of scripture. After leaving the ELCIC in 1992, ALC (Phil Brose (Lawyer) and Rev. Roste) submitted Letters of Incorporation to the spring legislature in Ottawa to form a new national body—the Canadian Association of Lutheran Congregations (CALC). Rev. Roste was the new national church body’s first president.
Once an affluent community, the neighborhood had begun to degrade with the encroaching commercial sector and low-rise apartment complexes. Rev. Sauder (1995-2007) encouraged the members to build a strong fellowship and unity within the congregation by focusing on their faith in Christ. He also served as CALC’s president from 1995 to 1999. A new worship schedule was started in 1996 with an 8:30 AM Contemporary Service followed by a Traditional Service at 10:00 AM. ALC supported the Guerro, Mexico orphanage and began providing one service per month to the local Pine Grove Lodge which was expanded to a second care facility in 2018 until the pandemic. ALC returned to one worship service at 10:15 AM using a balance of Praise and Worship songs and church Hymns.
Ministry candidate S.C. Herbert (2008-09) challenged ALC to enter the technological age, while D.R. Schumacher (2010-17) continued the focus of trusting in Jesus and the Word of God. ALC celebrated its fiftieth anniversary in 2012 with a great reunion of past members along with the installation of an overhead projector and wall mounted screen for worship. The loss of youth and children at ALC began in 2009 when Sunday School attendance became sporadic and the Christmas concert was cancelled.
The aged “Silent Generation” and the now aging “Boomers” are a reality at ALC with no youth or children attending worship. A congregational survey completed in 2018 noted that only forty percent of ALC were life-long Lutherans while three-quarters of the active members are of post-retirement (70+) age. Many attend the church because it is conveniently close to their retirement apartment. A pre-pandemic adult Bible study at 9:30 AM was led by a layman prior to Sunday worship at 10:30 AM. Church attendance remains at about fifty percent of pre-pandemic levels while the church finances have remained stable. The congregation is orthodox Christian and follows a worship liturgy, composed of hymns and songs which resemble the Lutheran Book of Worship. The church was blessed with a baby-grand piano in January 2022. Most members have a strong prayer relationship with Christ through the Holy Spirit which is the essence for a living Faith. The importance of prayer is daily visible in the life of these people and no gathering begins or ends without prayer. Prior to the pandemic ALC had many volunteers involved in greeting, ushering, reading to assisting with communion.
The church’s Facebook page was set up in 2015 as sermons are posted weekly. Then, in an effort to continue to make the gospel message of salvation available to the internet community, members of ALC began live-streaming the entire worship service (pre-pandemic) in January 2020. With the gathering restriction, we began to look at ways to improve the sound and video components of the Sunday morning live-stream of worship (excluding the Lord’s Supper) which are simultaneously broadcasted and saved on Facebook and YouTube. The worship service was never halted during the pandemic. Confession, music and singing, along with prayer, the creed and the Word of God are an essential part of Lutheran worship when the community in Christ gather.
With the growing aging membership and the encroaching commercial sector, Rev. M.R. Lapointe (2018-present) continues to challenge the congregation to be the person of Christ reaching out and touching the lives of the people living in the church’s physical community. Attrition and death are quickly decreasing the membership while a few new members have joined the ranks, including a Mormon.
Technology is a convenience that cannot do the work of Christ. Being an older congregation ALC has the gift and experience to be able to reach into the lives of the aging people living in the community and the growing number of care facilities of our city. Kamloops is also a small university town as younger members continue to reach out to students living away from home. Attracting new and younger members, even the children and grand-children of members is a challenge (except for Christmas and Easter) as many either stay away from church or join churches that offer more exciting opportunities.
The greatest challenge remains—bringing the gospel message to a changing demographic just outside of the walls of the church. Urban restructuring has also resulted in an increase in homelessness, criminal activity, drug, and alcohol abuse on the church property, some indulging in sexual activities in the dark hidden recesses while often leaving contaminated syringes behind as the gospel continues to challenged us to be the hands and feet of Jesus in a changing society – where an apple orchard once thrived and has been replaced by a concrete jungle. We can never return to the paradise of the past, but we must continue to plant seeds that will one day take root in the soil of the hearts of our world.
The delegates to CALC's 2023 Convention voted to admit two new congregations as full members of CALC and voted to add and delete pastors from the roster of pastors.
Additions to the Roster of Congregations:
St. Olaf Lutheran Church, Kindersley, SK
Box 715, 807-3rd Street W.
Kindersley, Saskatchewan, S0L 1S0
(306) 463-6116
Pastor: Scott Kopperud
Council Chairperson: Aaron Becker
Trinity Lutheran Church, Brooks, AB
811 Cassils Rd. W Brooks, Alberta, T1R 0E4
(403) 362-4259
Pastor Maggie Theiss
Council Chairperson: Mark Altwasser
Additions to and deletions from the Roster of Pastors:
The following names were removed from the Roster of Parish Pastors:
Pastor Paige Isaac - Faith Lutheran Church, North York, ON.
Pastor Alvin Sorenson by reason of his retirement – Golden Valley Lutheran Church, AB.
The following names were added to the Roster of Parish Pastors:
Pastor Peter Beckman – Bardo Lutheran Church, Tofield, AB
Pastor Jim Bredeson – Christ Lutheran Church, Sexsmith, AB
Pastor Grant Crichton – Victory Lutheran Church, Medicine Hat, AB
Pastor Sherland Chhangur – Goodwood Uxbridge Lutheran Church, Uxbridge, ON
Pastor Jeff Kentel – Evangelical Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd, Toronto, ON
Pastor Scott Kopperud – St. Olaf Lutheran Church, Kindersley, SK
Pastor Randall McLeod -Immanuel Lutheran Church, Parkside, SK
Pastor Maggie Theiss, Trinity Lutheran Church, Brooks, AB
Pastor Alvin Sorenson, Pastor Emeritus
Convention Election Results
Fred Schickedanz, St. Peter’s Lutheran Church, Cochrane, AB was elected Vice President for a second four year term. Helen Zacharias, Christ Lutheran, Morden, MB, was elected Treasurer for a second four year term. We thank God for their faithful service to our association for the past four years and pray God will bless and inspire them to serve four more years!
CALC's pastors and their spouses, gathered at Hastings Lake Bible Camp on April 19-20, 2023, for the annual CALC pastors' retreat. The CALC pastors gather every year to learn together, fellowship and support each other. This year, three speakers came to present on topics related to reaching out to new people with bravery, creativity and hospitality. It was a wonderful time for the CALC pastors to gather in their united faith and purpose.
Rev. Terry Forke's presentation at the retreat and the convention focused on “Growing the Rural Church.” He reminded us that the Gospel is as relevant today as it ever was and that people still need to hear the Gospel. He called rural congregations to preach the Gospel without compromise and believe that God will continue to add to our numbers people that will hear and respond to that proclamation.
Rev. Lucretia van Ommeren-Tabbert's at the retreat and the convention focused on “Growing in Diversity.” She challenged us to examine our attitudes toward others, most especially, the "new Canadians" among us. She affirmed God's call to us to reach out to the new sojourners among us so that our congregations will include the newcomers to our land.
Rev. John Albiston's presentation at the retreat and the convention focused on “Revitalizing the Church.” He called us to look at our attitudes as congregations and individuals. He asked us to consider whether our congregations are more focused on preserving our preferences than reaching out to the lost. He asked us to consider whether our focus is on maintaining "members" rather than becoming a community of disciples who make new disciples who follow Christ.
What’s in a name?
Christ Lutheran Church. For decades, this name reflected the desire of believers to see Jesus Christ at the center of this fellowship in Sexsmith, Alberta. This name also expresses our hope and prayer that Jesus Christ will work amongst us now.
The Town of Sexsmith has about 2,500 residents. Fifteen minutes to the south sits Grande Prairie with a population of about 70,000. Our larger neighbour, with its commercial and economic opportunities, helps to feed the vitality of nearby towns. While our congregation is small, we sense a conviction that Christ has called us to be present and active within Sexsmith. About 15 years ago, a faithful core of only 6 individuals held fast to this conviction, keeping the church doors open for Sunday worship. Today, in addition to this faithful core, our fellowship has been blessed with several new friends and family. Jesus builds his church, and he himself is the cornerstone (Ephesians 2:20).
We have just been through a 5-year season with a pastoral vacancy. During this time, we navigated COVID restrictions, technology updates, preaching support, and building improvements. We endeavored to support ministries and social agencies both locally and nationally. We said goodbye to saints who have gone on to their heavenly home. We sought God’s wisdom, asking Him “What would you have us do?”.
Recently Pastor Jim Bredeson has come to serve our congregation on a seasonal basis, and we have been soaking up the rich gospel proclamation that comes with this pastoral support.
What’s in a name? A reminder of the goodness, faithfulness, and power of Jesus Christ.
Lynn Lovrod
Chair of the Board
Christ Lutheran Church, Sexsmith
The clink of dishes in the background…the murmur of women’s voices and laughter…Good food, beautiful worship, crafts, a nature walk and an inspirational speaker. This was the Women’s Retreat at Immanuel on April 29th. It was a beautiful day to gather! Boyd and Jacqueline Hopkins founded Spoken Word Ministries 18 years ago and have now moved to Stony Plain to pastor at Immanuel Lutheran Church of Rosenthal. Women from their Spoken Word Saskatchewan team travelled out to host this retreat, along with the guest speaker, Leah Beutler. She is co-pastor, with husband Dallas Beutler, of The Rock Church in Saskatoon as well as a friend and ministry partner of Boyd and Jacqueline. Having recovered from long term illnesses, chronic pain & spiritual abuse, Leah had a wealth of wisdom to share with the women gathered that day.
She shared an inspiring series of messages on “Carrying the Glory of God”. Inspired by many verses from the Old Testament through the New and focusing on the nature of the ark of the covenant as the first “carrier” of God’s glory, Leah encouraged the women gathered to understand their role in a healthy way. Some of the gems she shared were: 1. Don’t try to rescue the glory of God. It didn’t go well for Uzzah in I Chronicles 13, and it won’t go well for you either. 2. Find trusted co-bearers to partner with. Just as the ark was designed to be carried by four priests, the role of being carriers of the Glory of God is a task designed for a team. And number 3. Journey together in community. There is a reason Jesus prayed for unity amongst believers; we have a big job to do, and it cannot be done in isolation. Growing in community is key! John 17:22 “I have given them the glory that you gave me, that they may be one as we are one…”
All in all, a wonderful day and we look forward to offering another one next year!
CALC Bible Study is launched!
We are studying the Book of Ephesians!
1:30 -3:30 PM
May 10, 2023
Location Langs Village Community Health Centre
1145 Concession Road Cambridge, ON N3H 4L5
2023 CALC Annual Convention Registrations
Conference Registrations: 64
Total In-Person Participants: 59
Total Zoom Participants: 5
Registration Status
Voting Delegate: Lay Member of Congregation (21)
Voting Delegate: Pastor of Member Congregation (20)
National Council Member (10)
Individual Associate Member (2)
Non-Voting Delegate for Associate Member Congregation (1)
Guests (12)
Presenters (4)
Representation of Congregations (29/35)
Alberta (13)
Asker Lutheran Church
Bardo Lutheran Church
Bethel Lutheran Church of Lea Park
Calvary Lutheran Church
Christ Lutheran Church
Emmaus Lutheran Church
Golden Valley Lutheran Church
Immanuel Lutheran Church of Rosenthal
Peace Lutheran Church
Sharon Lutheran Church
St. Peter’s Lutheran Church
Trinity Lutheran Church
Victory Lutheran Church
British Columbia (4)
Grace Lutheran Church
Mount Calvary Lutheran Church
St. Andrews Lutheran Church
Vancouver Chinese Lutheran Church
Manitoba (1)
Christ Lutheran Church
Ontario (7)
All Saints Lutheran Church
Faith Lutheran Church
Goodwood Uxbridge Lutheran Church
Good Shepherd Lutheran Church
Resurrection Lutheran Church
St. Matthew’s Lutheran Church
St. Peter’s Lutheran Church
Saskatchewan (4)
Immanuel Lutheran Church
St. John Lutheran Church
St. Olaf Lutheran Church
Trinity Lutheran Church
Announcing Christ School of Theology’s - Theology in Residence Gathering
The inaugural meeting of the Christ School of Theology’s (CST) Theology in Residence Gathering is taking place on June 12-17, 2023, in Brookings, SD.
CST students are invited to join with fellow theologians, scholars and faculty as they engage in personal theological research. Participants will pursue their individual, theological research efforts while refining their research through conversations with fellow scholars and on-site faculty, combined with guided academic coaching and research support from the CST Dean of Library and Research. Participants and faculty will share a mid-day meal each day of the event where they will be able to enjoy the fellowship that nourishes the body, mind and soul.
This meeting is held in conjunction with Graduation week. Other activities going on during the week of June 12-17 include:
Board Meeting: June 12-14, 2023
Alumni Association Dinner: Wednesday, June 14, 2023 at 6:00 p.m.
Graduation Ceremony: Thursday, June 15, 2023 at 4:00 p.m.
Graduation Dinner: Thursday, June 15, 2023 at 6:00 p.m.
Faculty Retreat: June 16 and 17, 2023
Please join us for all or any of these events!
To RSVP, please contact Kelli Anawski by emailing her at:
The March For Life 2023
May 11, 2023 12:30 -3:30 PM (EDT)
“Stand firm therefore, having belted your waist with truth, and having put on the breastplate of righteousness.” (Ephesians 6:14)
All pictures and content from the event's website.
Rally & March 2023
May 11th | 12:30 -3:30 pm EDT
12:30 pm – Rally on Parliament Hill
1:30 pm – March downtown Ottawa
2:30 pm – Silent No More Awareness Testimonies
3:00 pm Closing Prayer Service: Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytsky Institute
The National March for Life, typically the largest annual protest on Parliament Hill, takes place in May to mark the Day of Infamy, when the 1969 omnibus bill passed under Prime Minister Pierre Elliott Trudeau, decriminalizing abortion. Pro-lifers rally in front of our Parliament building and march through downtown Ottawa, demanding that our elected representatives fight for the right to life of every human being.
The National March for Life is organized by Campaign Life Coalition, the leading pro-life and pro-family organization in Canada. The March began in 1998, with a mere 700 in attendance. At first, there was a bit of support for the March from political, cultural and spiritual leaders, but as the event grew, so did the extent of support. It remains a grassroots movement today, bringing together pro-lifers of all ages, including thousands of young people.
The event is the most prominent forum for pro-life Canadians to demand justice for the 100,000 children who are killed in their mothers’ wombs each year by abortion. Currently, Canada is the only Western nation with zero legal protection for the preborn, meaning abortion is permitted for any reason or no reason whatsoever, up till the moment of birth.
Since the legalization of euthanasia and assisted suicide in 2016, the March has also become an opportunity to condemn the steadily increasing number of vulnerable citizens killed by medical professionals under the euphemism “MAiD” or “medical assistance in dying.”
Each year, we arrange for several speakers, including pro-life parliamentarians, religious leaders, and activists, to deliver statements that call our government to account, and inspire and encourage rally attendees to take action.
Afterwards, thousands of pro-life Canadians begin to march through the streets of Ottawa. They are led by the Ottawa police and volunteer marshals, who keep the route safe and clear.
When the March ends, people re-assemble on the lawn of Parliament Hill to listen to moving testimonies from the post-abortive men and women of the Silent No More Awareness campaign, which are followed by a prayer service.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the 2020 march was entirely virtual. In 2021, we held a “hybrid” event, with an in-person rally and March for Life in Ottawa, complemented by a full program of virtual events, which remain available for viewing on our March for Life Canada YouTube channel.
Last year we continued the Hybrid model due to uncertainty regarding the ongoing lockdowns. This year’s march will be our 26th. While we are still planning extensive online programming, including our Life on Film series, we’re happy to announce a return to a full roster of in-person events. The Candlelight Vigil, Rally on the Hill and March for Life, Rose Dinner, Youth Banquet, and Youth Summit – are all coming back.
Click here to access the "National March for Life" website.
EWTN will be broadcast the event live. Click here to access EWTN EWTN is Eternal Word Television Network - a Catholic Broadcaster headquartered in the USA.
Treasurer Helen Zacharias presented CALC's financial report for 2022 and a budget for 2023.
She reported income for 2022 from all sources of $98,448.00 and expenses of $100,961.00 for a net deficit of -$2,513.00 for the year. Our Statement of Financial Position showed restricted and unrestricted assets of $115,627.00 at year's end.
The delegates passed the following budget for 2023.
Pastor Jim’s Excellent Adventure Please consider joining me if you are in the neighborhood of the following places:
May 9-11 Ottawa, Ontario
*All Saints Bible Study, May 10 AM
*Resurrection, Pembroke, Ontario May 10 evening
*March for Life, Parliament Hill, May 11
May 12-18 Toronto, Ontario
*May 12-13 Office availability at Faith, Toronto (Downsview)
*May 13 10 AM Ontario Regional Meeting Faith, Toronto
*May 14 preaching Faith, Toronto
*May 15 Field trip to Kitchener-Waterloo, Cambridge
*May 16 Personal Day
*May 17 Uxbridge-Goodwood, Ontario
May 19-22 Saskatchewan
*May 19-20 Saskatoon
*May 20-22 Parkside, Saskatchewan
*May 21 Immanuel Parkside, preaching and ordination of Randall McLeod
*May 24-30 Vancouver/Lower Mainland, BC
*May 27 Ordination of Johnson Leung, Vancouver Chinese Lutheran Church
*May 28 preaching Vancouver Chinese Lutheran Church
*May 31-June 11 Pastoral work at Christ Lutheran, Sexsmith, AB
We hope you were blessed by this month's edition of the e-Connector. Our hope and prayer is that this electronic newsletter will truly keep CALC informed and connected.
If your congregation is celebrating a milestone, such an anniversary, the installation of a new pastor, new construction, a mission activity, and/or the launch of a special new ministry, let us know. We would love to share your joy with the other members of CALC
Contact info for the editorial team: Pastor Ed Skutshek: Tel: (250) 801-3860 Email: Sarah Dunphy: Tel: (613) 324-6554 Email: