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May 2023 Newsletter

News & Announcements

On May 3, the Sabin Center's Senior Fellow Amy Turner spoke with CBS News about New York's new building electrification law and what it means for cleaner and better buildings around the country.

Watch the segment here

Featured Publications

Transferred Emissions Are Still Emissions: Why Fossil Fuel Asset Sales Need Enhanced Transparency and Carbon Accounting, Columbia Center on Sustainable Investment & Sabin Center for Climate Change Law, by Jack Arnold, Martin Lockman, Perrine Toledano, Martin Deitrich Brauch, Shraman Sen, Michael Burger (May 2023)

Read the blog post announcing the release of the report here
Status Report on Principles of International and Human Rights Law Relevant to Climate Change, by Katelyn Horne, Maria Antonia Tigre, and Michael B. Gerrard (April 2023)

Read the blog post
 Climate Change and the Law: Sabin Center launches report on legal issues to be analyzed by the International Court of Justice, by Maria Antonia Tigre, Katelyn Horne, and Michael Gerrard, April 27, 2023

More publications are available here.
The Sabin Center and the Columbia Center on Sustainable Investment are jointly hiring for the following positions, as part of a Climate Law & Finance initiative:
  • Senior Legal Researcher: We are seeking a Researcher to support a new initiative on climate law and finance. The researcher will work collaboratively with CCSI's and the Sabin Center’s Leadership and Research Staff to analyze the interrelated legal, finance, and policy pathways critical to achieving global climate goals and facilitating the energy transition. 
  • Senior Staff Associate: We are seeking a Staff Associate who will execute the Centers’ applied research agenda on the role of law and finance in addressing climate change and accelerating the energy transition. 
More details about each position, minimum qualifications, and how to apply here

Upcoming Events & Videos of Past Events

Key Environmental Issues in U.S. EPA Region 2
Friday, May 19, 2023
Columbia Law School, Jerome Greene Hall, 435 West 116th Street, New York City

This biennial conference examines key and emerging environmental issues in the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Region 2 area, which includes New York, New Jersey, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands. CLE credit will be available.

Register here
Details regarding discounted rates & full program are available here

Sponsored by EPA Region 2, the environmental sections of the American, New York State, New Jersey State, and New York City Bar Associations, and the Sabin Center.
Ocean Visions Webinar Series: Model Legislation to Advance Ocean Carbon Dioxide Removal Research
Date: Thursday, May 11, 2023
Time: 12 - 1 PM EDT
Format: Webinar

With support from Ocean VisionsSabin Center for Climate Change Law at Columbia University recently published model federal legislation to advance safe and responsible ocean carbon dioxide removal research in the United States.

In this webinar, Romany Webb, Associate Research Scholar at Columbia Law School and Deputy Director of the Sabin Center for Climate Change Law, will describe the existing legal framework for ocean carbon dioxide removal research in the U.S. and highlight key gaps and shortcomings in that framework. She will also discuss possible legal reforms to facilitate safe and responsible ocean carbon dioxide removal research. A key focus will be on new model legislation the Sabin Center developed to streamline the permitting of research projects and ensure they are conducted in a scientifically sound way that minimizes risks and maximizes benefits.

Register here

Climate Litigation: This Time It's Personal
Date: Thursday, May 11, 2023
Time: 10 AM - 11:15 AM CEST; 4 AM in Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Format: Webinar

Climate change litigation is on the rise globally. This event, featuring our executive director Michael Burger, will focus on a growing trend, highlighted by some recent cases, of the "personalisation" of climate litigation- starting from the scientific progress underpinning that evolution, then focusing on individual persons' rights to a safe climate, and eventually examining obligations to act on climate change.

Register here. 
This webinar is organized by the University of Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne and Sciences Po
On April 27, the Sabin Center's Peer Review Network hosted a webinar on Advisory Opinions on Climate Change: An Overview of a Quartet of Simultaneous Requests.

Watch the video below. 
On April 25, the Sabin Center and CCSI co-hosted the webinar,
"Does Antitrust Help or Hinder Sustainability?"

Watch the video below. 

New on the Climate Law Blog

Updates to the Climate Case Charts

Here are highlights of this month's climate litigation update. The full update is available here:

Supreme Court Denied Fossil Fuel Companies’ Requests for Certiorari on Jurisdictional Issues in State and Local Government Climate Cases
On April 24, 2023, the U.S. Supreme Court denied fossil fuel industry defendants’ petitions for writ of certiorari seeking review of decisions affirming remand orders that sent climate change cases brought by state and local governments back to state courts. The fossil fuel companies had asked the Court to consider whether there was federal jurisdiction over state-law claims seeking redress for injuries allegedly caused by the effects of interstate or transboundary greenhouse gas emissions on the global climate because federal common law necessarily governs such claims. The petition in cases brought by the City and County of Honolulu and the County of Maui also presented a question regarding the application of the federal officer removal statute. Justice Alito did not participate in the consideration of or decision on the petitions. In the case brought by Colorado local governments, the order list noted that Justice Kavanaugh would have granted the petition. The April 24 denials of certiorari involved decisions by four circuit courts of appeals (First, Fourth, Ninth, and Tenth) and 11 cases. A petition for writ of certiorari was still pending for review of the Third Circuit’s decision affirming remand orders in cases brought by the City of Hoboken and State of Delaware. The petition was scheduled for the Court’s conference on May 11. Suncor Energy (U.S.A.) Inc. v. Board of County Commissioners of Boulder County, No. 21-1550 (U.S. Apr. 24, 2023); BP p.l.c. v. Mayor & City Council of Baltimore, 22-361 (U.S. Apr. 24, 2023); Shell Oil Products Co. v. Rhode Island, No. 22-524 (U.S. Apr. 24, 2023); Chevron Corp. v. County of San Mateo, No. 22-495 (U.S. Apr. 24, 2023); Sunoco LP v. City & County of Honolulu, No. 22-523 (U.S. Apr. 24, 2023); BP America Inc. v. Delaware, No. 22-821 (U.S.)
Ninth Circuit Said Federal Law Preempts Berkeley Ban on Natural Gas Piping in New Construction
Reversing a district court’s decision, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals held that the Energy Policy and Conservation Act (EPCA) expressly preempts the City of Berkeley’s 2019 ordinance banning the installation of natural gas piping in newly constructed buildings. EPCA’s preemption provision provides that after a federal energy conservation standard becomes effective for a “covered product,” “no State regulation concerning the energy efficiency, energy use, or water use of such covered product shall be effective with respect to such product.” A “covered product” includes consumer products such as kitchen ovens. The Ninth Circuit concluded that Berkeley’s ordinance was a “regulation concerning the … energy use” of a covered product because the plain text and structure of EPCA’s preemption provision “encompasses building codes that regulate natural gas use by covered products,” including by eliminating the use of natural gas. The Ninth Circuit disagreed with the district court’s interpretation of EPCA preemption as limited to facial regulations of consumer products, finding that “EPCA preemption extends to regulations that address the products themselves and the on-site infrastructure for their use of natural gas.” The Ninth Circuit also rejected Berkeley’s argument that the plaintiff—the California Restaurant Association—lacked standing because it did not establish an imminent harm to its members. There were two concurring opinions. The first suggested a need for further guidance on the question of whether the presumption against preemption applies to express preemption provisions like the one in EPCA. The second concurrence expressed “reservations” about the plaintiff’s standing since the complaint did not identify an individual member injured by the ordinance; it also explained why the judge believed that the Berkeley ordinance “cuts to the heart” of what EPCA preemption was intended to prevent: “state and local manipulation of building codes for new construction to regulate the natural gas consumption of covered products when gas service is otherwise available to premises where such products are used.” Sabin Center Senior Fellow Amy Turner published a Climate Law blog post about the Ninth Circuit’s decision and its implications for other local laws. California Restaurant Association v. City of Berkeley, No. 21-16278 (9th Cir. Apr. 17, 2023)

Mexican Supreme Court Denied Claim that Elimination of Climate Change Fund Violated Constitutional Right to Healthy Environment

The General Law on Climate Change in Mexico was issued in 2012. This law contemplated the Climate Change Fund, a public trust fund created to increase the existing resources to address climate change. According to article 80 of the Law, it had the objective of attracting and channeling public, private, national, and international financial resources to support the implementation of actions to address climate change. However, in 2020 the Mexican Congress reformed the Law and eliminated the Climate Change Fund.
In December 2020, the Mexican Center for Environmental Law (CEMDA) filed a complaint challenging the amendments, arguing among other things, that it violates the constitutional right to a healthy environment. CEMDA requested an injunction to suspend the effects of the amendments, asking the Court to stop the elimination of the Fund. The injunction was denied, and CEMDA appealed the decision before a Collegiate Tribunal. The Tribunal decided in August 2021 to send the appeal to the Mexican Supreme Court.
On April 12, 2023, the Supreme Court decided that it is not up to the judges to evaluate whether a public policy, in a broad sense, is suitable to fulfill a specific purpose, since these decisions correspond to the executive and legislative branches of government. Considering that the modification of the strategy to combat climate change (to extinguish the Climate Change Fund and transfer that budget directly assigned to the Environmental Secretariat) is a matter of public policy, this modification cannot be analyzed by judges. Legislators have ample freedom to determine the mechanisms they deem appropriate to direct the policy to combat climate change.
Furthermore, it was determined that it was not demonstrated that the Fund’s resources, after the modification, will not be used in a correct, transparent, and equitable manner. Therefore, the lower court’s decision was confirmed, and the claim was denied. Mexican Center for Environmental Law (CEMDA) v. Mexico (on the Climate Change Fund) (Supreme Court, Mexico)


Full Climate Case Chart Update
Please send additional material for inclusion in the climate case charts to
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Columbia Law School
435 West 116th Street
New York, New York 10027

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