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The Magic of Clarity Breaks

Dear Reader
Right now we are bombarded with information - with technology, with artificial intelligence, with different things, media - everything is in our minds. And some days it can become a little overwhelming.

A handy tool that we teach in EOS is called Clarity Breaks. A Clarity Break is designed to lift you out of the business, so that you can in a higher place and look down on the business, and start working on the business and not in the business.

The way this works is, you've got to give yourself, your brain, a clarity break. You need to remove yourself from your office. If you have a physical office, you've got to do this out of the office. Even if you work from home from time to time, you cannot do this at home either. It needs to be in a neutral space. It needs to signal to your mind that you're in a neutral space - where people aren't going to reach you and where you're safe.

You then have time, from 30 to 90 minutes you set aside, to think about the business. Think about the systems in the business, the processes in the business. Put yourself on the balcony and look down on the business, and think about how you can do things better.

A  recommendation if you don't know what to do: for the first clarity break just simply take a notebook and a pen, and when you get there journal, write. The act of writing is a signal to your brain that, okay, we're becoming creative now. We're going to do different things and the idea is that you keep writing, keep journaling and thinking on the business.

You'll have two distinct benefits when you come back to the business.

First of all, you'll be much more clear -  there will be clarity on what you want to do next, because you've lifted yourself up and you can see the bigger picture.

The second thing is, because you come with this clarity to the business, your confidence will grow. You will be a more compelling leader. You will be more inspirational and people will see, this person is actually spending the time to think, because leadership is all about thinking. Thinking about, what does a better tomorrow look like?

There you go. A clarity break of between 30 and 90 minutes, maybe weekly, maybe monthly, depends what works for yourself, but schedule it today and you will never look back.

Hopefully that's helpful. If you want to know more about EOS and how this magic can be part of your life and your business, talk to me and I'll do a complimentary 90 minute meeting to tell you and your leadership, all about it.

Have a great week.

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Best wishes,
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