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Parshas Naso - Shvi'i with Rashi

Zos Chanukas Hamizbeiach!” Here are all of the presents that the Nesiim brought to get the Mizbeiach ready to be used every day.

The Torah tells us how many there were all together, so we can see that ALL of their presents made Hashem happy! All together there were:

- 12 silver bowls
- 12 small silver bowls
All together they weighed 2,400 shekels of silver

- 12 golden spoons full of Ketores
All together they weighed 120 shekels of gold

- 12 bulls
- 12 rams
- 12 lambs

And for the Korban Shlomim:
- 24 oxen
- 60 rams
- 60 goats
- 60 lambs

Now the Torah tells us how Hashem would speak to Moshe Rabbeinu in the Mishkan:

When Moshe came into the Mishkan to speak to Hashem, he would hear Hashem speaking SO loud — like the way it sounded on Har Sinai! But it was a neis — Moshe could only hear it INSIDE the Mishkan — nobody could hear it outside!

Still, it sounded to Moshe like Hashem was talking to Himself, and Moshe was just listening in.

The sound came from between the Keruvim on top of the Aron. Moshe heard it from in the Kodesh — he didn’t go into the Kodesh Hakodoshim.

(Unless the Torah tells us that Hashem spoke to Aharon also, Hashem was only talking to Moshe.)



39 - 43

In today’s Tehillim, it says “Haysa Li Dimasi Lechem Yomam Valayla, Be’emor Eilai Kol Hayom Ayei Elokecha.” “My tears were like my food all day and night, when they say to me all day ‘Where is Hashem?’”

The Rebbe explains that this posuk is saying that for a person to really be close to Hashem, we need to be crying for Hashem ALL the time, not just on Shavuos or only when we’re davening, but even when we’re eating or playing on a regular weekday.



Shaar Hayichud Veha'emunah Perek Alef

This part of Tanya is called “Shaar HaYichud VeHaEmunah.” This means that it talks about the mitzvah of knowing that Hashem is One — understanding that there is nothing separate from Hashem, even if it sometimes looks like that. We will learn about how that is, and the things that we are not able to understand, and we need to take in a way of Emunah.

First the Alter Rebbe tells us that there are two ways of understanding Achdus Hashem, knowing that Hashem is One. They are hinted to in the pesukim of Shema and Boruch Shem. The Alter Rebbe will explain these two ways (Yichuda Ila’a and Yichuda Tata’a) in Shaar HaYichud VeHaEmunah.

The Alter Rebbe starts with a posuk in the Torah.

There is a posuk in the Torah that says “Veyadaata Hayom Vehasheivosa El Levavaecha Ki Hashem Hu HaElokim, Bashomayim Mimaal Ve’al Haaretz Mitachas, Ein Od” — “You should know today and take to your heart that Hashem is our G-d, high in Shomayim and under the earth — there is nothing else.”

The Alter Rebbe starts to explain this posuk with another posuk in Tehillim: “Leolam Hashem Devarcha Nitzav Bashomayim” — “Hashem’s Word is always in Shomayim.”

The Baal Shem Tov explains what this means: “Hashem’s Word” means the words Hashem used to make the world — the Asara Maamaros (for example “Yehi Or”, “Yehi Rakia”). And the word “Leolam,” “forever”, means that Hashem has to keep on saying these words for the world to be there. If He stopped, the world would just completely disappear, just like it was before Hashem made it.

The Arizal says that it’s not just people that need the chayus of the words of Hashem to be constantly in them — even things that don’t move (like rocks) also need this chayus or else they can’t be there.

The Rebbe points out that today’s Tanya has a very special connection to Shavuos, because it mentions the 3 Tzadikim connected to Shavuos!

- Moshe Rabbeinu who gave us the Torah on Shavuos (there’s a posuk from Torah — Veyadaata Hayom)
- Dovid Hamelech whose yartzeit is Shavuos (there’s a posuk from his Tehillim — Leolam Hashem)
- Baal Shem Tov whose yartzeit is Shavuos (the Alter Rebbe brings his explanation on the posuk)



Zayin Sivan

Outside of Eretz Yisroel, on the second day of Shavuos we say Birchas Kohanim. Today’s Hayom Yom tells us our minhagim when we hear Birchas Kohanim:

1) We are supposed to face a certain way during the bracha.

When the Kohanim say:
- Yevarechecha — face forward
- Hashem — turn your head to the right side
- Veyishmerecha — face forward
- Ya’eir — turn your head to the left side.
Do this pattern for all the words — face forward, head to the right, face forward, head to the left; again forward, to the right, and so on until the end of the bracha.

2) We say a special Tefillah to ask Hashem that our dreams happen in a good way. The Rebbe shows us where we say this.

We only say this paragraph, Ribono Shel Olam, while the Kohanim are SINGING the tune that comes before the words. When they say the words we need to be quiet and listen. We say one part before each of the last three words. (You can see where the parts end in the Siddur because it has two dots like at the end of a posuk.)

3) After Birchas Kohanim, we say a paragraph called Adir Bamarom, and the Rebbe tells us when we say that.

We say this paragraph right after saying Amein to the last bracha the Kohanim give us, while we’re still covered with the Tallis.



Shiur #35 - Mitzvas Asei #215

Today in Sefer Hamitzvos we learn the same mitzvah again — (Mitzvas Asei #215) that every Jewish boy needs to have a Bris Milah. A father has a mitzvah to make sure his son has one.

We learn this mitzvah from a posuk in Lech Lecha: הִמּוֹל לָכֶם כָּל זָכָר
The details are explained in Mesechta Shabbos perek Yud-Tes and Mesechta Yevamos perek Daled.

We also say the beginning of the Rambam’s nusach in davening. (This is one of the places where people who do Sefer Hamitzvos say the exact same thing as those who learn 3 perakim of Rambam!)



Hilchos Milah - Tefillos MiKol Hashana

In today’s Rambam, we learn the halachos about how to do a bris and which brachos to say.

Perek Beis: We are allowed to make a bris on Shabbos, but we need to prepare everything before Shabbos. If we forgot, we need to do the Bris Milah the next day.

Perek Gimmel: We learn the brachos we say when we do a Bris Milah. There is a bracha for the mohel, and a bracha for the father.

Then we end the second sefer of Rambam! As an addition to this sefer, where we learned the halachos of davening, we start reading through the whole davening according to the Rambam’s siddur.

If you pay attention, you will see many differences between our nusach and the Rambam’s nusach!



Hilchos Talmud Torah - Perek Vov

In Perek Vov, we learn that we need to show kavod to every Talmid Chochom, because of the Torah they learned! The Rambam teaches us that we also need to show kavod to ANYONE who is very old — even if they aren’t Jewish.

It is so important to show kavod for a Talmid Chochom, that if someone doesn’t, they are separated from the rest of the Yidden by being put into cherem until they do teshuvah. The Rambam also tells us the other 23 things that might make someone deserve to be put into cherem.

icon of clock



At the end of Yom Tov, to bring the Kedusha of Yom Tov into the rest of the year, the Rebbe would always make a farbrengen — and we do too!

We sing the niggunim of each of the Rebbeim, because the Rebbeim come and join us when we sing their niggunim. We say Divrei Torah and Chassidus. Since Shavuos is the Yartzeit of the Baal Shem Tov, we should say Chassidus from the Baal Shem Tov.

In these farbrengens, the Rebbe would talk about making sure our shiurim in Torah are strong, like the takanos of Chitas and Rambam, other personal shiurim, and about the chinuch of children.

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Kavana in Lesheim Yichud

Before Boruch She’amar, there is a line in the siddur that starts with the words “Lesheim Yichud.” In this line, we say that our davening will connect “Kudsha Brich Hu” (Hashem) with “Shechintei” (the Shechinah). Chassidus explains that the level of Hashem that is called “Kudsha Brich Hu” is the source of all Torah and mitzvos. Shechintei (Shechinah) is the source of all of the neshamos of Yidden.

When we say Lesheim Yichud, we are saying that Kudsha Brich Hu, as the source of all Torah and mitzvos, connects with all Yidden together.

When we say Lesheim Yichud, we should think:

I am not just davening myself. I am part of Shechintei, part of Klal Yisroel! It is not just me that is davening to You Hashem, WE are all asking You to give us everything we need to serve You! When we all come together, Hashem, You will have to give us what we ask for. This will bring us all close to You, Hashem!

Many have a minhag to say Lesheim Yichud before EVERY mitzvah. In Chabad, we say Lesheim Yichud only once a day, before Boruch She’amar. That becomes the Lesheim Yichud for the whole day!

This kavana is an avodah. It can change how we think, and can change our whole day!

For example, I might see an article about how some Yidden didn’t make a Kiddush Hashem when they were rushing around Erev Yom Tov. I could think, “Well, my family made a Kiddush Hashem! I’m so glad we’re not like that.” But then I need to stop and think: Hashem doesn’t just want ME to be doing the right thing, Hashem needs all of us together! How can I help make sure that ALL OF US are making a Kiddush Hashem wherever we go?



Torah and Story of Baal Shem Tov

Shavuos is the yartzeit of the Baal Shem Tov.

There is a minhag from the Rebbeim to tell over a story and a Dvar Torah of the Baal Shem Tov on Shavuos. The Rebbe says that it is appropriate for everyone who knows about the minhag to keep it!

Here is one Dvar Torah of the Baal Shem Tov, from Hayom Yom:

The Baal Shem Tov loved light.

The word “ohr” (light) has the same Gematria as the word “Raz,” which means a secret. Someone who knows the secret in everything can bring ohr, light into it! That was what the Baal Shem Tov did: He revealed the secrets of the Torah, Chassidus. This brought much light into the world!

לעילוי נשמת הרה״ח ר׳ דניאל יצחק ע״ה בן ר׳ אפרים שי׳ מאסקאוויץ
שליח כ"ק אדמו"ר נשיא דורנו למדינת אילינוי



Learning Torah Straight From Hashem!

The Navi Yeshaya told nevuos about the Geulah to the Yidden of his time. They were later written in Nach for Yidden of EVERY generation to know!

Yeshaya told the Yidden that even though during Golus Yidden are busy running after taavos and aren’t interested in the precious Torah and its mitzvos, the Geulah will change things! When Moshiach comes, Hashem will take away our taavos. We won’t be as interested in the Gashmius of the world, and Hashem won’t be hidden anymore! We will be able to see Hashem clearly and learn His holy Torah with joy!

וְנָתַן לָכֶם ה׳ לֶחֶם צַר וּמַיִם לָחַץ וְלֹא יִכָּנֵף עוֹד מוֹרֶיךָ וְהָיוּ עֵינֶיךָ רֹאוֹת אֶת מוֹרֶיךָ

VeNasan Hashem Lachem — In the times of the Geulah, Hashem will put in your hearts

Lechem Tzar Umayim Lachatz — That a little bit of bread and a little bit of water will be enough for you to be happy, you won’t be running after taavos anymore.

Velo Yikanef Od Morecha — And your Teacher, Hashem, won’t be hidden from you anymore

Vehayu Einecha Ro’os Es Morecha — And your eyes will be able to see your Teacher, Hashem!

In the time of the Geulah, Hashem will be so close to all of the Yidden.

See Yeshaya perek Lamed posuk Chof

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לע"נ התינוק זאב ארי' ע"ה בן יבלט"א הרה"ח ר' שניאור זלמן שי' גליק
נפטר ב' מנחם אב ה'תשע"ג

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