Anne Wetherill Lee Poetry Reading at Willowtail Springs
Wednesday, May 24,  4 pm
Anne W. Lee’s poetry brings alive life's ordinary and extraordinary experiences. She takes poetry as an art form off the page through her live performance reading, so it leaves an impression on the mind, heart, and body of the listener.  It becomes accessible to the listener regardless of background or previous exposure to poetry.

This reading of Anne’s poetry and prose from her well-received book “IN ROUNDS” gives entry to a new experience where the visual and sensory aspects of language are your guide to the color palette of life.  Anne embraces poet Mary Oliver’s advice, “Instructions for living a life––Pay attention. Be astonished. Tell about it!”

As that ‘astonished’ writer from her teen years through college and on through decades of family life and a professional career as a Marriage and Family Therapist, Anne’s insightful writing is her storytelling. Stories and reflections that may resonate with your story as well!
Anne will share the WOW! found in her observations and reflections on the complexities of relationships, the impact from wrestling with the bigger questions of life, and her visceral response to the glories of Nature.  Several of her works were written in reflection of her years visiting Colorado.
This engaging afternoon presentation will include time for interesting questions and answers, uplifting conversation, and book signing.  Come join Willowtail Spring’s inspiring celebration of the Arts with this season’s resident literary artist Anne W. Lee.
RSVP: or 970-560-0333.  Seating is limited in the Treehouse.  Donations will be gratefully accepted.
Willowtail Springs is located on Diné Bí Kéyah, traditional Navajo land, near the escarpment of the northern sacred mountain, Dibé Ntsaa. It is also part of the open range of the Ute people, now living on the Ute Mountain Ute and Southern Ute Tribal Allotment reservations to the southwest and southeast. Additionally, Mesa Verde and the surrounding lands in Montezuma County and the Four Corners Region were occupied by the Ancestral Puebloan People a thousand years ago. We honor the past, present, and future indigenous people residing in this region and recognize them as long standing stewards of this land, amplifying our work by their historical presence and their living contributions to land preservation efforts across this region.
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Warm wishes,
Peggy Cloy
and the Willowtail Team
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