
Your Impact Report

Dear <<First Name>> and friends, 
At the end of another extraordinary year I wanted to take a moment to express my deepest gratitude for your unwavering support and generosity towards CrossReach. You and your Church are not just valued supporters, but integral members of our extended CrossReach family. Your dedication and compassion have made a profound impact on the lives of countless individuals throughout Scotland.

Over the past year CrossReach has continued to provide essential care and support to those who rely on our services. I am pleased to share with you our latest Impact Report, which highlights stories of transformed lives, moments of hope, and the power of love in action across our Scotland. Good social care relies on the power of enabling and supportive relationships. Our relationship with you and your steadfast commitment to us have played a vital role in making all of this possible.

The challenges we face as a charity sector are well publicised and significant but with your support we can continue to advocate for change. We have been actively engaging with the Scottish Government on some of the most critical issues , highlighting the need to understand the real value of both our supported people and the workforce which supports them so that the appropriate investment is made and that all citizens of Scotland can flourish, whatever their circumstances.   Our partnership with you empowers us to amplify our voice and bring about positive change.

I invite you to take a few moments to have a look at your Impact Report by clicking the image below. As you read through the pages, I hope you will feel a sense of pride and accomplishment, knowing that you have played an instrumental role in creating something truly special.
Your generosity has not only enhanced lives but also brought hope to those who need it the most. Your support is not just a donation; it is a lifeline. With your continued dedication, we can continue to make a lasting difference in the lives of individuals and communities across Scotland.

Once again, I extend my heartfelt gratitude for your invaluable support and for your incredible generosity towards us.

Together we are helping to shape the future for individuals and for our society.

Kind Regards,

Viv Dickenson
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